/* LIBBUBULLES IMPORT_OBJ some functions for importing bubulles from dot-OBJ files. https://git.tetalab.org/tTh/libbubulle/src/branch/master/tools/ http://fegemo.github.io/cefet-cg/attachments/obj-spec.pdf */ #include #include #include #include #include "../bubulles.h" #include "../edges.h" #include "objtrucs.h" extern int verbosity; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void dumper(void *ptr, int count) { int idx; unsigned char *cptr = (unsigned char *)ptr; for (idx=0; idx>> %s ( '%s' %p %p )\n", __func__, filename, bblist, edges); if (NULL==(fp=fopen(filename, "w"))) { perror(filename); return -4; } print_bublist_desc(bblist, 0); fwrite("VERTICES", 8, 1, fp); nbre = bblist->fidx; fwrite(&nbre, sizeof(int), 1, fp); for (idx=0; idxfidx; idx++) { fprintf(stderr, "vertice %d\n", idx); coo[0] = bblist->bbs[idx].p.x; coo[1] = bblist->bbs[idx].p.y; coo[2] = bblist->bbs[idx].p.z; fwrite(coo, sizeof(coo), 1, fp); } print_edgelist_desc(edges, 0); fwrite("EDGES ", 8, 1, fp); nbre = edges->fidx; fwrite(&nbre, sizeof(int), 1, fp); for (idx=0; idxfidx; idx++) { edg[0] = edges->edges[idx].A; edg[1] = edges->edges[idx].B; fwrite(edg, sizeof(edg), 1, fp); } fclose(fp); return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* EXPERIMENTAL GRUIK-CODE !!! */ int x_load_vertedges(char *filename, EdgesAndVertices *eav) { BBList *blst; EdgeList *elst; FILE *fp; char marker[8]; int nbre, foo, idx, edg[2]; double coo[3]; #if DEBUG_LEVEL fprintf(stderr, ">>> %s ( '%s' %p )\n", __func__, filename, eav); #endif if (NULL==(fp=fopen(filename, "r"))) { perror(filename); return -4; } /* + + + + + + + + + + + */ foo = fread(marker, 8, 1, fp); if (1 != foo) { fprintf(stderr, " %s of '%s': short read %d\n", __func__, filename, foo); return -1; } if (memcmp("VERTICES", marker, 8)) { fprintf(stderr, " %s is not an evblob file.\n", filename); dumper(marker, 8); return -4; } /* now, get the numbers of vertices */ foo = fread(&nbre, sizeof(int), 1, fp); if (1 != foo) { fprintf(stderr, " %s of '%s': short read %d\n", __func__, filename, foo); return -1; } fprintf(stderr, " %d vertices to be loaded\n", nbre); /* allocate memory */ blst = alloc_bubulles(filename, nbre, 0); if (NULL==blst) { fprintf(stderr, "in %s, no mem, aborting...\n", __func__); abort(); } if (verbosity > 1) print_bublist_desc(blst, 0); /* load all that XYZ points */ for (idx=0; idxbbs[idx].p.x = coo[0]; blst->bbs[idx].p.y = coo[1]; blst->bbs[idx].p.z = coo[2]; blst->fidx++; } /* + + + + + + + + + + + */ foo = fread(marker, 8, 1, fp); if (1 != foo) { fprintf(stderr, " %s of '%s': short read %d\n", __func__, filename, foo); return -1; } if (memcmp("EDGES ", marker, 8)) { fprintf(stderr, " %s is not an evblob file.\n", filename); dumper(marker, 8); return -4; } /* now, get the numbers of eges */ foo = fread(&nbre, sizeof(int), 1, fp); if (1 != foo) { fprintf(stderr, " %s of '%s': short read %d\n", __func__, filename, foo); return -1; } fprintf(stderr, " %d edges to be loaded\n", nbre); /* allocate memory for edges list */ elst = alloc_edgelist("krkrkr", nbre, 0); if (NULL==elst) { fprintf(stderr, "no mem for edges in %s, aborting...\n", __func__); abort(); /* be violent before OOMK */ } /* read (and check ?) the edges */ for (idx=0; idxedges[idx].A = edg[0]; elst->edges[idx].B = edg[1]; elst->fidx++; } /* so, now I think we have got all the data */ eav->Blist = blst; eav->Elist = elst; eav->status = 0x51; fclose(fp); return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */