/* * ncurses widgets for poc-osc */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "ncursefuncs.h" extern int verbosity; /* to be declared public near main() */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ void endcurses(int p) { endwin(); fprintf(stderr, "%s : p=%d, bye...\n", __func__, p); exit(0); } static void atexit_endcurses(void) { #if DEBUG_LEVEL fprintf(stderr, "--> %s ( )\n", __func__); #endif endcurses(0); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ int initcurses(void) { setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); /* pourquoi ? */ /* get character-at-a-time input without echoing */ initscr(); cbreak(); noecho(); /* hide the cursor */ curs_set(0); atexit(atexit_endcurses); // signal(SIGINT, endcurses); return 0; /* this is not a magic number */ } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ int draw_main_screen(char *title, int unused) { char ligne[81]; int foo; #if DEBUG_LEVEL fprintf(stderr, ">>> %s ( '%s' %d )\n", __func__, title, unused); #endif if (verbosity) { sprintf(ligne, "screen : %d x %d", LINES, COLS); mvaddstr(1, 0, ligne); } standout(); for (foo=0; foo>> %s ( '%s' %d %d )\n", __func__, txt, violence, unused); #endif line = LINES - 1; if (verbosity > 3) { sprintf(buff, "%s : line is %d ", __func__, line); mvaddstr(1, 0, buff); refresh(); } standout(); // setup our part of screen for (foo=0; foo>> %s ( '%c' )\n", __func__, ascii); #endif standout(); // clear our part of screen for (foo=0; foo 1 fprintf(stderr, ">>> %s ( %3d %3d '%s' %d )\n", __func__, lig, col, txt, state); #endif if (state) { standout(); mvaddstr(lig, col, "*****"); mvaddstr(lig+1, col, "*"); mvaddstr(lig+1, col+1, txt); mvaddstr(lig+1, col+4, "*"); mvaddstr(lig+2, col, "*****"); standend(); } else { mvaddstr(lig, col, "+---+"); mvaddstr(lig+1, col, "| |"); mvaddstr(lig+2, col, "+---+"); } refresh(); return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */