
152 lines
4.0 KiB

program noisepic
use spitpgm
use pixrgb
use noisepictures
implicit none
integer :: numframe = 0
integer :: nbarg, nbre
character(len=256) :: arg
integer :: ranges(6)
nbarg = IARGC()
if (nbarg .GT. 0) then
call GETARG(1, arg)
! write (0, '(A40, A5)') "argument = ", arg
read (arg, *) numframe
ranges(1) = 10 ; ranges(2) = 90
ranges(3) = 110 ; ranges(4) = 166
ranges(5) = 205 ; ranges(6) = 230
nbre = 1000+(numframe*555)
call make_noise_bw_pic (numframe)
!-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
!- Black & White
subroutine make_noise_bw_pic (value)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: value
integer :: foo
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: pic
character (len=280) :: filename
allocate(pic(320, 240))
pic = 30 !- clear the picz
call srand(value+34)
foo = irand()
print *, 'val=', value, ' rnd=', foo
! call plot_noise_bw_pic(pic, 15000)
call noise_gray8_pic(pic, 15000)
write (filename, "(a, i5.5, a)") "", value, ".pgm"
call spit_as_pgm_8(pic, trim(filename))
end subroutine
!-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
!-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
!- Colorized
subroutine make_noise_color_pic (value)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: value
integer :: foo
type(t_pixrgb), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: pix
character (len=280) :: filename
allocate(pix(320, 240))
call rgbpix_set_to_rgb(pix, 30, 30, 60)
call srand(value+34)
foo = irand()
print *, 'val=', value, ' rnd=', foo
call plot_noise_color_pic(pix, 15000)
write (filename, "(a, i5.5, a)") "./", value, ".pnm"
call rgbpix_spit_as_pnm_8(pix, trim(filename))
end subroutine
!-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine plot_noise_color_pic(prgb, nbre)
implicit none
type(t_pixrgb), dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: prgb
integer, intent(in) :: nbre
integer :: quux, ix, iy, width, height
width = ubound(prgb, 1) ; height = ubound(prgb, 2)
do quux=1, nbre
ix = 1 + mod ( irand(), width )
iy = 1 + mod ( irand(), height )
prgb(ix, iy)%r = 64 + mod ( irand(), 127 )
prgb(ix, iy)%g = 64 + mod ( irand(), 127 )
prgb(ix, iy)%b = 64 + mod ( irand(), 127 )
end subroutine
!-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
!- Colorized with range
subroutine plot_noise_color_range_pic(prgb, nbre)
implicit none
type(t_pixrgb), dimension(:,:), intent(inout) :: prgb
integer, intent(in) :: nbre
integer :: quux, ix, iy, width, height
width = ubound(prgb, 1) ; height = ubound(prgb, 2)
do quux=1, nbre
ix = 1 + mod ( irand(), width )
iy = 1 + mod ( irand(), height )
prgb(ix, iy)%r = 64 + mod ( irand(), 127 )
prgb(ix, iy)%g = 64 + mod ( irand(), 127 )
prgb(ix, iy)%b = 64 + mod ( irand(), 127 )
end subroutine
!-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine make_noise_color_range_pic (value, rngs, nbre)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: value, nbre
integer, intent(in) :: rngs(6)
integer :: foo
type(t_pixrgb), allocatable :: pix(:,:)
character (len=280) :: filename
allocate(pix(320, 240))
call rgbpix_set_to_rgb(pix, 0, 0, 0)
call srand(value+34)
foo = irand()
print *, 'color_range: val=', value, 'rnd=', foo, 'nbre=', nbre
write (filename, "(a, i5.5, a)") "./F/np/", value, ".pnm"
print *, 'filename: ', trim(filename)
call plot_noise_color_range_pic(pix, nbre)
call rgbpix_spit_as_pnm_8(pix, trim(filename))
end subroutine
!-- ------------------------------------------------------------------
end program