--- title: Tetalab taxonomy: category: - page external_links: process: true title: false no_follow: true mode: active target: _blank --- Following the 2600 meetings, Tetalab is born in 2009 at Toulouse on Gapz, Alex, PG and Sad Eden initiative with original goal to meet more often and have a place to setup projects. Quickly with word mouth help, passionate people from various bacgrounds eventually gathered. At first Tetalab concentrate on 3 points befor spreading in multiple directions: * A place, [Mix'Art-Myrys](https://www.mixart-myrys.org) to meet people (safely) * A light installation, the LED WALL around which efforts and skills of a handfull of members were gathered to achieve this project that needed electronical understanding and know-how, software engineering and hardware manipulations. * And early, a festival, the [THSF](../thsf) to touch a larger zone than Toulouse area. #### Tetalab & hackerspaces Far from the bad people described by mass-medias, we are proud to (re)present the hacking culture from an honnest perspective and consistent with its true egalitarian philosophy: Reappropriation of tools and technology, DIY, free software and hardware, knowledge sharing and spreading. We are a group of people who loves to divert tools and device of their meanings. Like many, we contribute to free software, free hardware and alternative medias projects . Tetalab is a place where people with a common interest to technology, art and freedom philosophy can meet and collaborate together. Each member has his own skills and we are always pleased to help someone stuck in a project. The addition of the community and tools makes the Tetalab like it is. Tetalab principle is share and self-investment. So Tetalab does not initiate any project but its members develop them in it. One comes with an idea, a project and others graft to it if they're interested. The lab is open 24/7 allowing access to ressources and experimentation at will for members. A weekly public meeting takes place on wednesdays nights from 9PM. This a moment for sharing, meeting, duscussing/presenting about projects in a warm informal athmosphere (Bring your 6 pack, bro'). #### The lab/container/DD2 The Tetlab is establsihed in a shop made from 2 welded 40' marine containers (aka Double Dragon 2) situated within the self-governing artists group Mix'art-Myrys'hangar. It was built by its members and people from Mix'Art-Myrys. Link between Tetalab and Mix'art-Myrys is strong and promote collaboration between hackers and artists like [VSRK](https://vsrk.net/), [Annlor Codina](https://annlorcodina.com/works/stochastic/), [Darkimey](https://darkimey.tumblr.com/), [Guillaume Bautista](https://www.guillaumebautista.com/)… Each year since 2010, the THSF (Toulouse Hacker Space Factory is organized by Tetalab in collaboration with Mix'Art-Myrys. This event is articulated around conferences, workshops and artistical propositions. The topic is new technologies and again watchword is knowledge sharing. This is a fundamental principle of hackerspaces. #### It looks awesome, how can I join ? Have a look to the ["join"](../adherer) section. :) #### But I don't know much about all of this :'( So you'll get pleasure to learn ! Don't worry, here, you skill level is not important. If you are self motivated you will be warmly welcome ! #### RTFM The Tetalab members [guide (aka RTFM)](./rtfm) answers all your questions about our hackerspace rules. Missing something in the guide ? Feel free to send an [email to the list](mailto:tetalab@lists.tetalab.org) :) #### Our motto : WE ARE TETALAB WE ARE EVERYWHERE WE MAKE PORN AND IN BRICOLE WE TRUST ! #### CONTACT * eMail: [contact<at>tetalab.org](./) * [Mail List](https://lists.tetalab.org/mailman/listinfo/tetalab) * Twitter : [@tetalab](https://twitter.com/tetalab) * IRC : [chat.freenode.net#tetalab](./) * Diaspora* : [tetalab@diasp.org](https://diasp.org/people/3110b08065f4013402c6782bcb452bd5/) / [Atom feed](https://diasp.org/public/tetalab.atom) #### ADRESS MIX'ART MYRYS 12 rue Ferdinand Lassalle - 31200 Toulouse Ponts jumeaux - Boulevard de Suisse Open to public from 9PM on wenesdays nights. Open 24/7 to members.
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