/* ---------- bubulles.c ---------------------------- some functions for managing bubulles in a 3D space. */ #include #include #include #include "bubulles.h" #include "edges.h" /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int bubulles_version(int k) { fprintf(stderr, "###\n### LIBBB %s v %d / %s %s\n###\n", __FILE__, LIBBB_VERSION, __DATE__, __TIME__); if (k) { bubulles_sizeof(k); } return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void bubulles_sizeof(int k) { if (k & 0x01) printf(" sizeof structs\n"); printf("%-15s %4lu\n", "XYZ", sizeof(XYZ)); printf("%-15s %4lu\n", "RGBA", sizeof(RGBA)); printf("%-15s %4lu\n", "Bubulle", sizeof(Bubulle)); printf("%-15s %4lu\n", "BBList", sizeof(BBList)); printf("%-15s %4lu\n", "AnEdge", sizeof(AnEdge)); printf("%-15s %4lu\n", "EdgeList", sizeof(EdgeList)); puts(""); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ BBList * alloc_bubulles(char *name, int sz, int unused) { BBList *bblptr; Bubulle *array; #if DEBUG_LEVEL fprintf(stderr, "+++ %s '%s' %d 0x%X\n", __func__, name, sz, unused); #endif if (NULL==(bblptr = calloc(1, sizeof(BBList)))) { fprintf(stderr, "no mem available in %s\n", __func__); return NULL; } if ( (NULL != name) && (strlen(name) < SZ_BUBULLE_TEXT) ) strcpy(bblptr->name, name); else strcpy(bblptr->name, "noname"); bblptr->fidx = 0; bblptr->size = sz; bblptr->flags = 0; if (NULL==(array = calloc(sz, sizeof(Bubulle)))) { fprintf(stderr, "no mem available in %s\n", __func__); free(bblptr); return NULL; } bblptr->bbs = array; #if DEBUG_LEVEL fprintf(stderr, "\tbblptr is at %p\n", bblptr); #endif return bblptr; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int free_bubulles(BBList *bbl, int k) { #if DEBUG_LEVEL fprintf(stderr, ">>> %s ( %p %d )\n", __func__, bbl, k); #endif if (NULL == bbl->bbs) { fprintf(stderr, "%s : array ptr is null\n", __func__); #if MUST_ABORT abort(); #endif return 1; } free(bbl->bbs); /* it's safe to erase the metadata header (nsa) */ memset(bbl, 0, sizeof(BBList)); /* release a clean memory */ free(bbl); return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Bubulle * bubulle_getaddr(BBList *where, int idx) { #if DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 fprintf(stderr, ">>> %s ( %p %d )\n", __func__, where, idx); #endif if ( (idx < 0) || (idx > where->fidx) ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s : idx %d out of range on %p\n", __func__, idx, where); #if MUST_ABORT abort(); #endif return NULL; } return ( &where->bbs[idx] ); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int print_bublist_desc(BBList *bbl, int opts) { fprintf(stderr, "------- bblist at %p\n", bbl); fprintf(stderr, "\tname\t\t'%s'\n", bbl->name); fprintf(stderr, "\tsize/fidx\t%d %d\n", bbl->size, bbl->fidx); if (opts & 0x01) { fprintf(stderr, "\txyz\t\t%f %f %f\n", bbl->position.x, bbl->position.y, bbl->position.z); } fprintf(stderr, "\tflags\t\t0x%08lX\n", bbl->flags); fprintf(stderr, "\tarray@\t\t%p\n", bbl->bbs); fflush(stderr); return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int push_bubulle(BBList *where, Bubulle *what) { #if DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 fprintf(stderr, "%s : %p --> %p\n", __func__, what, where); fprintf(stderr, "XYZ %f %f %f\n", what->p.x, what->p.y, what->p.z); #endif if (where->fidx >= where->size) { /* this is a very bad fatal error */ fprintf(stderr, "%s : overflow in BBList at %p\n", __func__, where); #if MUST_ABORT abort(); #endif return -1; } memcpy(&where->bbs[where->fidx], what, sizeof(Bubulle)); where->fidx++; return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int poke_bubulle(BBList *where, Bubulle *what, int idx) { if ((idx < 0) || (idx > where->size)) { #if DEBUG_LEVEL fprintf(stderr, "%s : idx %d out of range\n", __func__, idx); #endif return -1; } #if DEBUG_LEVEL fprintf(stderr, "%s : %p --> %p+%d\n", __func__, what, where, idx); fprintf(stderr, "src XYZ %f %f %f\n", what->p.x, what->p.y, what->p.z); #endif memcpy(&where->bbs[idx], what, sizeof(Bubulle)); return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int peek_bubulle(BBList *from, Bubulle *to, int idx) { if (NULL==from) { fprintf(stderr, "in %s, *from is null\n", __func__); #if MUST_ABORT abort(); #endif return -5; } if ((idx < 0) || (idx > from->size)) { #if DEBUG_LEVEL fprintf(stderr, "%s : idx %d out of range\n", __func__, idx); #endif return -1; } memcpy(to, &from->bbs[idx], sizeof(Bubulle)); return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* flags : * 0x0001 print diameter * 0x0002 print graylevel * 0x0004 print RGB values */ int fprint_bubulles(FILE *fp, char *title, BBList *bbl, int opts) { int idx; Bubulle *ar; if (NULL == bbl) { fprintf(stderr, "in %s, *bbl is NULL\n", __func__); #if MUST_ABORT abort(); #endif return -5; } ar = bbl->bbs; #if DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 fprintf(stderr, "*** %s : array at %p, sz %d\n", __func__, ar, bbl->size); #endif for (idx=0; idxfidx; idx++) { fprintf(fp, "%15.8f %15.8f %15.8f", ar[idx].p.x, ar[idx].p.y, ar[idx].p.z); if (opts & 0x01) fprintf(fp, " %12.6f", ar[idx].d); if (opts & 0x02) fprintf(fp, " %6d", ar[idx].gray); fputs("\n", fp); } fflush(fp); return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int niceprint_bubulle(Bubulle *what, int unused) { printf("----------------------- @ %p -----------------\n", what); printf("xyzd %11.6f %11.6f %11.6f %11.6f\n", what->p.x, what->p.y, what->p.z, what->d); printf("diam %11.6f gray %5d\n", what->d, what->gray); printf("rgba %11.6f %11.6f %11.6f %11.6f\n", what->col.r, what->col.g, what->col.b, what->col.a); puts("----------------------------------------------------------"); return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int cleanfill_my_bublist(BBList *what, int k) { Bubulle *ar; int idx; if (NULL == what) { fprintf(stderr, "SHIT HAPPEN IN %s\n", __func__); #if MUST_ABORT abort(); #endif return -5; } ar = what->bbs; /* get the bubble array addr */ #if DEBUG_LEVEL > 2 fprintf(stderr, "*O* %s array at %p, sz %d\n", __func__, ar, what->size); #endif for (idx=0; idxsize; idx++) { memset(&ar[idx], 0, sizeof(Bubulle)); ar[idx].kvalue = 1.0; } what->fidx = what->size - 1; return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * this is the WTF function * see tbb.c */ int bubulles_to_data(char *fname, char *title, BBList *bbl, int k) { FILE *fp; int retval; if (NULL==(fp=fopen(fname, "w"))) { perror(fname); return -1; } retval = fprint_bubulles(fp, title, bbl, k); if (retval) { fprintf(stderr, "something strange (%d) happen in %s\n", retval, __func__); } fclose(fp); return retval; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /******* BOUNDING BOXES *******/ int bounding_box(Bubulle *boubs, int nbre, BBox *bbox) { int idx; bbox->minX = bbox->minY = bbox->minZ = 9e99; bbox->maxX = bbox->maxY = bbox->maxZ = -9e99; for (idx=0; idx bbox->maxX) bbox->maxX = boubs[idx].p.x; else if (boubs[idx].p.x < bbox->minX) bbox->minX = boubs[idx].p.x; if (boubs[idx].p.y > bbox->maxY) bbox->maxY = boubs[idx].p.y; else if (boubs[idx].p.y < bbox->minY) bbox->minY = boubs[idx].p.y; if (boubs[idx].p.z > bbox->maxZ) bbox->maxZ = boubs[idx].p.z; else if (boubs[idx].p.z < bbox->minZ) bbox->minZ = boubs[idx].p.z; } return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int print_bbox(BBox *bbox, int k) { if (NULL==bbox) { fprintf(stderr, "in %s, *bbox is NULL\n", __func__); #if MUST_ABORT abort(); #endif return -5; } printf("%9.6f %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f\n", bbox->minX, bbox->minY, bbox->minZ, bbox->maxX, bbox->maxY, bbox->maxZ); return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */