/* tele_2.c -------- */ #include #include #include #include #include "../tthimage.h" /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ /* * comme au bon vieux temps... */ int Image_TV_old(Image_Desc *src, Image_Desc *dst, int p1, int p2, int p3) { int foo; int x, y, v1, v2; int resteY; int sigma; if ( (foo=Image_compare_desc(src, dst)) ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: images are differents %d\n", __func__, foo); return foo; } sigma = p1 + p2 + p3; if (!sigma) sigma++; resteY = src->height % 3; resteY /= 2; /* half for the top, half for the bottom */ #if DEBUG_LEVEL fprintf(stderr, "%s : height %d reste Y %d\n", __func__, src->height, resteY); fprintf(stderr, "%s : %d %d %d -> %d\n", __func__, p1, p2, p3, sigma); #endif for (y=resteY; yheight-resteY-1; y+=3) { for (x=0; xwidth; x++) { v1 = ( Image_R_pixel(src, x, y) + Image_R_pixel(src, x, y+1) + Image_R_pixel(src, x, y+2) + Image_G_pixel(src, x, y) + Image_G_pixel(src, x, y+1) + Image_G_pixel(src, x, y+2) + Image_B_pixel(src, x, y) + Image_B_pixel(src, x, y+1) + Image_B_pixel(src, x, y+2) ) / 9 ; v2 = (v1 * p1) / sigma; Image_plotRGB(dst, x, y, v2, v2, v2); v2 = (v1 * p2) / sigma; Image_plotRGB(dst, x, y+1, v2, v2, v2); v2 = (v1 * p3) / sigma; Image_plotRGB(dst, x, y+2, v2, v2, v2); } } return FUNC_IS_BETA; } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ /* * this is juste a wrapper function - need more work... */ int Image_TV_veryold(Image_Desc *src, Image_Desc *dst, int p1, int p2, int p3) { int foo; /* 15 janvier 2007: chasse au coredump... */ if ( (src->magic!=MAGIC_OF_IMAGE) || (dst->magic!=MAGIC_OF_IMAGE) ) { fprintf(stderr, "Image TV veryold: bad image descriptor\n"); abort(); } if ( (foo=Image_compare_desc(src, dst)) ) { fprintf(stderr, "Image TV veryold: images are differents %d\n", foo); return foo; } foo = Image_TV_old(src, dst, p1, p2, p3); fprintf(stderr, "%s : ret %d\n", __func__, foo); return FUNC_IS_ALPHA; } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ /* * new 10 novembre 2013, in mixart-myrys */ int Image_TV_pix_0(Image_Desc *src, Image_Desc *dst, int w, int h, int grey) { int foo, ox, oy; int x, y, r, g, b; int xmax, ymax; Image_Rect zone; if ( (foo=Image_compare_desc(src, dst)) ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: images are differents %d\n", __func__, foo); return foo; } #if DEBUG_LEVEL fprintf(stderr, "%s : w %d h %d grey %d\n", __func__, w, h, grey); #endif if (0==h || 0==w) { return BAD_PARAMETER; } zone.w = w-1; zone.h = h-1; xmax = src->width - w; ymax = src->height - h; ox = (src->width % w) / 2; oy = (src->height % h) / 2; #if DEBUG_LEVEL fprintf(stderr, "%s : offsets = %d %d\n", __func__, ox, oy); #endif Image_clear(dst, grey, grey, grey); for (x=ox; xRpix[y][x] & 0xfe; g = src->Gpix[y][x] & 0xfe; b = src->Bpix[y][x] & 0xfe; Image_paint_rect(dst, &zone, r, g, b); } } return FUNC_IS_BETA; } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ /* * new 10 novembre 2013, in mixart-myrys */ int Image_TV_pix_1(Image_Desc *src, Image_Desc *dst, int w, int h, int p3) { int foo; int x, y, v1, v2, r, g, b; int xmax, ymax; Image_Rect zone; if ( (foo=Image_compare_desc(src, dst)) ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: images are differents %d\n", __func__, foo); return foo; } #if DEBUG_LEVEL fprintf(stderr, "%s : w %d h %d g%d\n", __func__, w, h, p3); #endif if ((0==h) || (0==w)) { return BAD_PARAMETER; } zone.w = w-1; zone.h = h-1; xmax = src->width - w; ymax = src->height - h; v1 = v2 = 0; for (x=0; xRpix[y][x]; g = src->Gpix[y][x]; b = src->Bpix[y][x]; Image_paint_rect(dst, &zone, r, g, b); } } return FULL_NUCKED; } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ /* * new 3 jan 203 - at Mixart-Myrys */ int Image_TV_cplus_v1(Image_Desc *src, Image_Desc *dst, int p) { int foo; int y, taille; #if DEBUG_LEVEL fprintf(stderr, "%s ( %p %p %d )\n", __func__, src, dst, p); #endif if (p <= 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: p must be > 1, but was %d\n", __func__, p); return BAD_PARAMETER; } if ( (foo=Image_compare_desc(src, dst)) ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s : images are differents %d\n", __func__, foo); return foo; } taille = src->width - (abs(p*2)); #if DEBUG_LEVEL fprintf(stderr, "%s: largeur %d, taille %d\n", __func__, src->width, taille); #endif Image_gray_noise_0(dst, 20, 60); for (y=0; yheight; y++) { switch (rand()%3) { case 0 : memcpy((dst->Rpix[y]), src->Rpix[y], taille); memcpy((dst->Gpix[y]), src->Gpix[y], taille); memcpy((dst->Bpix[y]), src->Bpix[y], taille); break; case 1 : memcpy((dst->Rpix[y])+p, src->Rpix[y], taille); memcpy((dst->Gpix[y])+p, src->Gpix[y], taille); memcpy((dst->Bpix[y])+p, src->Bpix[y], taille); break; case 2 : memcpy((dst->Rpix[y])+p+p, src->Rpix[y], taille); memcpy((dst->Gpix[y])+p+p, src->Gpix[y], taille); memcpy((dst->Bpix[y])+p+p, src->Bpix[y], taille); break; } } return FUNC_IS_BETA; } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ /* new 28 janvier 2015 - MixartMyrys */ /* le parametre 'mode' est un flag */ int Image_TV_triligne(Image_Desc *src, Image_Desc *dst, int mode) { int x, y, tri, v, idx; #if DEBUG_LEVEL fprintf(stderr, "%s ( %p %p %d ) -> ", __func__, src, dst, mode); if (mode) fprintf(stderr, " rand\n"); else fprintf(stderr, " modulo\n"); #endif Image_clear(dst, 60, 60, 60); /* XXX necessaire ? */ idx = rand() % 42; for (y=0; yheight; y++) { if (0==mode) { tri = (idx + y) % 3; } else { tri = rand() % 3; } #if DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 fprintf(stderr, " %5d -> %d\n", y, tri); #endif switch (tri) { case 0: for (x=0; x<(src->width)-1; x++) { v = (src->Rpix[y][x] + src->Rpix[y][x+1]); dst->Rpix[y][x] = v / 2; v = (src->Gpix[y][x] + src->Gpix[y][x+1]); dst->Gpix[y][x] = v / 2; v = (src->Bpix[y][x] + src->Bpix[y][x+1]); dst->Bpix[y][x] = v / 2; } break; case 1: for (x=1; x<(src->width)-1; x++) { v = src->Rpix[y][x-1] + src->Rpix[y][x+1]; dst->Rpix[y][x] = v / 2; v = src->Gpix[y][x-1] + src->Gpix[y][x+1]; dst->Gpix[y][x] = v / 2; v = src->Bpix[y][x-1] + src->Bpix[y][x+1]; dst->Bpix[y][x] = v / 2; } break; case 2: for (x=1; xwidth; x++) { v = src->Rpix[y][x] + src->Rpix[y][x-1]; dst->Rpix[y][x] = v / 2; v = src->Gpix[y][x] + src->Gpix[y][x-1]; dst->Gpix[y][x] = v / 2; v = src->Bpix[y][x] + src->Bpix[y][x-1]; dst->Bpix[y][x] = v / 2; } break; default: /* blam< */ abort(); } } return FULL_NUCKED; } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/