
98 lines
2.6 KiB

! project "gravity field"
program essai
use realfield
use spitpgm ! XXX
implicit none
type(massbody) :: planet
integer :: foo
character (len=100) :: filename
planet%posx = 337.314
planet%posy = 164.666
planet%mass = 1e8
planet%serial = 42
do foo=0, 48
write (filename, "(a, i5.5, a)") 'WS/', foo, '.pgm'
call build_and_write_a_field(800, 600, planet, filename)
planet%posx = planet%posx + 6.99
planet%posy = planet%posy + 2.55
! compute a field with only one body; and write pic file
subroutine build_and_write_a_field(szx, szy, moon, fname)
integer, intent(in) :: szx, szy
type(massbody), intent(in) :: moon
character (len=*), intent(in) :: fname
real :: maxi, mini
integer :: errcode
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: field
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: greymap
allocate(field(szx, szy), stat=errcode)
call compute_a_field(field, moon)
maxi = maxval(field)
mini = minval(field)
print *, "field: ", mini, maxi, maxi-mini
allocate(greymap(szx, szy), stat=errcode)
greymap = 65535
! convert from real value to 16 bits int values
where (field < 65530.0)
greymap = int(field)
end where
call spit_as_pgm_16(greymap, trim(fname))
! make valgrind happy
end subroutine
! Compute the gravity field in a pre-allocated array relative
! to the massbody 'moon'. Nobody know where the magic number
! come from, sorry.
subroutine compute_a_field(field, moon)
real, dimension(:,:), intent(out) :: field
type(massbody), intent(in) :: moon
integer :: ix, iy
real :: fx, fy
real :: grav
! print *, "pic size ", ubound(field, 1), "W", ubound(field, 2), "H"
! print *, "mass body ", moon
do ix=1, ubound(field, 1)
fx = real(ix)
do iy=1, ubound(field, 2)
fy = real(iy)
grav = compute_gravity(fx, fy, moon)
field(ix,iy) = grav
end subroutine
end program