gigantic refactoring, part one

This commit is contained in:
Tonton Th 2025-01-12 02:33:39 +01:00
parent 5d34aac50c
commit 273312e7c5
17 changed files with 275 additions and 163 deletions

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ POVOPT = +q9 +a0.02 -d
POVDEP = \ datas/hf.png
PNG: essai.png scene.png topview.png passage.png \

View File

@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ union {
object { HexaBalls
texture { Lightning1 scale 0.33 }
rotate <clock/3, clock/6, clock/9>
translate <3, -1.6+1.01*Cos_010(NormClock), 5>
translate <3, -1.2+1.01*Cos_010(NormClock), 5>
object { HexaBalls
texture { Lightning2 scale 0.56 }
// rotate <-clock, clock*0.33333, clock>
translate <5, -1+0.42*Cos_010(NormClock), -4>
translate <5, -1+0.82*Cos_010(NormClock), -4>
@ -62,16 +62,23 @@ blob {
// =======================================================
#declare SzSol = 26;
#declare Le_Sol = object
height_field {
png "datas/hf.png"
translate <-.5, 0, -.5>
scale <21, 0.88, 21>
scale <SzSol, 0.98, SzSol>
texture {
pigment { color DarkGreen }
normal { bumps 0.035 scale 0.186 }
pigment {
// color DarkGreen
image_map { png "datas/cmap.png" }
translate <-.5, 0, -.5>
scale <SzSol, 0.98, SzSol>
// normal { bumps 0.035 scale 0.186 }
finish { phong 0.125 }
@ -90,7 +97,7 @@ union {
union {
#if (1)
light_source {
<0.3, 2.50, 2.8> color Gray90
<0.3, 3.50, 2.8> color Gray90
radius 14 falloff 10 tightness 10
point_at <0, 0.95, 0.22222222>
@ -99,7 +106,7 @@ union {
#if ( (clock>166) & (clock<213) )
light_source {
<2, 0.30, -2> color Yellow
<2, 10.30, -2> color Yellow
radius 12 falloff 20 tightness 10
point_at <-0.08, 0.80, 0.17>
@ -116,7 +123,7 @@ union {
color Couleur
radius 9 falloff 10 tightness 5
radius 12 falloff 10 tightness 5
point_at <0, 0.95, -0.22>
@ -139,7 +146,7 @@ sky_sphere {
scale 1.804
// translate -1
#local Kem = 0.15;
#local Kem = 0.09;
emission rgb <Kem, Kem, Kem>
// }

View File

@ -2,10 +2,11 @@
* nouveau projet Thu Dec 5 11:37:05 AM UTC 2024
#declare RA = 0.127;
#declare RB = 0.001;
#declare HexaCone_shape = object
#local RA = 0.125;
#local RB = 0.001;
union {
cone { 0, RA, <-1, 0, 0>, RB }
cone { 0, RA, < 1, 0, 0>, RB }
@ -16,8 +17,9 @@ union {
#declare HexaCone_body = object
#macro HexaCone_Body ()
// #declare HexaCone_body = object
// {
union {
difference {
object { HexaCone_shape }
@ -27,18 +29,18 @@ union {
RA*0.40 }
difference {
sphere {0, 0.20 }
sphere {0, 0.18 }
cylinder {-x, x, 0.10 }
cylinder {-y, y, 0.10 }
cylinder {-z, z, 0.10 }
sphere {0, 0.21 }
sphere {0, 0.19 }
cylinder {-x, x, 0.11 }
cylinder {-y, y, 0.11 }
cylinder {-z, z, 0.11 }
// clignotement de la lumiere \o/
#local kR = 0.073;
#local kR = 0.065;
#local xR = (rand(Rng2)-0.5000) * kR;
#local yR = (rand(Rng2)-0.5000) * kR;
#local zR = (rand(Rng2)-0.5000) * kR;
#local Value = sin(NormClock * 26.536);
#local Value = sin( (NormClock * 26.536) + (2*rand(Rng1)) );
#if (Value < 0)
#local Couleur = rgb <abs(Value), 0, 0>;
@ -52,8 +54,8 @@ union {
texture { New_Penny }
// }
@ -72,7 +74,8 @@ merge {
#declare HexaCone_radar = object
#declare HexaCone_radar_A = object
union {
#for (foo, 0, 360, 60)
@ -83,13 +86,30 @@ union {
rotate y*(foo-90)
translate <PX, 0, PZ>
#local R2 = 0.08;
torus { R2, 0.0034 translate -0.08*y }
torus { 0.08, 0.0034 translate -0.08*y }
texture { Soft_Silver scale 6.50 }
#declare HexaCone_radar_B = object
union {
#for (foo, 0, 360, 60)
#local RR = 0.12;
#local PX = RR * sin(radians(foo));
#local PZ = RR * cos(radians(foo));
object { Branche_radar scale 2
rotate y*(foo-90)
translate <PX, 0, PZ>
#local R2 = 0.11;
torus { R2, 0.0039 translate -0.08*y }
texture { T_Brass_1C scale 6.50 }
/* ---------------------------------------------------------
* new Mon Dec 16 12:44:44 PM UTC 2024
@ -115,21 +135,25 @@ union {
#declare DTa = 0.278;
#declare DTb = 0.030;
#declare HexaCone_head = object
#local DTa = 0.278;
#local DTb = 0.030;
merge {
difference {
torus { DTa, DTb }
#local TB = 0.50;
#local TB = 0.60;
box { <-TB, -TB, TB>, <TB, TB, 0> }
sphere { 0, DTb*1.55 translate -DTa*x }
sphere { 0, DTb*1.55 translate DTa*x }
sphere { 0, DTb*1.65 translate -DTa*x }
sphere { 0, DTb*1.65 translate DTa*x }
#if (rand(Rng1) < 0.8)
texture { Orange_Glass }
texture { Dark_Green_Glass }
/* ------------------------------------------
@ -155,7 +179,7 @@ union {
#for (foo, -9, 9)
object { Une_Ailettte
translate -0.004*z
rotate z*19
rotate z*21
rotate (foo*35)*x
translate (foo*0.013)*x }
@ -194,7 +218,7 @@ merge {
cylinder { y*Rtuy, y*(Rtuy+0.08), 0.011 scale <2.95, 1, 1> }
sphere { 0, 0.017 scale <4.5, 1, 0.717>
sphere { 0, 0.017 scale <4.8, 1, 0.717>
translate z*(Rtuy+Etuy/3) }
texture { T_Brass_1C }
@ -221,14 +245,20 @@ rotate -y*90
// ###########################################################""
#declare HexaCone = object
#macro HexaCone ()
// #declare HexaCone = object
// {
union {
object { HexaCone_body }
object { HexaCone_Body () }
#local T = 0.55;
object { HexaCone_head translate <0, 0, T+DTa> }
object { HexaCone_radar translate <0, T+0.18, 0> }
#if ( (rand(Rng1) > 0.27) )
object { HexaCone_radar_A translate <0, T+0.18, 0> }
object { HexaCone_radar_B translate <0, T+0.18, 0> }
object { HexaCone_derives translate <0, 0, -0.67> }
object { Les_Reacteurs translate -0.18*y }
// }
#end // macro

View File

@ -8,45 +8,45 @@
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#declare NormClock = clock / 360.0;
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
// =======================================================
#for (idX, 0, 3)
#for (idZ, 0, 3)
#for (idX, 0, 4)
#for (idZ, 0, 4)
#local posX = (idX * 4.56) - 4.7;
#local posY = 1.8 * (rand(Rng1)-0.5);
#local posZ = (idZ * 4.64) - 9.1;
#local posX = (idX * 4.56) - 6.5;
#local posY = 1.3 * (rand(Rng1)-0.5);
#local posZ = (idZ * 4.24) - 8.9;
#local Ry = (rand(Rng1) - 0.5) * 16;
#if (rand(Rng1) < 0.25)
object { HexaCone rotate y*Ry translate <posX, posY, posZ> }
#if (rand(Rng1) < 0.515)
object { HexaCone ()
rotate y*Ry translate <posX, posY, posZ> }
object { HexaBenz rotate y*Ry translate <posX, posY, posZ> }
object { HexaBenz ()
rotate y*Ry translate <posX, posY, posZ> }
// =======================================================
#if (NormClock < 0.08)
light_source { <-8, 7, -9>, rgb <0.81, 0.65, NormClock> }
light_source { < 11, 7, 4>, rgb <1-NormClock, 0.28, 0.80> }
object { Repere scale 5 }
#local CamX = -17.7+(2.6*NormClock);
#local CamY = 11.81+(3.3*Cos_01(NormClock));
#local CamZ = 16.06+Cos_010(NormClock);
light_source { < 11, 7, 4>, rgb <NormClock, 0.28, 0.80> }
// object { Repere scale 5 }
#local CamX = -8.7+(2.6*NormClock);
#local CamY = -5+(6.9*Cos_01(NormClock));
#local CamZ = 15.06+(2.9*Cos_010(NormClock));
camera {
location <CamX, CamY, 16.09>
location <CamX, CamY, CamZ>
look_at <0.0, 0.0, 0>
angle 48
angle 48 - (3.57 * NormClock)

View File

@ -7,10 +7,6 @@
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#declare NormClock = clock / 360.0;
#include ""
@ -22,8 +18,12 @@
#macro Bubble ()
sphere {
0, 0.10
#if ( rand(Rng1) < 0.5 ) pigment { color Cyan }
#else pigment { color Magenta }
#if ( rand(Rng1) < 0.333 )
texture { Ruby_Glass }
#elseif ( rand(Rng1) < 0.666 )
tus texture { Orange_Glass }
texture { Gold_Nugget scale 0.56 }
@ -39,8 +39,13 @@ union {
#declare Les_Machins = object
union {
#for (X, -7, 7)
object { Un_Machin() translate x*X*0.6 }
#for (Xp, -10, 10)
#if ( rand(Rng1) < 0.5 )
object { HexaCone_radar_A translate x*Xp*0.6 }
object { Un_Machin () translate x*Xp*0.6 }

View File

@ -1,14 +1,19 @@
global_settings {
assumed_gamma 1.0
ambient_light rgb <0.17, 0.14, 0.17>
ambient_light rgb <0.23, 0.23, 0.21>
max_trace_level 15
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#declare Rng1 = seed(1337);
#declare foo = rand(Rng1);
#declare Rng2 = seed(now*24*60*60);
#declare foo = rand(Rng2);
#declare bar = rand(Rng2);
#declare NormClock = clock / 360.0;

View File

@ -3,15 +3,16 @@
// =======================================================
#declare Benz_Cone_Base = object
#local RA = 0.120;
#local RB = 0.001;
#macro Benz_Cone_Base () // = object
// {
union {
cone { 0, RA, y, RB }
sphere { 0, RA*1.098 scale <1, 0.62, 3.2> translate -0.02*y }
#local RA = 0.117;
#local RB = 0.001;
cone { 0, RA, y*0.89, RB }
sphere { 0, RA*1.098 scale <1, 0.62, 3.1> translate -0.02*y }
// }
#macro Benz_Cones () // = object
// {
@ -20,9 +21,10 @@ union {
#local E = 0.40;
#local Tx = E * sin(radians(foo));
#local Ty = E * cos(radians(foo));
object { Benz_Cone_Base
object {
Benz_Cone_Base ()
#if ( rand(Rng1) < 0.5 )
texture { Soft_Silver scale 16.50 }
texture { T_Silver_2C scale 11.50 }
texture { T_Brass_2C scale 13.50 }
@ -36,21 +38,22 @@ union {
// ------------------------------------------------------
#local RT = 0.24;
#local LT = 0.61;
#local RT = 0.21;
#local LT = 0.54;
#declare Benz_Tubules = object
union {
#local E = 0.17;
merge {
#local E = 0.167;
#local R = 0.010;
#for (foo, 0, 360, 20)
#local Tx = E * sin(radians(foo));
#local Ty = E * cos(radians(foo));
#local Dz = z * 1.09;
cylinder { -Dz, Dz, R translate <Tx, Ty, 0> }
sphere { -Dz, R translate <Tx, Ty, 0> }
sphere { Dz, R translate <Tx, Ty, 0> }
#local Dza = z * 0.20;
#local Dzb = z * 0.90;
cylinder { -Dza, Dzb, R translate <Tx, Ty, 0> }
sphere { -Dza, R*1.8 translate <Tx, Ty, 0> }
sphere { Dzb, R*1.8 translate <Tx, Ty, 0> }
#if ( rand(Rng1) < 0.333)
@ -62,38 +65,64 @@ union {
#declare Benz_Fuseau = object
sphere { 0, RT*0.39 scale <1, 1, 9> }
difference {
sphere { 0, RT*0.39 }
sphere { 0, RT*0.37 }
cylinder { <-1, 0, -1>, < 1, 0, 1>, RT*0.21 }
cylinder { < 1, 0, -1>, <-1, 0, 1>, RT*0.21 }
scale <1, 1, 4.4>
texture { Gold_Nugget scale 0.56 }
#declare Benz_Fuseau_Flash = object
union {
object { Benz_Fuseau }
light_source { 0,
rgb <rand(Rng2), rand(Rng2), rand(Rng2)>
fade_distance 0.96
fade_power 1.95
rotate -z*clock*6
#declare Benz_Cylindre = object
difference {
union {
cylinder { z*LT*1.6, -z*LT, RT }
sphere { z*LT*1.5, RT*0.72 translate y*RT*0.87}
cylinder { z*LT*1.5, -z*LT, RT }
sphere { z*LT*1.4, RT*0.72 scale <1, 0.73, 1>
translate y*RT*0.87}
cylinder { z*4, -z*4, RT*0.95 }
texture { Soft_Silver scale 6.0 }
#declare Benz_Tube = object
#macro Benz_Tube ()
// #declare Benz_Tube = object
// {
union {
object { Benz_Tubules }
object { Benz_Fuseau }
object { Benz_Fuseau_Flash translate z*0.40 }
object { Benz_Cylindre }
// }
// ------------------------------------------------------
#declare HexaBenz = object
#macro HexaBenz ()
// #declare HexaBenz = object
// {
union {
#local Rk = rand(Rng1) * 666.666;
#local Rk = (rand(Rng1)-0.5) * 2038;
object { Benz_Cones () rotate z*NormClock*Rk}
object { Benz_Tube }
object { Benz_Tube () }
// }

View File

@ -17,15 +17,15 @@
#local K = 1.48;
object { HexaBenz rotate y*90 translate -x*K }
object { HexaBenz translate x*K }
object { HexaBenz () rotate y*90 translate -x*K }
object { HexaBenz () translate x*K }
// =======================================================
light_source { <19, 7, 14>, rgb <0.77, 0.79, 0.80> }
light_source { <19, 7, -14>, rgb <0.77, 0.79, 0.80> }
light_source { <19, 9, -14>, rgb <0.87, 0.79, 0.70> }
// object { Repere scale 2 }
object { Repere scale 2 }
camera {
location <-1.9+(8*NormClock), 0.70, 7.59-NormClock>
@ -33,6 +33,6 @@ camera {
focal_point <0.37, 0.0, 0>
aperture 0.046
blur_samples 30
angle 60 - 22 * Cos_01(NormClock)
angle 60 - 28 * Cos_01(NormClock)

View File

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
set -e ; set -u
source tools/
@ -24,7 +23,7 @@ for frame in $(seq 0 $((NBFRAMES-1)))
# figlet -k $frame ; sleep 1
ralentisseur 25
# ralentisseur 20 ; echo "go"
img=$(printf "frames/%s/%05d.png" $SEQNAME $frame)
debut=$(date +%s)
@ -38,12 +37,12 @@ do
set -e
txt=$(printf "%s %03d" ${SEQNAME} $frame)
txt=$(printf "%s %03d" ${SEQNAME} $frame | tr '0' 'o')
# echo $frame $img $txt
convert ${TMPIMG} \
-font Courier-Bold \
-pointsize 16 \
-fill turquoise \
-pointsize 18 \
-fill Gray80 \
-gravity south \
-annotate +0+5 "$txt" \
@ -51,7 +50,7 @@ do
echo ; sleep 1
echo ${SEQNAME} $frame $(( fin - debut )) | \
tee -a WS/mp4.timing
echo ; sleep 1
echo ; sleep 3

View File

@ -6,16 +6,12 @@
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
// =======================================================
#declare R_planete = 2.1;
#declare R_planete = 1.72;
#declare Croute = object
@ -32,7 +28,8 @@ difference {
box { <-BN, -BN, -HC>, <BN, BN, HC> }
texture {
pigment { color Gray10 }
pigment { color rgb <0.20, 0.40, 0.10> }
finish { reflection 0.25 }
@ -40,8 +37,8 @@ texture {
sphere { 0, R_planete }
texture {
pigment { color Gray80 }
finish { reflection 0.500 }
pigment { rgb <0.70, 0.50, 0.70> }
finish { reflection 0.25 }
@ -54,23 +51,31 @@ union {
// =======================================================
#local RO = 4.10;
#local RO = 4.15;
#local CK = NormClock * 7.87;
#declare PosX = RO * sin(CK);
#declare PosY = 0;
#declare PosZ = RO * cos(CK);
object { HexaCone
rotate -y*CK translate <PosX, PosY, PosZ>
object { HexaBenz ()
rotate -y*CK*2.333 translate <PosX, PosY, PosZ>
#declare PosX = RO * sin(CK+2.12);
#declare PosY = 0;
#declare PosZ = RO * cos(CK+2.23);
object { HexaCone ()
rotate y*CK*3.222 translate <PosX, PosY, PosZ>
object { Planete rotate (-clock*0.21)*y }
light_source { <19, 7, 14>, rgb <0.77, 0.79, 0.80> }
light_source { <19, 6, 15>, rgb <0.77, 0.79, 0.80> }
camera {
location <3, 2.01, 7.59>
location <3, 1.50, 7.59>
look_at <0.0, 0.0, 0>
angle 58
focal_point <0.07, 0.0, 0>
aperture 0.046
blur_samples 30
angle 62

View File

@ -13,18 +13,21 @@
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
// ---------------------------------------
object { Le_Decor }
#declare PosX = 0.333;
#declare PosY = 1.20 + (NormClock*0.22);
#declare PosZ = (NormClock-0.5) * 34.22;
#declare PosY = 1.20 + (NormClock*0.24);
#declare PosZ = (NormClock-0.5) * 53.27;
object { HexaCone translate <PosX, PosY, PosZ> }
object { HexaCone () translate <PosX, PosY, PosZ> }
object { HexaBenz () translate <PosX+1.96, PosY+1.42, PosZ-11.5> }
object { HexaBenz () translate <PosX-1.96, PosY+2.42, PosZ-17.5> }
#if ( (clock < 111) )
#if ( (clock < 141) )
light_source {
<3, 0.30, -8> color Blue
@ -35,23 +38,23 @@ light_source {
#if ( (clock > 230) )
#if ( (clock > 230) & (clock < 300) )
light_source {
<2, 0.30, -2> color White
radius .044
falloff 2
tightness 3
point_at <PosX, PosY, PosZ>
point_at <PosX, PosY-0.30, PosZ>
camera {
location <-1.56, 1.03, 9.76>
location <-1.76, 1.03, 9.76>
look_at <PosX, PosY, PosZ>
// focal_point <0, 1, 0>
// aperture 0.046
// blur_samples 30
angle 36
angle 34

View File

@ -14,14 +14,18 @@
#declare NormClock = clock / 360.0;
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
object { Le_Decor }
object { HexaCone
rotate < 3, 0, -4>
rotate y*17 translate y*1.11 }
object { HexaCone ()
rotate < 3, 0, -4>rotate y*17 translate y*1.11 }
object { HexaBenz ()
rotate <6, 40, -7> translate <-12, 3, 11> }
#declare CK = 56 + (clock * 1);
#declare Dcam = 2.14;
#declare Dcam = 2.17;
#declare CamX = Dcam * sin(radians(CK));
#declare CamZ = Dcam * 1.20 * cos(radians(CK));
#declare CamZ = CamZ - 0.11;
@ -33,7 +37,7 @@ camera {
focal_point Lat
aperture 0.046
blur_samples 30
angle 70
angle 72

View File

@ -2,3 +2,10 @@
Build system and utilities.
## Linkfarming
## Encoding
## Plot the timing

View File

@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
set -eu
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# un essai qui semble un echec.
ralentisseur ()
@ -35,7 +38,9 @@ ffmpeg -nostdin \
# wc -c $FILMNAME | tee -a WS/log
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# celui-ci n'est pas terminé !

View File

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ SPOOL="frames/Spool"
source tools/
@ -51,27 +53,30 @@ faire_le_titre ()
echo "faire le titre"
local NBRE=190
local NBRE=180
for foo in $(seq 0 $NBRE)
Ypos=$(( 210 - ( foo / 2 ) ))
Ypos=$(( 210 - ( foo / 3 ) ))
convert "WS/negatif.png" \
-gravity north \
-font $FONTE \
-pointsize 172 \
-fill black \
-strokewidth 2 -stroke gray90 \
-kerning 6 \
-fill $TEXTCOL \
-strokewidth 3 -stroke $STROKOL \
-annotate +0+${Ypos} "HexaCone" \
# identify ${TMP}
addfile ${TMP}
printf "."
# -------------------------------------------------------
faire_la_fin ()
local NBRE=120
datetime=$(LANG=fr date -u)
local NBRE=150
datetime=$(LANG=fr date -u +"%Y/%M/%D")
echo $datetime | tee -a WS/log
for foo in $(seq 0 $NBRE)
@ -81,23 +86,26 @@ do
-gravity north \
-font $FONTE \
-pointsize 86 \
-fill Black \
-strokewidth 2 -stroke gray90 \
-kerning 6 \
-fill $TEXTCOL \
-strokewidth 2 -stroke $STROKOL \
-annotate +0+${Ypos} "tTh des Bourtoulots" \
-pointsize 48 \
-strokewidth 1 \
-gravity south \
-annotate +0+170 "${datetime}" \
-annotate +0+270 "${datetime}" \
# identify ${TMP}
addfile ${TMP}
printf "."
# -------------------------------------------------------
figlet "Link farmer"
rm frames/Spool/*.png
rm -f frames/Spool/*.png
@ -109,13 +117,15 @@ linkfarm passage
linkfarm scene
linkfarm orbite
# linkfarm essai
linkfarm essai
ff_encodage Spool full.mp4
echo "linkfarmed $IDX files" | tee -a WS/log

View File

@ -45,8 +45,6 @@ END { \
# cat -n $TMPFILE | tail # ; exit
gnuplot << __EOC__
set term png size 1024,768
set output "timing.png"

View File

@ -13,18 +13,23 @@
#include ""
#include ""
#include ""
object { Le_Decor }
light_source { <-16, 17, -24>, rgb <0.51, 0.65, 0.40> }
#declare TrX = 1.34 * sqrt(NormClock);
#declare TrY = 0.90 + (3.5 * Cos_01(NormClock));
#declare TrZ = 9.999 * sqrt(NormClock);
#declare TrH = <TrX, TrY, TrZ>;
#declare RrY = 57 * sqrt(NormClock);
object { HexaCone () rotate y*RrY translate TrH }
object { HexaCone rotate y*RrY translate TrH }
object { HexaCone () rotate z*9.1 translate <5, 3, -8> }
object { HexaBenz () translate <-4, 2, -6> }
light_source { <-16, 17, -24>, rgb <0.51, 0.65, 0.40> }
// object { Repere scale 2 }
#declare CamY = 19 - (4.5*NormClock);