et en escadrille ?

This commit is contained in:
Tonton Th 2025-01-06 16:05:57 +01:00
parent 384df739dd
commit 7b186fad2a
2 changed files with 75 additions and 13 deletions

escadrille.pov Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
* H E X A C O N E
* nouveau projet du Thu Dec 5 11:37:05 AM UTC 2024
#version 3.7;
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#declare NormClock = clock / 360.0;
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
// =======================================================
#for (idX, 0, 3)
#for (idZ, 0, 3)
#local posX = (idX * 4.56) - 4.7;
#local posY = 1.8 * (rand(Rng1)-0.5);
#local posZ = (idZ * 4.64) - 9.1;
#local Ry = (rand(Rng1) - 0.5) * 16;
#if (rand(Rng1) < 0.25)
object { HexaCone rotate y*Ry translate <posX, posY, posZ> }
object { HexaBenz rotate y*Ry translate <posX, posY, posZ> }
// =======================================================
light_source { <-8, 7, -9>, rgb <0.81, 0.65, NormClock> }
light_source { < 11, 7, 4>, rgb <1-NormClock, 0.28, 0.80> }
object { Repere scale 5 }
#local CamX = -17.7+(2.6*NormClock);
#local CamY = 11.81+(3.3*Cos_01(NormClock));
#local CamZ = 16.06+Cos_010(NormClock);
camera {
location <CamX, CamY, 16.09>
look_at <0.0, 0.0, 0>
angle 48

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@ -5,34 +5,39 @@
#declare Benz_Cone_Base = object
#local RA = 0.123;
#local RA = 0.120;
#local RB = 0.001;
union {
cone { 0, RA, y, RB }
// cylinder { 0, -0.08*y, RA*1.25 scale <1, 1, 4> }
sphere { 0, RA*1.092 scale <1, 0.64, 6> translate -0.02*y }
sphere { 0, RA*1.098 scale <1, 0.62, 3.2> translate -0.02*y }
#declare Benz_Cones = object
#macro Benz_Cones () // = object
// {
union {
#for (foo, 0, 360, 60)
#local E = 0.40;
#local Tx = E * sin(radians(foo));
#local Ty = E * cos(radians(foo));
object { Benz_Cone_Base
#if ( rand(Rng1) < 0.5 )
texture { Soft_Silver scale 16.50 }
texture { T_Brass_2C scale 13.50 }
rotate -z*foo
translate <Tx, Ty, 0>
// }
// ------------------------------------------------------
#local RT = 0.24;
#local LT = 0.67;
#local LT = 0.61;
#declare Benz_Tubules = object
@ -42,13 +47,17 @@ union {
#for (foo, 0, 360, 20)
#local Tx = E * sin(radians(foo));
#local Ty = E * cos(radians(foo));
#local Dz = z * 2.02;
#local Dz = z * 1.09;
cylinder { -Dz, Dz, R translate <Tx, Ty, 0> }
sphere { -Dz, R translate <Tx, Ty, 0> }
sphere { Dz, R translate <Tx, Ty, 0> }
texture { Yellow_Glass }
#if ( rand(Rng1) < 0.333)
texture { Orange_Glass }
texture { Yellow_Glass }
#declare Benz_Fuseau = object
@ -61,8 +70,8 @@ texture { Gold_Nugget scale 0.56 }
difference {
union {
cylinder { z*LT*2.08, -z*LT, RT }
sphere { z*LT*1.7, RT*0.72 translate y*RT*0.87}
cylinder { z*LT*1.6, -z*LT, RT }
sphere { z*LT*1.5, RT*0.72 translate y*RT*0.87}
cylinder { z*4, -z*4, RT*0.95 }
@ -83,7 +92,8 @@ union {
#declare HexaBenz = object
union {
object { Benz_Cones rotate z*NormClock*99.999}
#local Rk = rand(Rng1) * 666.666;
object { Benz_Cones () rotate z*NormClock*Rk}
object { Benz_Tube }