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2021-09-16 18:53:40 +02:00
Buzybox est un peu le couteau suisse des systèmes Unix minimalistes,
tels que ceux que l'on peut trouver dans des routeurs WiFi
(OpenWrt\index{OpenWrt}, par exemple. Cf page \pageref{chap:openwrt}),
ou des systèmes embarqués de toutes natures.
% https://opensource.com/article/21/8/what-busybox
BusyBox is an open source (GPL) project providing simple implementations
of nearly \textbf{400} common commands, including ls, mv, ln, mkdir, more, ps,
gzip, bzip2, tar, and grep. It also contains a version of the programming
language awk, the stream editor sed, the filesystem checker fsck, the
rpm and dpkg package managers, and of course, a shell (sh) that provides
easy access to all of these commands.