
31 lines
636 B
Raw Normal View History

2018-11-10 11:31:31 +01:00
2018-11-10 11:31:31 +01:00
# making the bubulles library
# for compiling on FreeBSD :
# $ gmake CC=clang tbb
2018-11-10 11:31:31 +01:00
2018-11-16 15:31:33 +01:00
CC = gcc
2020-06-05 10:49:38 +02:00
2018-11-10 11:31:31 +01:00
2020-06-05 00:17:17 +02:00
libbubulles.a: bubulles.o importobj.o
2019-09-17 18:37:39 +02:00
ar r $@ $?
2018-11-10 11:31:31 +01:00
bubulles.o: bubulles.c bubulles.h Makefile
$(CC) $(OPT) -c $<
2018-11-10 12:22:28 +01:00
2020-06-05 00:17:17 +02:00
importobj.o: importobj.c bubulles.h Makefile
$(CC) $(OPT) -c $<
2020-05-09 21:44:10 +02:00
# ------------------------------------------------
# --- build some tests and tools
2018-11-10 12:22:28 +01:00
2018-11-10 11:31:31 +01:00
tbb: tbb.c bubulles.h bubulles.o Makefile
$(CC) $(OPT) $< bubulles.o -o tbb
2018-11-10 11:31:31 +01:00