2023-01-01 14:28:52 +01:00

158 lines
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module fraktals
use points3d
implicit none
! nouveau 28 mai 2022 (again)
! source:
! Fractal Creation with FRACTINT
subroutine parasites_0(pic, cx, cy, maxiter)
implicit none
integer, intent(inout), dimension (:,:) :: pic
real, intent(in) :: cx, cy
integer, intent(in) :: maxiter
integer :: ix, iy, width, height
real :: fx, fy, coef
logical :: burps
width = ubound(pic, 1) ; height = ubound(pic, 2)
coef = float(maxiter) / 12.3456789
do ix = 1, width
fx = cx + (float(ix) / (float(width)/4.0) - 2.0)
burps = (RAND() .lt. 0.01)
do iy = 1, height
fy = cy + (float(iy) / (float(height)/4.0) - 2.0)
if (burps) then
pic(ix, iy) = mod(int(fx * fy * coef * 1.005), 250)
pic(ix, iy) = mod(int(fx * fy * coef), 250)
end subroutine parasites_0
! d'après les pages 91/92 du livre de Roger T Stevens
! "Fractal programming in C"
subroutine compute_pickover(array, coefs)
type(t_point3d), dimension(:) :: array
double precision, dimension(4) :: coefs
double precision :: xa, ya, za, xb, yb, zb
integer :: i
xa = 1.0 ; ya = 1.0 ; za = 1.0
do i=1, ubound(array, 1)
xb = sin(coefs(1)*ya) - za*cos(coefs(2)*xa)
yb = za*sin(coefs(3)*xa) - cos(coefs(4)*ya)
zb = sin(xa)
array(i)%x = xb
array(i)%y = yb
array(i)%z = zb
array(i)%seq = i
xa = xb ; ya = yb ; za = zb
end subroutine
! d'après les pages 91/92 du livre de Roger T Stevens
! "Fractal programming in C"
subroutine plot_pickover(pic, count)
implicit none
integer, intent(inout), dimension (:,:) :: pic
integer, intent(in) :: count
type(t_point3d), dimension(:), allocatable :: points
double precision, dimension(4) :: coefs
integer :: i, w, h, px, py, errcode
write(0, '(1X, A18 , I9)') "pickover_0 ", count
allocate(points(count), stat=errcode)
if (0 .NE. errcode) then
! Clear the picture
pic = 0
coefs(1) = 2.24 ; coefs(2) = 0.43
coefs(3) = -0.65 ; coefs(4) = -2.43
call compute_pickover(points, coefs)
w = ubound(pic, 1)
h = ubound(pic, 2)
do i=1, ubound(points, 1)
px = int((points(i)%x * (w/4.09)) + (w / 2))
py = int((points(i)%y * (h/4.09)) + (h / 2))
pic(px, py) = 255 ! WARNING COREDUMP ?
end subroutine plot_pickover
! d'après les pages NN/NN du livre de Roger T Stevens
! "Fractal programming in C"
subroutine lorentz_0(pic, count)
implicit none
integer, intent(inout), dimension (:,:) :: pic
integer, intent(in) :: count
! XXX double precision :: xa, ya, za, xb, yb, zb
! XXX double precision :: ka, kb, kc, kd
! XXX integer :: i, w, h, px, py
write(0, *) "lorentz_0, picz is ", ubound(pic)
write(0, *) "lorentz_0, count is ", count
end subroutine lorentz_0
! -- some support functions --
! usage in : evolvopick & voxelize
subroutine interp4dp (ina, inb, out, dpk)
double precision, dimension(4), intent(in) :: ina, inb
double precision, dimension(4), intent(out) :: out
double precision, intent(in) :: dpk
integer :: foo
do foo=1, 4
out(foo) = (ina(foo) * (1.0-dpk)) + (inb(foo) * (dpk))
end subroutine
function dist0 (x, y)
implicit none
real, intent(in) :: x, y
real :: dist0
dist0 = ( x*x + y*y )
end function
function modulus2(pt)
implicit none
complex, intent(in) :: pt
real :: modulus2
modulus2 = real(pt)*real(pt) + imag(pt)*imag(pt)
end module fraktals