\c postgres; drop database tetastock; drop role tetastock; create role tetastock with LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'tetastock'; create database tetastock; \c tetastock; CREATE TABLE stock_users ( id serial primary key, mail text not NULL, password text not NULL, name text not NULL ); CREATE TABLE stock_kits ( id serial primary key, name text not NULL unique, designation text not NULL ); CREATE TABLE stock_providers ( id serial primary key, name text unique not NULL, address text not NULL, mail text not NULL, url text not NULL, comment text not NULL ); CREATE TABLE stock_componants ( id serial primary key, reference varchar(20) unique not NULL, designation varchar(100) not NULL, last_price NUMERIC not NULL default 0, mean_price NUMERIC not NULL default 0, quantity NUMERIC not NULL default 0, min_quantity NUMERIC not NULL default 0, place varchar(15) not NULL, provider_id integer REFERENCES stock_providers(id) ); CREATE TABLE stock_kit_compositions ( id serial primary key, kit_id integer REFERENCES Stock_kits(id), componant_id integer REFERENCES stock_componants(id), quantity integer not NULL ); CREATE TABLE stock_orders ( id serial primary key, componant_id integer REFERENCES stock_componants(id), quantity integer not NULL, price NUMERIC not NULL default 0, date timestamp not NULL ); alter table stock_users owner to tetastock; alter table stock_kits owner to tetastock; alter table stock_providers owner to tetastock; alter table stock_componants owner to tetastock; alter table stock_kit_compositions owner to tetastock; alter table stock_orders owner to tetastock; alter database tetastock owner to tetastock; insert into stock_users (mail, password, name) values ('test', '$2b$08$OkfihuGRyLdpftBpGhnpeeeUhUTQS0oXvR2NFByC.65XCKKvPBWHS');