/* * WARNING, THIS IS JUST A WIP ! */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "functions/senders.h" #define REMOTE_HOST "localhost" /* just loling */ #define REMOTE_PORT "9000" #define MY_TEXT_ID "<@TROLL>" /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ int verbosity = 0; char *my_id = MY_TEXT_ID; int wait_time = 100; /* in milliseconds */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ int megaloop(FILE *fp, lo_address loa) { int caractere, note; short x_val, y_val; int must_send_xy; int char_count; x_val = y_val = 0; must_send_xy = 1; char_count = 0; rewind(fp); /* so we can run this code again and again on the same fopened file */ while (EOF != (caractere=getc(fp))) { char_count++; if (verbosity) fprintf(stderr, "car = %d\n", caractere); if (isalpha(caractere)) { /* Play a sound */ note=toupper(caractere) - 'A'; // fprintf(stderr, "%c -> %3d\n", caractere, note); send_data_button(loa, note, 1); usleep(40*1000); send_data_button(loa, note, 0); usleep(80*1000); } else if (isblank(caractere)) { usleep(300*1000); } else if (caractere == '!') { send_data_id(loa, my_id); } /* imagine : we are a XY joystick */ else if (caractere == '+') { x_val++; if (x_val > 32000) x_val = 0; must_send_xy = 1; } else if (caractere == '-') { x_val--; if (x_val < -32000) x_val = 0; must_send_xy = 1; } else if (caractere == '^') { y_val++; if (y_val > 32000) y_val = 0; must_send_xy = 1; } else if (caractere == '$') { y_val--; if (y_val < -32000) y_val = 0; must_send_xy = 1; } /* default case */ else { usleep(wait_time*1000); } if (must_send_xy) { fprintf(stderr, "... X %6d Y %6d\n", x_val, y_val); send_data_xy(loa, x_val, y_val); must_send_xy = 0; } } return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void help(int k) { puts("\t * text -> osc "__DATE__" *"); puts("\t-r\tremote host ("REMOTE_HOST")"); puts("\t-p\tremote UDP port ("REMOTE_PORT")"); puts("\t-v\tincrease verbosity"); puts("\t-w\twait time unit in ms."); puts("\t-I\tchange text id (\""MY_TEXT_ID"\")"); exit(0); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int opt; char *remote_host = REMOTE_HOST; char *remote_port = REMOTE_PORT; lo_address loaddr; FILE *fp; /* parsing command line options */ while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "hp:r:vI:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'h': help(0); break; case 'r': remote_host = optarg; break; case 'p': remote_port = optarg; break; case 'v': verbosity++; break; case 'I': my_id = optarg; break; default: exit(1); } } if (optind >= argc) { fprintf(stderr, "Expected a filename after options\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } loaddr = lo_address_new(remote_host, remote_port); if (verbosity) { fprintf(stderr, "%s (%s) is sending to %s:%s\n", argv[0], my_id, remote_host, remote_port); } if (NULL==(fp=fopen(argv[optind], "r"))) { perror (argv[optind]); exit(1); } if (verbosity) fprintf(stderr, "now playing %s\n", argv[optind]); megaloop(fp, loaddr); return 0; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */