maintenant, les choses importantes...

This commit is contained in:
tth 2022-06-27 23:05:42 +02:00
parent 99b580a1d7
commit 4ce5241411
6 changed files with 26 additions and 391 deletions

View File

@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
# 1er Fevrier 2000: Je met une cible pour installer
# les fichiers dans le systeme. C'est assez
# rudimentaire/arbitraire, mais c,a marche
# a peu pres, mieux que le Momo...
# pour le debuging: option -g
# pour le profiling: option -pg
# pour tracer plein de trucs: -DDEBUG_LEVEL=1
# if IMGCOMMENT, the image comment is written to the TGA file,
# but this files can't be loaded by Xv...
# pour coredumper dans les situations graves: -DABORT=1
# --> see file 'PORTING.txt' for porting tips on misc
# architextures (just sparc64 for now)
CC_OPTS=-Wall -W -g -ansi -Wmissing-prototypes -fPIC -no-pie
RANLIB=wc -c
# modify it 'as you like'
#-------- essentials targets
all: testtga libs
libs: libimage.a
trucs: t_t16x24 fnt8to16 t_png
image.o: image.c tthimage.h Makefile
filtres.o: filtres.c tthimage.h
filtadapt.o: filtadapt.c tthimage.h
sobel4.o: sobel4.c tthimage.h
showdiff.o: showdiff.c tthimage.h
effects.o: effects.c tthimage.h Makefile
effects2.o: effects2.c tthimage.h
effects3.o: effects3.c tthimage.h
television.o: television.c tthimage.h Makefile
tele_2.o: tele_2.c tthimage.h Makefile
classif.o: classif.c tthimage.h
combine.o: combine.c tthimage.h
combine2.o: combine2.c tthimage.h
combine3.o: combine3.c tthimage.h
combine4.o: combine4.c tthimage.h
combine5.o: combine5.c tthimage.h
combine6.o: combine6.c tthimage.h Makefile
combine_rnd.o: combine_rnd.c tthimage.h
basic_io.o: basic_io.c tthimage.h
pcx.o: pcx.c tthimage.h
png.o: png.c tthimage.h
bmp.o: bmp.c tthimage.h bmp.h
tga.o: tga.c tthimage.h Makefile
eps.o: eps.c tthimage.h
pht.o: pht.c tthimage.h
pnm.o: pnm.c tthimage.h
fits.o: fits.c tthimage.h
zoom.o: zoom.c tthimage.h
gadgrect.o: gadgrect.c tthimage.h
ascii.o: ascii.c tthimage.h
asciiart.o: asciiart.c tthimage.h
glitch.o: glitch.c tthimage.h Makefile
contours.o: contours.c tthimage.h Makefile
calculs.o: calculs.c tthimage.h Makefile
contrast.o: contrast.c tthimage.h Makefile
calcluts.o: calcluts.c tthimage.h
luts15bits.o: luts15bits.c tthimage.h
gamma.o: gamma.c tthimage.h
quadpics.o: quadpics.c tthimage.h Makefile
colors.o: colors.c tthimage.h Makefile
colors2.o: colors2.c tthimage.h
col_xyz.o: col_xyz.c tthimage.h
palettes.o: palettes.c tthimage.h
indexcol.o: indexcol.c tthimage.h
col_reduc.o: col_reduc.c tthimage.h Makefile
drawpatt.o: drawpatt.c tthimage.h
operat.o: operat.c tthimage.h Makefile
stereo.o: stereo.c tthimage.h
tools.o: tools.c tthimage.h
mircol.o: mircol.c tthimage.h
mustopen.o: mustopen.c tthimage.h Makefile
msglib.o: msglib.c tthimage.h Makefile
ptlist.o: ptlist.c tthimage.h Makefile
dither.o: dither.c tthimage.h Makefile
dither2.o: dither2.c tthimage.h Makefile
dither3.o: dither3.c tthimage.h Makefile
dither4.o: dither4.c tthimage.h Makefile
bitblt.o: bitblt.c tthimage.h Makefile
detect.o: detect.c tthimage.h Makefile
detect2.o: detect2.c tthimage.h Makefile
op2x2.o: op2x2.c tthimage.h
morpho.o: morpho.c tthimage.h
recurse.o: recurse.c tthimage.h
drawing.o: drawing.c tthimage.h Makefile
draw_alpha.o: draw_alpha.c tthimage.h
marques.o: marques.c tthimage.h Makefile
pov_hf15.o: pov_hf15.c tthimage.h
pov_hf15b.o: pov_hf15b.c tthimage.h
pov_hf15c.o: pov_hf15c.c tthimage.h
pov_hf15d.o: pov_hf15d.c tthimage.h
pov_hf15e.o: pov_hf15e.c tthimage.h
pov_hf15f.o: pov_hf15f.c tthimage.h
pov_hf_synth.o: pov_hf_synth.c tthimage.h
df3.o: df3.c tthimage.h
df3b.o: df3b.c tthimage.h
cadres.o: cadres.c tthimage.h Makefile
cadres2.o: cadres2.c tthimage.h
cadres3.o: cadres3.c tthimage.h
cadres4.o: cadres4.c tthimage.h
cadres84.o: cadres84.c tthimage.h
cadresbox.o: cadresbox.c tthimage.h Makefile
alpha.o: alpha.c tthimage.h Makefile
alpha2.o: alpha2.c tthimage.h
alpha3.o: alpha3.c tthimage.h
mosaic.o: mosaic.c tthimage.h Makefile
text0.o: text0.c tthimage.h Makefile
text1.o: text1.c tthimage.h Makefile
text2.o: text2.c tthimage.h Makefile
text16x24.o: text16x24.c tthimage.h Makefile
freetype.o: freetype.c tthimage.h
vectfont.o: vectfont.c tthimage.h
scale.o: scale.c tthimage.h
halfsize.o: halfsize.c tthimage.h Makefile
doublesz.o: doublesz.c tthimage.h
levels.o: levels.c tthimage.h
patterns2.o: patterns2.c tthimage.h Makefile
patterns.o: patterns.c tthimage.h
patterns3.o: patterns3.c tthimage.h
patterns4.o: patterns4.c tthimage.h
insert.o: insert.c tthimage.h Makefile
plotteur.o: plotteur.c tthimage.h Makefile
imprime.o: imprime.c tthimage.h Makefile
col4bits.o: col4bits.c tthimage.h Makefile
dumppix.o: dumppix.c tthimage.h
warp0.o: warp0.c tthimage.h
warp1.o: warp1.c tthimage.h
warp2.o: warp2.c tthimage.h
warp3.o: warp3.c tthimage.h
xper.o: xper.c tthimage.h Makefile
dissolve.o: dissolve.c tthimage.h
troisD.o: troisD.c tthimage.h
turtle.o: turtle.c tthimage.h
cjpeg.o: cjpeg.c tthimage.h
rgbmask.o: rgbmask.c tthimage.h
octree.o: octree.c tthimage.h
addborder.o: addborder.c tthimage.h
fill_pat.o: fill_pat.c tthimage.h
vectfont.o: vectfont.c tthimage.h
photomaton.o: photomaton.c tthimage.h Makefile
pixeliz.o: pixeliz.c tthimage.h Makefile
pixels.o: pixels.c tthimage.h Makefile
anamorphose.o: anamorphose.c tthimage.h Makefile
life.o: life.c tthimage.h
tamppool.o: tamppool.c tthimage.h
vignetize.o: vignetize.c tthimage.h
7seg.o: 7seg.c tthimage.h Makefile
bitplanes.o: bitplanes.c tthimage.h Makefile
distances.o: distances.c tthimage.h Makefile
gray_ops.o: gray_ops.c tthimage.h Makefile
extractbits.o: extractbits.c tthimage.h Makefile
jauges.o: jauges.c tthimage.h Makefile
OBJECTS= image.o filtres.o effects.o operat.o \
tamppool.o gray_ops.o \
calculs.o calcluts.o luts15bits.o \
octree.o filtadapt.o sobel4.o \
classif.o vignetize.o \
gamma.o zoom.o gadgrect.o \
pht.o eps.o pnm.o png.o \
bmp.o pcx.o tga.o \
colors.o colors2.o col_reduc.o col_xyz.o \
tools.o mircol.o imprime.o \
combine.o combine2.o combine3.o combine4.o combine5.o \
combine6.o combine_rnd.o \
turtle.o marques.o rgbmask.o \
television.o tele_2.o \
effects2.o effects3.o \
contrast.o glitch.o \
basic_io.o mustopen.o ptlist.o \
anamorphose.o quadpics.o \
dither.o dither2.o dither3.o dither4.o \
bitblt.o detect.o op2x2.o detect2.o \
drawing.o draw_alpha.o drawpatt.o \
pov_hf15.o pov_hf15b.o pov_hf15c.o pov_hf15d.o \
pov_hf15e.o pov_hf15f.o \
pov_hf_synth.o df3.o df3b.o \
alpha.o alpha2.o alpha3.o \
text0.o text1.o text2.o text16x24.o \
freetype.o vectfont.o \
cadres.o cadres2.o cadres3.o cadres4.o \
cadres84.o cadresbox.o 7seg.o \
dissolve.o photomaton.o \
mosaic.o life.o extractbits.o \
palettes.o col4bits.o indexcol.o \
xper.o showdiff.o \
scale.o halfsize.o doublesz.o \
levels.o stereo.o jauges.o \
patterns4.o patterns3.o patterns2.o patterns.o \
fill_pat.o pixeliz.o pixels.o \
insert.o addborder.o \
morpho.o ascii.o plotteur.o dumppix.o asciiart.o \
warp0.o warp1.o warp2.o warp3.o \
fits.o recurse.o msglib.o troisD.o \
cjpeg.o bitplanes.o distances.o
libimage.a: $(OBJECTS)
$(AR) r libimage.a $?
$(RANLIB) libimage.a
# this is my first trial on shared library, so
# use with care... and what is the "-PIC" option ?
gcc -o -shared $(OBJECTS)
# fabrication du (des) programme(s) de test.
essais.o: essais.c tthimage.h Makefile essais.h
essais2.o: essais2.c tthimage.h Makefile essais.h
all_tests.o: all_tests.c tthimage.h Makefile essais.h
essai3d.o: essai3d.c tthimage.h Makefile
testtga.o: testtga.c tthimage.h essais.h Makefile
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c testtga.c
testtga: testtga.o libimage.a essais.o essais2.o all_tests.o Makefile
gcc $(CFLAGS) testtga.o essais.o essais2.o all_tests.o libimage.a -lm -o testtga
testrect.o: testrect.c tthimage.h essais.h Makefile
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c testrect.c
testrect: testrect.o libimage.a Makefile
gcc $(CFLAGS) testrect.o libimage.a -lm -o testrect
testSO: testtga.o
gcc testtga.o -o testSO -lm
essai3d: essai3d.o libimage.a Makefile
gcc $(CFLAGS) essai3d.o -o essai3d libimage.a -lm
t_ascii: t_ascii.c libimage.a tthimage.h Makefile
gcc $(CFLAGS) t_ascii.c -o t_ascii libimage.a -lm -g
t_png: t_png.c libimage.a tthimage.h Makefile
gcc $(CFLAGS) t_png.c -o t_png libimage.a -lm -lpng -g
t_t16x24.o: t_t16x24.c tthimage.h Makefile
gcc -c $(CFLAGS) t_t16x24.c
t_t16x24: t_t16x24.o libimage.a Makefile
gcc $(CFLAGS) t_t16x24.o -o t_t16x24 libimage.a -lm -g
all16x24chars.tga: bigfont.txt t_t16x24 Makefile
all16x24chars.png: all16x24chars.tga
convert all16x24chars.tga all16x24chars.png
testpcx: testpcx.c libimage.a Makefile
gcc $(CFLAGS) -g testpcx.c -o testpcx libimage.a -lm
testbmp: testbmp.c libimage.a Makefile
gcc $(CFLAGS) -g testbmp.c -o testbmp libimage.a -lm
foo: foo.c Makefile libimage.a
gcc $(CFLAGS) foo.c libimage.a -o foo -lm
fnt8to16: fnt8to16.c Makefile
gcc -Wall fnt8to16.c -o fnt8to16
# procedure d'installation en chantier...
install -d $(DESTDIR)/lib/
install libimage.a $(DESTDIR)/lib/libimage.a
install $(DESTDIR)/lib/
install -d $(DESTDIR)/include/
install -m 0644 tthimage.h $(DESTDIR)/include/tthimage.h
# install -m 0644 $(DESTDIR)/include/
install -d $(SHARED_FILES)
install -m 0644 libimage.fonte $(SHARED_FILES)/
install -m 0644 8x8thin $(SHARED_FILES)/
install -m 0644 16x24thin $(SHARED_FILES)/
install -m 0644 bigfont.txt $(SHARED_FILES)/
install -m 0644 $(SHARED_FILES)/
install -m 0644 $(SHARED_FILES)/
install -m 0644 $(SHARED_FILES)/
install -m 0644 libimage.html $(HTML_DIR)/libimage.html
install -m 0644 img-effets.html $(HTML_DIR)/img-effets.html
install -m 0644 img-fichiers.html $(HTML_DIR)/img-fichiers.html
install -m 0644 img-calculs.html $(HTML_DIR)/img-calculs.html
install -m 0644 img-cadres.html $(HTML_DIR)/img-cadres.html
install -m 0644 img-combine.html $(HTML_DIR)/img-combine.html
install -m 0644 img-couleurs.html $(HTML_DIR)/img-couleurs.html
install -m 0644 img-dither.html $(HTML_DIR)/img-dither.html
install -m 0644 img-filtres.html $(HTML_DIR)/img-filtres.html
install -m 0644 img-povhf15.html $(HTML_DIR)/img-povhf15.html
install -m 0644 img-patterns.html $(HTML_DIR)/img-patterns.html
install -m 0644 img-showdiff.html $(HTML_DIR)/img-showdiff.html
install -m 0644 img-stereo.html $(HTML_DIR)/
install -m 0644 image77.html $(HTML_DIR)/image77.html
install -m 0644 img-devel.html $(HTML_DIR)/img-devel.html
install -m 0644 img-texte.html $(HTML_DIR)/img-texte.html
install -m 0644 img-alpha.html $(HTML_DIR)/img-alpha.html
install -m 0644 img-operat.html $(HTML_DIR)/img-operat.html
install: install_lib
@echo "Use 'make install_doc' for installing doc in " $(HTML_DIR)
TXTFILES=*.c *.h Makefile Doc/*.html *.txt \ *.sh *.css *.fonte
TOTAR=$(TXTFILES) pov.tga 8x8thin machin.bin 16x24thin
lines: $(TXTFILES)
@wc $^ | sort -g
tarball: $(TOTAR)
date >> tarball
ls $(TOTAR) | sed 's/^/LibImage\//' > MANIFEST
( cd .. ; tar zcvf libimage.tar.gz `cat LibImage/MANIFEST` )
#----------- fini ------------------------------------------------

View File

@ -1,10 +1,23 @@
# libtthimage # libtthimage
Ce kluge a pour but de brotcher les images avec vigueur.
Du code né dans les années 1986 sur un Kenitec 286 sous msdos 4 ou 5, Du code né dans les années 1986 sur un Kenitec 286 sous msdos 4 ou 5,
qui s'est un jour retrouvé dans un Linux (kernel 0.99) et qui végète puis s'est un jour retrouvé dans un Linux (kernel 0.99) et qui végète
depuis ~2005. Il est venu le temps de le remettre en route. depuis ~2005. Il est venu le temps de le remettre en route.
Il a pour but de brotcher les images avec vigueur. ## Construction
Tout va bien se passer.
## Utilisation
C'est là que ça se complique.
## Les outils
Et ça sert à quoi ?
## La suite ?
Bah, c'est l'heure du _gloumiam_, alors on passe à table.

View File

@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ mot_clef mots_clef[] =
{ "burp0", CDR_BURP0, "iii", "cadre burp 0" }, { "burp0", CDR_BURP0, "iii", "cadre burp 0" },
{ "burp1", CDR_BURP1, "ii", "cadre burp 1" }, { "burp1", CDR_BURP1, "ii", "cadre burp 1" },
{ "burp2", CDR_BURP2, "iiii", "inversion composantes" }, { "burp2", CDR_BURP2, "iiii", "inversion composantes" },
{ "burp3", CDR_BURP3, "", "en chantier..." }, { "burp3", CDR_BURP3, "iiii", "en chantier..." },
{ "soft1", CDR_SOFT_1, "", "en chantier aussi" }, { "soft1", CDR_SOFT_1, "", "en chantier aussi" },
{ "x", CDR_PIXX, "ii", NULL }, { "x", CDR_PIXX, "ii", NULL },
{ "pixx", CDR_PIXX, "ii", "pixx me !" }, { "pixx", CDR_PIXX, "ii", "pixx me !" },
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ exit(5);
* argv[1] type cadre * argv[1] type cadre
* argv[2] image source * argv[2] image source
* argv[3] image destination * argv[3] image destination
* argv[...] paramètres * argv[...] parametres
*/ */
#define FIRST_PARAM 4 #define FIRST_PARAM 4
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ if (strlen(argv[1])==1)
argv[0], argv[1]); argv[0], argv[1]);
/* recherche du type de cadre demandé */ /* recherche du type de cadre demande */
idx = cherche_mot_clef(argv[2], mots_clef, &commande, &nbargs); idx = cherche_mot_clef(argv[2], mots_clef, &commande, &nbargs);
if (idx < 0) if (idx < 0)
{ {
@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ if ( (argc-nbargs) != FIRST_PARAM )
exit(5); exit(5);
} }
/* /*
* décodage des paramètres * decodage des parametres
*/ */
foo = parse_parametres(argc, argv, mots_clef[idx].ptypes, FIRST_PARAM); foo = parse_parametres(argc, argv, mots_clef[idx].ptypes, FIRST_PARAM);
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ if ( (src=Image_TGA_alloc_load(argv[1])) == NULL )
exit(1); exit(1);
} }
/* 26 Jan 2002: en fait, est-il nécessaire de cloner l'image ? */ /* 26 Jan 2002: en fait, est-il necessaire de cloner l'image ? */
if ( (dst=Image_clone(src, 1)) == NULL ) if ( (dst=Image_clone(src, 1)) == NULL )
{ {
fprintf(stderr, "tga_cadre: can't clone %p\n", src); fprintf(stderr, "tga_cadre: can't clone %p\n", src);

View File

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
* header file for BMP functions
* -----------------------------
* 'tthimage.h' must be included before this file.
#pragma pack(1) /* est-ce encore utile ? */
typedef struct
char id[2];
long filesize;
uint16_t reserved[2];
long headerSize;
long infoSize;
long width;
long height;
short planes;
short bits;
long compression;
long SizeImage;
long xpixpermeter;
long ypixpermeter;
long clrused;
long clrimportant;
#pragma pack()

View File

@ -2,5 +2,9 @@
cd Lib cd Lib
make foo make testtga
cd ..
cd Tools
cd .. cd ..

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
http:/// http:///
*/ */
#define IMAGE_VERSION_STRING "0.4.47" #define IMAGE_VERSION_STRING "0.4.48"
/*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/ /*::------------------------------------------------------------------::*/
/* /*