
23 lines
849 B

'use strict'
var ipc = require('ipc')
var SSBClient = require('./lib/muxrpc-ipc')
var ssb = SSBClient()
var params = ipc.sendSync('fetch-params')
document.getElementById('fileid').innerHTML = params.hash
// periodically poll for the file
var poll = setInterval(pollBlob, 10e3)
function pollBlob () {
console.log('checking...') //18e0c49bdf14018dd2ad7caafb4291630339615a0e306243c8cfffafb53233a2
ssb.blobs.has(params.hash, function (err, has) {
if (has || true) {
console.log('blob found')
document.title = 'File Located - Secure Scuttlebutt'
document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = '<h2>Your file has been found!</h2><p class="text-center"><strong><a href="'+params.url+'" target="_blank">Click here to open it.</a></strong></p>'
} else
console.log('not yet found')