/* text0.c ------- ce module est en phase de 'reflexion'. je n'ai pas la moindre idee sur l'organisation de la chose. je pense utiliser les fontes bitmap de la console PC. 28 Fev 2001: now the standard font is loaded from the file /usr/local/share/libimage.fonte */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../tthimage.h" #define T_FONTE 2048 static uint8_t priv_fonte[T_FONTE]; static int font_is_loaded; /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ /* * for now, parameter *ou must be NULL */ int Image_load_fnt8x8(char *nomfnt, uint8_t *ou, int flags) { int fd, foo; #if DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 fprintf(stderr, ">>> %s ( '%s' %p %d )\n", __func__, nomfnt, ou, flags); #endif if (NULL != ou) fprintf(stderr, "in %s, 'ou' (%p) must be NULL\n", __func__, ou); if (0 != flags) fprintf(stderr, "in %s, 'flags' (%d) must be 0\n", __func__, flags); /* patch du 24 septembre 2015 */ if (NULL == nomfnt) { nomfnt = "libimage.fonte"; #if DEBUG_LEVEL fprintf(stderr, " using default font '%s'\n", nomfnt); #endif } /* on pourrait aussi mettre la fonte par ddefaut dans l'environ */ if ( (fd=Image_must_open(nomfnt, O_RDONLY, 0)) < 0 ) { perror (nomfnt); exit(5); } /* * Maybe add a check on the size of the file ? */ foo = read(fd, priv_fonte, T_FONTE); if ( foo != T_FONTE ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: read only %d bytes from font file\n", __func__, foo); exit(5); } close(fd); #if DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 fprintf(stderr, "%s : font '%s' loaded\n", __func__, nomfnt); #endif font_is_loaded = 1; return OLL_KORRECT; } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ /* * XXX nasty bug in the alpha channel gestion XXX */ int Image_trace_caractere_2(Image_Desc *im, uint8_t *fnt, int x, int y, int code, RGBA *paper, RGBA *ink) { int foo, bar, xi, yi; int rp, gp, bp, rs, gs, bs; uint8_t octet; #if DEBUG_LEVEL > 2 fprintf(stderr, "trace car 2: xy= %4d %4d c= %c\n", x, y, isprint(code) ? code : ' '); #endif if (NULL==fnt) { fnt = priv_fonte; /* use local static storage */ } for (foo=0; foo<8; foo++) { yi = y+foo; octet = fnt[(code*8)+foo]; for (bar=0; bar<8; bar++) { xi = x+7-bar; /* lecture contenu image */ rs = (im->Rpix[yi])[xi]; gs = (im->Gpix[yi])[xi]; bs = (im->Bpix[yi])[xi]; if (octet & 1) { /* ENCRE */ rp = ((rs*(255-ink->a))+(ink->r*ink->a)) / 255; gp = ((gs*(255-ink->a))+(ink->g*ink->a)) / 255; bp = ((bs*(255-ink->a))+(ink->b*ink->a)) / 255; } else { /* PAPIER */ rp = ((rs*(255-paper->a))+(paper->r*paper->a)) / 255; gp = ((gs*(255-paper->a))+(paper->g*paper->a)) / 255; bp = ((bs*(255-paper->a))+(paper->b*paper->a)) / 255; } (im->Rpix[yi])[xi] = rp; (im->Gpix[yi])[xi] = gp; (im->Bpix[yi])[xi] = bp; octet >>= 1; } } return 42; } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ /* * fonction très primitive... */ int Image_trace_caractere(Image_Desc *im, int x, int y, int code) { int foo, bar; uint8_t octet; for (foo=0; foo<8; foo++) { octet = priv_fonte[(code*8)+foo]; for (bar=0; bar<8; bar++) { if (octet & 1) Image_plotRGB(im, x+8-bar, y+foo, 255, 255, 255); else Image_plotRGB(im, x+8-bar, y+foo, 0, 0, 5); octet >>= 1; } } return 42; } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ /* * trace d'une chaine. (param 'flag' not used) * OBSOLETE FUNCTION ! */ int Image_trace_chaine_0(Image_Desc *im, char *txt, int x, int y, RGBA *paper, RGBA *ink, int flags) { int foo; fprintf(stderr, "THE FUNCTION '%s' IS OBSOLETE\n", __func__); if (0 != flags) fprintf(stderr, "in %s, 'flags' (%d) must be 0\n", __func__, flags); foo = Image_trace_chaine_1(im, txt, x, y, "libimage.fonte", paper, ink); return foo; } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ /* * trace d'une chaine avec choix eventuel de la fonte par le * nom du fichier. Si celui-ci est NULL, c'est la fonte actuelle * qui est utilise. */ int Image_trace_chaine_1(Image_Desc *im, char *txt, int x, int y, char *nomfonte, RGBA *paper, RGBA *ink) { int posx, posy, t_texte, foo; int octet; uint8_t *ptrtxt; RGBA blanc = { 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0 }; RGBA noir = { 0, 0, 0, 64, 0, 0 }; #if DEBUG_LEVEL fprintf(stderr, ">>> %s ( %p '%s' %d %d '%s' %p %p\n", __func__, im, txt, x, y, nomfonte, paper, ink); #endif if (NULL == nomfonte) { #if DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 fprintf(stderr, "trace chaine 1: using loaded font\n"); #endif } else { #if DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 fprintf(stderr, "trace chaine 1: loading font '%s'\n", nomfonte); #endif foo = Image_load_fnt8x8(nomfonte, NULL, 0); } if (NULL==paper) paper = &blanc; if (NULL==ink) ink = &noir; #if DEBUG_LEVEL Image_print_rgba("encre", ink, 0); Image_print_rgba("papier", paper, 0); #endif t_texte = strlen(txt); ptrtxt = (uint8_t *)txt; #if DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 fprintf(stderr, "texte %3d %s\n", t_texte, txt); fprintf(stderr, "papier %3d %3d %3d %3d\n", paper->r, paper->g, paper->b, paper->a); fprintf(stderr, "encre %3d %3d %3d %3d\n", ink->r, ink->g, ink->b, ink->a); #endif posx = x; posy = y; for (foo=0; foo (im->width-8)) { fprintf(stderr, "can't plot char '%c' at x=%d\n", octet, posx); break; } Image_trace_caractere_2(im, priv_fonte, posx, posy, octet, paper, ink); posx += 8; } return 0; } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ /* new --> Sun Feb 2 20:17:34 CET 2014 */ /* * Don't forget to load a font, eg : * Image_load_fnt8x8("8x8thin", NULL, 0); */ int Image_trace_big_char_0(Image_Desc *im, int x, int y, int code, int kx, int ky) { int foo, bar; uint8_t octet; Image_Rect rect; RGBA paper, ink; #if DEBUG_LEVEL char buff[20]; if (isprint(code)) sprintf(buff, "'%c'", code); else sprintf(buff, "%02xh", code); fprintf(stderr, "%s ( %p %4d %4d %s %d %d )\n", __func__, im, x, y, buff, kx, ky); #endif if ( (code < 0) || (code > 255)) { fprintf(stderr, "in %s, code (%d) is invalid\n", __func__, code); return BAD_PARAMETER; } /* Image_load_fnt8x8("8x8thin", NULL, 0); */ paper.r = paper.g = paper.b = 0; ink.r = ink.g = ink.b = 255; rect.w = kx, rect.h = ky; /* * NEED BOUNDARY CHECK ! */ for (foo=0; foo<8; foo++) /* 8 scan lines */ { octet = priv_fonte[(code*8)+foo]; rect.y = (foo * ky) + y; for (bar=0; bar<8; bar++) { rect.x = (bar * kx) + x; rect.x = ((8-bar)*kx) + x; if (octet & 1) { Image_paint_rect(im, &rect, 255, 198, 0); Image_draw_rect(im, &rect, 0, 0, 80); } octet >>= 1; } } im->modified++; return FUNC_IS_BETA; } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/