
209 lines
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# **v0.2.1:**
## focus: Start Menu Page
### client
- Added ui_menu.js (UIMenu object)
- Added cursor handling in UIMenu object
- Implemented cursor on "start menu" page
fixed start menu (join/create/spectate)
# **v0.2.0:**
## focus: Start Menu Page
### client
- create start menu page skeletton with title
- socketio: on 'regDone' move current page to 'start menu' page
# **v0.1.5:**
##focus: client/server user registration
### added socket messages in npg_server.js and client/lib/socket/socketio_handler.js
'regRequest' server socket msg
'regDone' client socket message
'regNameTaken' client socket message
Added user handling utilities {
### added User object on server
check if user already exist and handle issues
user disconnection handling (server & client)
### **v0.1.4:**
focus: client ui lib
---- changed font (Lucida -> Arial)
- npg_client.js
---- added in /ui/objects/
- ui_object.js (base object)
---- updated objects in
- ui_rect.js (inherits from UIObject)
- ui_cursor.js (inherits from UIObject)
---- /keyboard/evt_handler.js
- userLogin()
---- cursor object
- fixed behaviour on login page - working fine now
- reset position at login attempt when server is down
### **v0.1.3:**
focus: client ui lib - keyboard handling
---- /client/utils
- renamed utils.js -> client_utils.js
- added js_utils.js (global methods)
---- keyboard handling on login page
- input name feature (add and remove char)
---- added in /client/ui/objects
- ui_shape.js (base shape object)
- ui_cursor.js
---- removed in /client/ui/objects
- ui_line.js
- ui_object.js
---- changed UIRect object
- inherits from UIShape
---- cursor object
- blinking cursor blinks (need to implement movement with name input)
### **v0.1.2:**
focus: client ui lib
---- added ui objects in /client/ui/objects
- ui_input_text.js
- ui_menu.js
- ui_status_text.js
- ui_text_style_.js
---- Login page
- changed convention for parameters in npg_client.js (by 'page' object)
- title label and server status working
- skeletton for login name input
### **v0.1.1:**
focus: client ui lib
---- added app page handling in client/core
- page_base.js
- page_handler.js
---- added ui handling in /client/ui
- ui.js
---- added ui objects in /client/ui/objects
- ui_label.js
- ui_line.js
- ui_object.js
- ui_point2d.js
- ui_rect.js
- ui_style.js
---- login page
- created login page with title
### **v0.1.0:**
focus: app
- updated npg_app.js
### **v0.0.9:**
-------------------------- focus: renaming files/directories
---- App
- nodePong.js -> npg_app.js
- package.json: updated "directories" & "dependencies" parameters
---- Client
- client/src -> client/jquery
- client/js -> client/lib
- updated index.html
---- Server
- server_core.js -> npg_server.js
- server_config.js -> npg_server_config.js
### **v0.0.8:**
--- focus on client side
- Renamed files (lower case + _ )
- Client directory structure : config, core, keyboard, pages, socket
- added keyboard event handler basic features
- added AppPage object definition
- added login page skeletton
- nothing crashed
### **v0.0.7:**
--- focus on server object
- Renamed server object in server_core.js (Server -> NPGServer)
- Removed setIO(io) function in NPGServer object
- added init() function to NPGClient
- Changed server_config.js structure
- updated nodePong.js
### **v0.0.6:**
--- focus on client & server)
- Renamed SocketClient.js to SocketIO.js (files and objects)
- Added SocketIO object (NGPClient lib in /client/js/)
- Implemented client connection (with loop) => working
- Client side: Corrected bugs of multiple connection attemps and logs
- Server side: moved socket definitions to Server object
### **v0.0.5:**
- objects naming convention change in server_core.js, and consequently in nodePong.js
- added "User" and "Game" Objects skeletton in server_core.js
- added "version" as a parameter of core.Server object (to later send it to clients @ connection)
### **v0.0.4:**
- added server_core.js, with "core" app server side object skeletton
- added "serverMsg" features to "core" (including date utilities)
- removed server_utils.js (moved serverMsg() function to the core object)
- updated (removed "npm install colors)
- moved server.params.js to server_config.js, and changed naming convention
- updated nodePong.js with new config setup
### **v0.0.3:**
- Added infos in
### **v0.0.2:**
- moved "ui" dir to "public" dir
- renamed "public" to "client"
- updated nodePong.js with new directory name
- cleaned gitlab repo
### **v0.0.1:**
- added package directories structure
- "public":
- index.html (main html file)
- "css" subdir
- main.css (main css file for index.html)
- "src" subdir:
- jquery-2.1.3.min.js (not really needed)
- "server":
- server_utils.js (server utilities function)
- server_params.js (Server parameters)
- "ui": (empty, and will become a "public" subdir)
- added info files,, package.json and LICENSE
- added nodejs application 'nodePong.js'