/* marques.c ________________ Routines pour deposer des marques sur des images. Nouveau: 12 Nov 2001. */ #include #include #include #include #include "../tthimage.h" /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ /* * dessine deux lignes grises sur les diagonales de l'image */ int Image_marque_0(Image_Desc *img, int val) { int foo; RGBA rgba; rgba.r = rgba.g = rgba.b = val; rgba.a = 0; /* goof value ? */ foo = Image_draw_line(img, 0, 0, img->width-1, img->height-1, &rgba); foo = Image_draw_line(img, 0, img->height-1, img->width-1, 0, &rgba); return 0; } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ /* * place un label dans le coin en haut à gauche de l'image. */ int Image_marque_1(Image_Desc *img, char *texte, int flags) { RGBA papier, encre; int len; if (flags) { fprintf(stderr, "*** %s 'flags' must be ZERO ***\n", __func__); } len = strlen(texte); if (len < 1) return FULL_NUCKED; papier.r = 255; papier.g = 255; papier.b = 255; encre.r = 220; encre.g = 100; encre.b = 20; papier.a = encre.a = 255; Image_trace_chaine_1(img, texte, 2, 2, "8x8thin", &papier, &encre); Image_trace_chaine_1(img, IMAGE_VERSION_STRING, 2, 11, "8x8thin", &papier, &encre); img->modified = 1; return FUNC_IS_BETA; } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ /* FORK OF : Image_marque_0 */ int Image_marque_2(Image_Desc *img, char *txt, RGBA *rgba, int k1, int k2) { int foo; fprintf(stderr, "%s : %p '%s' %p %d %d\n", __func__, img, txt, rgba, k1, k2); foo = Image_draw_line(img, 0, 0, img->width-1, img->height-1, rgba); foo = Image_draw_line(img, 0, img->height-1, img->width-1, 0, rgba); return FUNC_IS_ALPHA; } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ /* * Marquage avec la date et l'heure. * utilisation des flags: * bit 0: trace le cadre */ int Image_marque_timestamp(Image_Desc *img, char *texte, RGBA *rgba, int flags) { RGBA papier, encre; int foo, l1, l2; time_t temps; char *ptr; Image_Rect rect; if (NULL==texte) { texte = ""; fprintf(stderr, "%s : using default text : '%s'\n", __func__, texte); } l1 = strlen(texte); temps = time(NULL); ptr = ctime(&temps); l2 = strlen(ptr)-1; if (l2 >= 0) ptr[l2] = '\0'; foo = (l1>l2) ? l1 : l2; #if DEBUG_LEVEL fprintf(stderr, "%s: L=%d T=%ld\n", __func__, foo, temps); fprintf(stderr, "%s: '%s' %s\n", __func__, texte, ptr); #endif papier.r = papier.g = papier.b = papier.a = 0; if (NULL == rgba) { encre.r = encre.g = encre.b = 90, encre.a = 255; rgba = &encre; } if (flags & 1) { rect.x = rect.y = 3; rect.h = 11; rect.w = l1*8+2; Image_paint_rect(img, &rect, 255, 255, 255); } Image_trace_chaine_1(img, texte, 5, 6, "libimage.fonte", &papier, rgba); if (flags & 1) { rect.x = 3; rect.y = 16; rect.h = 11; rect.w = l2*8+2; Image_paint_rect(img, &rect, 255, 255, 255); } Image_trace_chaine_1(img, ptr, 5, 18, NULL, &papier, rgba); img->modified = 1; return FUNC_IS_BETA; } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ /* * Pour centrer la grille, il faut jouer sur 'ox' et 'oy' ? */ int Image_grille(Image_Desc *im, int stx, int ox, int sty, int oy, RGBA *ink) { int x, y, foo; RGBA encre; /* avoid an infinite loop */ if ( (stx<1) || (sty<1) ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s : steps must be > 0\n", __func__); return BAD_PARAMETER; } if (ink == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s is using default color values\n", __func__); encre.r = encre.g = encre.b = encre.a = 0; ink = &encre; } #if DEBUG_LEVEL fprintf(stderr, "%s X: %d %d Y: %d %d\n", __func__, ox, stx, oy, sty); #endif for (x=ox; xwidth; x+=stx) { for (foo=0; fooheight; foo++) Image_plotRGB(im, x, foo, ink->r, ink->g, ink->b); } for (y=oy; yheight; y+=sty) { for (foo=0; foowidth; foo++) { Image_plotRGB(im, foo, y, ink->r, ink->g, ink->b); } } im->modified = 1; return FUNC_IS_BETA; } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ /* * Pour centrer la grille, il faut jouer sur 'ox' et 'oy' ? */ int Image_grille_xor(Image_Desc *im, int stx, int ox, int sty, int oy, RGBA *ink) { int x, y, foo; RGBA encre; if (ink == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s is using default XOR values\n", __func__); encre.r = encre.g = encre.b = encre.a = 0xff; ink = &encre; } #if DEBUG_LEVEL fprintf(stderr, "%s X %d %d Y %d %d\n", __func__, ox, stx, oy, sty); #endif for (x=ox; xwidth; x+=stx) { for (foo=0; fooheight; foo++) { Image_XOR_pixel(im, x, foo, ink->r, ink->g, ink->b); } } for (y=oy; yheight; y+=sty) { for (foo=0; foowidth; foo++) { Image_XOR_pixel(im, foo, y, ink->r, ink->g, ink->b); } } im->modified = 1; return FUNC_IS_BETA; } /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/