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# python-FloatImg
A pythonesque binding to FloatImg library available at
python-FloatImg requires a quite recent Python 3 implementation (tested with 3.6.9).
## Installation
python-FloatImg requires a shared object file (.so) that is not yet officialy available from FloatImg.
The file `floatimg/` contains the path to the .so file.
## Usage
The FloatImg class encapsulate core and file functionnalities of FloatImg library. Import if from the main module:
import floatimg
### Image creation
`FloatImg` has two class methods to create an image.
img = floatimg.create(640, 480, floatimg.RGB)
Or use the `create_rgb` shortcut:
img = floatimg.create_rgb(640, 480)
Note that calling the `destroy` method of the instance is not necessary as it will be called automatically at instance destruction.
Or completely duplicate an existing image:
# without copying data
new_img = img.clone()
# with copying data
new_img = img.clone(1)
### Image manipulation
#### Clear image
#### Copy pixels to another image
#### Set pixel value
img.put_rgb(x, y, (r, g, b))
#### Get pixel value
r, g, b = img.get_rgb(x, y)
### File manipulation
#### Dump image to file
#### Restore image data from a dump file
#### Create a new image from a dump file
img = floatimg.create_from_dump("/tmp/image_dump")
#### Get dump metadata
witdh, height, img_type = floatimg.fileinfos("/tmp/image_dump")
## Development
### Run tests
Install development requirements (you may add --user if not in a virtual environment or not in system-wide install):
pip install -r requirements-devel.txt
Ensure `floatimg` containing path is in the `PYTHONPATH`, this will run the tests and show a coverage report:
pytest --cov=floatimg tests/*