
41 行
1.1 KiB
Raw パーマリンク Blame 履歴


このファイルには、他の文字と見間違える可能性があるUnicode文字が含まれています。 それが意図的なものと考えられる場合は、この警告を無視して構いません。 それらの文字を表示するにはエスケープボタンを使用します。

from PIL import Image
backgroundColor = (0,)*3
pixelSize = 8
image = Image.open('pixelate_input.png')
image = image.resize((image.size[0]/pixelSize, image.size[1]/pixelSize), Image.NEAREST)
image = image.resize((image.size[0]*pixelSize, image.size[1]*pixelSize), Image.NEAREST)
pixel = image.load()
for i in range(0,image.size[0],pixelSize):
for j in range(0,image.size[1],pixelSize):
for r in range(pixelSize):
pixel[i+r,j] = backgroundColor
pixel[i,j+r] = backgroundColor
Allocates storage for the image and loads it from the file (or from the source, for lazy operations). In normal cases, you dont need to call this method, since the Image class automatically loads an opened image when it is accessed for the first time.
(New in 1.1.6) In 1.1.6 and later, load returns a pixel access object that can be used to read and modify pixels. The access object behaves like a 2-dimensional array, so you can do:
pix = im.load()
print pix[x, y]
pix[x, y] = value
Access via this object is a lot faster than getpixel and putpixel.