/* TOOLS.C outils de mise au point (debugging tools) */ #include #include #include #include #include "../tthimage.h" /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ /* * WARNING! this function is not re-entrant! */ void Image_pacifier(char *texte, int div) { static int compteur; int foo; char batons[] = "|/-\\"; if ( texte != NULL ) printf("%s : ", texte); else printf("wait "); if (div<1) div=1; foo = (compteur++) / div; printf("%c\r", batons[foo&0x03]); fflush(stdout); } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ #define NB_CHRONOS 42 static struct { int in_use; time_t debut; time_t fin; } chronos[NB_CHRONOS]; int Image_start_chrono(char *texte, int num) { if (num< 0 || num>= NB_CHRONOS) { return BAD_CHRONO; } if (NULL != texte) { fprintf(stderr, ">>> start chrono(%d) %s\n", num, texte); } time(&chronos[num].debut); chronos[num].in_use = 1; return OLL_KORRECT; } long Image_stop_chrono(char *texte, int num) { long delta_t; if (num < 0 || num >= NB_CHRONOS) { return -1L; } time(&chronos[num].fin); chronos[num].in_use = 0; delta_t = chronos[num].fin - chronos[num].debut; if (texte != NULL) fprintf(stderr, ">>> chrono(%d): %s: %ld seconds\n", num, texte, delta_t); return delta_t; } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ int Image_dump_colormap(RGB_map *map, int verbose) { int foo; if (map == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: 'map' ptr is NULL\n", __func__); return NULL_DESCRIPTOR; } printf("+---------------------------\n"); printf("| nom de la palette : %s\n", map->name); printf("| nombre de couleurs : %d\n", map->nbre); printf("+---------------------------\n"); if (verbose) { for (foo=0; foonbre; foo++) { printf("%3d: %3d %3d %3d\n", foo, map->red[foo], map->green[foo], map->blue[foo]); } } return 0; } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ int Image_dump_descriptor(Image_Desc *im, char *text) { fflush(stdout); printf("/-------- Descriptor Dump (lib v=%s) -----------\n", IMAGE_VERSION_STRING); printf("| why text: %s\n", text); printf("| main pointer: %p\n", im); if ( im==NULL ) { printf("!\t\tthis is a null descriptor, good luck, Sir...\n"); return NULL_DESCRIPTOR; } else { printf("| name: %s\n", im->name); printf("| comment: %s\n", im->comment); printf("| magic: 0x%08lx\n", im->magic); printf("| dimensions: %d x %d\n", im->width, im->height); printf("| type/nb_plan: %d (%s), %d\n", im->type, Image_type2str(im->type), im->nb_planes); printf("| planes pointers: %p %p %p %p\n", im->Rpix, im->Gpix, im->Bpix, im->Apix); printf("| errmsg/modified : %d / %d\n", im->errmsg, im->modified); printf("| xy fenetre : %15f %15f\n", im->fx, im->fy); printf("| wh fenetre : %15f %15f\n", im->fw, im->fh); } printf("\\-----------------------------------------------------------\n"); fflush(stdout); return 0; } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ int Image_dump_rect(Image_Rect *rect, char *texte, int flag) { printf("Rect: '%s'\n\t%5d %5d %5d %5d $%08lx\n", texte, rect->x, rect->y, rect->w, rect->h, rect->reserved); if (flag) { printf(" coin bas/droite %5d %5d\n", rect->x+rect->w, rect->y+rect->h); printf(" surface %8ld\n", (long)rect->w * (long)rect->h); } fflush(stdout); return OLL_KORRECT; } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ /* new 8 octobre 2009 */ static void ligne_char(char c, int t) { int foo; for (foo=0; foo len1) len = len2; else len = len1; #if DEBUG_LEVEL fprintf(stderr, "%s : largeur = %d\n", __func__, len); fprintf(stderr, "%s : ligne 1 = %s\n", __func__, lig1); fprintf(stderr, "%s : ligne 2 = %s\n", __func__, lig2); #endif ligne_char(caractere, len+10+k); ligne_space(caractere, len+10+k); ligne_char(caractere, len+10+k); } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ int Image_print_rgba(char *txt, RGBA *rgba, int hexa) { char *fmtd = "%-20s: RGBA %4d %4d %4d %4d\n"; char *fmth = "%-20s: 0xRGBA %02x %02x %02x %02x\n"; FILE *fp; if (*txt == '-') { fp = stdout; txt++; /* skip the '-' */ } else { fp = stderr; } fprintf(fp, hexa ? fmth : fmtd, txt, rgba->r, rgba->g, rgba->b, rgba->a); fflush(fp); return OLL_KORRECT; } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ /* affichage d'un descripteur de DF3 - new 28feb2008 - ave St Exupery */ int Image_print_DF3head(DensityF3Head *h, char *txt, int flag) { int retval = 0; int foo; if (NULL == h) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: null pointer\n", __func__); return 666; } if (h->control != MAGIC_OF_DF3) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad magic value\n", __func__); return 666; } printf("+--- DF3head @ %p -- %s -- %c\n", h, txt, flag ? 'X' : 'O'); printf("| magic: %08lx\n", h->control); printf("| name: %s\n", h->name); printf("| dims: %d %d %d\n", h->xdim, h->ydim, h->zdim); foo = h->nbrbytes; printf("| nbr bytes: %d ", foo); if ( (foo!=1) && (foo!=2) && (foo!=4) ) { printf("**ERROR**\n"); retval++; } else { printf("\n"); } printf("| flags: %08x\n", h->flags); printf("| scale: %.g\n", h->scale); printf("| datas @ : %p\n", h->datas); printf("+------------------------------------\n"); return FUNC_IS_ALPHA; } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ int Image_Overlay_Palette(Image_Desc *im, int xo, int yo) { int x, y, xx, yy, code; int r, g, b; /* No boundchecking here ? */ for (y=0; y<128; y++) { yy = y + yo; if ( (yy >= 0) && (yyheight) ) { for (x=0; x<256; x++) { xx = x + xo; if ( (xx >= 0) && (xxwidth) ) { code = (y<<8) | x; r = (code & 0x1f) * 4; b = ((code>>5) & 0x1f) * 4; g = ((code>>10) & 0x1f) * 4; Image_plotRGB(im, xx, yy, r, g, b); } } } } im->modified = 1; return 0; } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ /* * this function need more security controls * see also: mircol.c */ int Image_fabrique_une_mire(Image_Desc *im, RGB_map *map) { int foo, bar; #if DEBUG_LEVEL fprintf(stderr, "%s : %p %p\n", __func__, im, map); #endif if ( (im->width < 320) || (im->width<200) ) return IMAGE_TOO_SMALL; if (NULL != map) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%s map must be null\n", __FILE__, __func__); exit(5); } Image_Overlay_Palette(im, 50, 10); for (foo=0; foo<256; foo++) { for (bar=0; bar<10; bar++) { Image_plotRGB(im, foo, bar, foo, foo, foo); Image_plotRGB(im, foo, 190+bar, 256-foo, 256-foo, 256-foo); } } im->modified = 1; return OLL_KORRECT; } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ /* * This func make a grid over an image, and need a lot of work. */ int Image_Grille(Image_Desc *im, int stepx, int stepy, int rgb) { int foo, bar; int r, g, b; if (rgb < 0) { r = rand() % 256; g = rand() % 256; b = rand() % 256; } else { r = g = b = rgb; } for (foo=0; foowidth; foo+=stepx) { for (bar=0; barheight; bar++) Image_plotRGB(im, foo, bar, r, g, b); } for (foo=0; fooheight; foo+=stepy) { for (bar=0; barwidth; bar++) Image_plotRGB(im, bar, foo, r, g, b); } im->modified = 1; return OLL_KORRECT; } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ int Image_print_minmax(Image_Desc *img) { int res[8], foo; printf(" R G B A\n"); foo = Image_minmax_RGB(img, res); if (foo) { fprintf(stderr, "in %s, minmax rgb -> %d\n", __func__, foo); } printf("min %4d %4d %4d %4d\n", res[0], res[2], res[4], res[6]); printf("max %4d %4d %4d %4d\n", res[1], res[3], res[5], res[7]); return OLL_KORRECT; } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ int Image_xy_inside(Image_Desc *img, int x, int y) { /* * 1er mars 2010 : this func need a g77 binding * ??? */ if ( (x<0) || (y<0) || (x>=img->width) || (y>=img->height) ) { #if DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 fprintf(stderr, "%s : %p %6d %6d --> FAIL\n", __func__, img, x, y); #endif return 0; } return 1; } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/