pixelisation v3 : hac.py

This commit is contained in:
rep 2015-12-10 23:44:14 +01:00
부모 8045d3c2ba
커밋 a54321559d
3개의 변경된 파일186개의 추가작업 그리고 48개의 파일을 삭제

geany_run_script.sh Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
rm $0
python "hac.py"
echo "
(program exited with code: $?)"
echo "Press return to continue"
#to be more compatible with shells like dash
read dummy_var

hac.py Normal file
파일 보기

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
# coding: utf-8
import sys
import Image
import random
import os
import ImageDraw
import ImageFont
import ImageFilter
from time import gmtime, strftime
import time
import ImageEnhance
import pickle
allongement = 2
im1 = Image.open(str(sys.argv[1]))
im2 = Image.new("RGBA",(im1.size[0], im1.size[1]))
im3 = Image.new("RGBA",(im1.size[0], im1.size[1]))
im4 = Image.new("RGBA",(im1.size[0], im1.size[1]))
im5 = Image.new("RGBA",(im1.size[0], im1.size[1]))
im6 = Image.new("RGBA",(im1.size[0]*allongement, im1.size[1]))
Larg = im1.size[0]
Haut = im1.size[1]
loadfile = False
def randHaut():
return random.randint(0, im1.size[1]/8)*8
randomCoupeHauteur = [0, \
randHaut(),randHaut(),randHaut(),randHaut(), \
randHaut(),randHaut(),randHaut(),randHaut(), \
randHaut(),randHaut(),randHaut(),randHaut(), \
randHaut(),randHaut(),randHaut(),randHaut(), \
randHaut(),randHaut(),randHaut(),randHaut(), \
randHaut(),randHaut(),randHaut(),randHaut(), \
randHaut(),randHaut(),randHaut(),randHaut(), \
randHaut(),randHaut(),randHaut(),randHaut(), \
def Hacheur(haut, bas) :
n = 0
i = 0
while n<im6.size[0] :
loop = 0
proportions = [\
choix_rnd = random.randint(0, len(proportions)-1)
largeur = proportions[choix_rnd][0]
randomCopyPosi = random.randint(0, (im1.size[0]-largeur))
largeur = proportions[choix_rnd][0]
repeat = proportions[choix_rnd][1]
pixelSizeList = [1,1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128]
pixelSizeIndex = random.randint(0,len(pixelSizeList)-1)
pixelSize = pixelSizeList[pixelSizeIndex]
hauteur = bas-haut
cropfinal = [largeur,hauteur]
if largeur % pixelSize != 0:
croop = int(largeur / pixelSize)
largeur = (croop + 1 ) * pixelSize
if hauteur % pixelSize != 0:
croop2 = int(hauteur / pixelSize)
hauteur = (croop2 + 1 ) * pixelSize
im2 = im1.crop((randomCopyPosi,haut,randomCopyPosi+largeur,haut+hauteur))
im3 = im2.resize((im2.size[0]/pixelSize, im2.size[1]/pixelSize), Image.NEAREST)
im4 = im3.resize((im3.size[0]*pixelSize, im3.size[1]*pixelSize), Image.NEAREST)
im5 = im4.crop((0,0,cropfinal[0],cropfinal[1]))
while loop<repeat:
px1 = n
px2 = n + cropfinal[0]
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im5)
draw.line((0, 0, 4, 0), fill="rgb(255,255,255)")
draw.line((0, 0, 0, 4), fill="rgb(255,255,255)")
im6.paste(im5, (px1, haut, px2, bas))
n = n + cropfinal[0]
loop = loop + 1
for j in range(len(randomCoupeHauteur)-1):
Hacheur(randomCoupeHauteur[j], randomCoupeHauteur[j+1])
scriptpy = str(sys.argv[1])
script = scriptpy[:-3]
n = "1.1"
im6.save(script+"."+n+"_"+strftime("%Y%m%d-%Hh%Mm%Ss", gmtime())+".png",'PNG', quality=100)

파일 보기

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ multiples 768 : 768 1536 2304 3072 3840 4608 5376 6144 6912 7680 8448 9216 9984
#rapport d'allongement de la nouvelle image par rapport à la largeur de l'image originale
allongement = 2
allongement = 1
#ouvertrure de l'image source et conversion en mode couleur 1bit
#im1 = Image.open(str(sys.argv[1])).convert('1')
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ for i in range(1):
# genre comme si qu'on avait un 16 pistes :)
# nombre aleatoire compris dans les limites de l'image
def randHaut():
return random.randint(0, im1.size[1]/32)*32
return random.randint(0, im1.size[1]/8)*8
if loadfile:
randomCoupeHauteur = seq.randomCoupeHauteur
@ -112,35 +112,25 @@ def Hacheur(haut, bas) :
choix_rnd = seq.choix[i]
randomCopyPosi = seq.randomCopyPosi[i]
8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72 80 88 96 104 112 120 128 136 144 152 160 168
#proportions = [(160,6),(120,4),(120,8),(80,16),(60,16),(20,32),(8,24),(8,16),(5,64),(3,24),(2,24),(1,256),(1,128),(1,64),(1,32),(1,16),(1,8)]
#proportions = [(2560,1),(1280,2),(1280,1),(640,2),(640,1),(320,4),(320,2),(160,6),(160,2),(120,4),(120,8),(120,1),(80,16),(80,4),(64,16),(64,8),(64,1),(24,32),(24,16),(16,32),(16,16),(16,8),(16,2),(16,1),(8,24),(8,16),(8,8),(8,4),(8,2),(8,1)]
#proportions = [(2560,1),(1280,2),(1280,1),(640,2),(640,1),(320,4),(320,2),(160,6),(160,2),(120,4),(120,8),(120,1),(80,16),(80,4),(64,16),(64,8),(64,1),(32,1),(32,2),(32,4),(32,8),(32,32),(16,1),(16,2),(16,4),(16,16),(16,32)]
#proportions = [(2560,1),(1280,2),(1280,1),(640,2),(640,1),(320,4),(320,2),(160,6),(160,2),(120,4),(120,8),(120,1),(80,16),(80,4),(64,16),(64,8),(64,1),(32,1),(32,2),(32,4),(32,8),(32,32),(16,1),(16,2),(16,4),(16,16),(16,32)]
proportions = [ (16,2),(16,4),(16,8),(16,16),(16,32),\
proportions = [ (768,2),\
proportions = [\
seq.proportions = proportions
@ -152,7 +142,7 @@ def Hacheur(haut, bas) :
largeur = proportions[choix_rnd][0]
# positionnement de la copie, aleatoirement, entre 0 et la largeur totale de l'image
randomCopyPosi = random.randint(0, (im1.size[0]-largeur))
randomCopyPosi = random.randint(0, (im1.size[0]-largeur-32))
#randomCopyPosi = seq.randomCopyPosi
@ -172,12 +162,12 @@ def Hacheur(haut, bas) :
cx2 = randomCopyPosi + largeur
#print "im3 = im2.crop : "+str(im3.size)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im4)
#draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im4)
loop = 0
#pixelSizeList = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,4,4,8]
pixelSizeList = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,4,8,16]
pixelSizeList = [1,8,16,32]
pixelSizeIndex = random.randint(0,len(pixelSizeList)-1)
pixelSize = pixelSizeList[pixelSizeIndex]
@ -194,34 +184,49 @@ def Hacheur(haut, bas) :
bas droit (largeur-1, hauteur-1)
print "-------------------------------------------"
print "largeur="+str(largeur)
print "hauteur="+str(hauteur)
print pixelSize
if largeur % pixelSize != 0:
croop = largeur / pixelSize
largeur = (int(croop) + 1 ) * pixelSize
croop = int(largeur / pixelSize)
largeur = (croop + 1 ) * pixelSize
print "croop="+str(croop)
print "pixelSize="+str(pixelSize)
print "largeur="+str(largeur)
if hauteur % pixelSize != 0:
croop2 = hauteur / pixelSize
hauteur = (int(croop2) + 1 ) * pixelSize
croop2 = int(hauteur / pixelSize)
hauteur = (croop2 + 1 ) * pixelSize
print "hauteur="+str(hauteur)
# decoupage du sample
# decoupage du sample :
# sample aux dimensions de l'effet
im5 = im2.crop((randomCopyPosi,haut,randomCopyPosi+largeur,haut+hauteur))
im3 = im2.crop((cx1,haut,cx2,bas))
#boutImage = im3
#im3 = Image.new("RGBA",(im1.size[0], im1.size[1]))
if pixelSize > 1 :
im5 = im5.resize((im3.size[0]/pixelSize, im3.size[1]/pixelSize), Image.NEAREST)
im5 = im5.resize((im3.size[0]*pixelSize, im3.size[1]*pixelSize), Image.NEAREST)
boutImage = im5.resize((im5.size[0]/pixelSize, im5.size[1]/pixelSize), Image.NEAREST)
boutImage = im5.resize((im5.size[0]*pixelSize, im5.size[1]*pixelSize), Image.NEAREST)
else :
boutImage = im5
im3 = im5.crop((0,0,cropfinal[0],cropfinal[1]))
# le sample final (bonnes dimensions)
im3 = boutImage.crop((0,0,cropfinal[0],cropfinal[1]))
print "im5.size="+str(im5.size)
print "im3.size1="+str(im3.size)
while loop<repeat:
px1 = n
px2 = n + largeur
px2 = n + cropfinal[0]
#lignes colorées de 1 pix
#draw = ImageDraw.Draw(boutImage)
#draw.line((0,0,0,4), fill="rgb(128,128,128)")
@ -230,11 +235,17 @@ def Hacheur(haut, bas) :
draw.line((0, 0, largeur-1, 0), fill="rgb(255,255,255)")
draw.line((largeur-1, 0, largeur-1, bas-haut), fill="rgb(255,255,255)")
print "px2-px1="+str(px2-px1)
print "bas-haut="+str(bas-haut)
print "im4.size="+str(im4.size)
im4.paste(im3, (px1, haut, px2, bas))
n = n + largeur
loop = loop + 1
''' OPTIONS '''
def TrancheHorizontale() :
# tirage au hasard de la bande copiee