!----------------------------------------------------- ! IMAGE PROCESSING !----------------------------------------------------- !- subroutine plotsomething(pic, start) ! use cmplxmath ! use imagetools use pixrgb implicit none type(t_pixrgb), intent(inout), dimension (:,:) :: pic complex, intent(in) :: start ! type (CenterMag), intent(in) :: cz integer :: ix, iy, width, height real :: fx, fy, mod2 complex :: za, zb, cste integer :: iter, maxiter logical :: escape print *, "> plotsomething" width = ubound(pic, 1) height = ubound(pic, 2) ! print *, " pic size ", width, height print *, " start ", start ! initialise constants ! maxiter = 2500; ! enter megaloop ! do iy = 1, height fy = (float(iy) / float(height/3)) - 1.5 !! print *, "line ", iy, fy do ix = 1, width fx = (float(ix) / float(width/3)) - 2.0 !! print *, "pixel ", ix, iy, " at ", fx, fy !------------------------------------- ! working on the current pixel za = start cste = complex ( fx, fy ) iter = 0 escape = .FALSE. do while (iter .lt. maxiter) zb = (za * za) + cste ! if (modulus2(zb) .gt. 4.0) then mod2 = real(zb)*real(zb) + aimag(zb)*aimag(zb) !! print *, "mod2 ", mod2 if (mod2 .GT. 4.0) then escape = .TRUE. exit endif za = zb iter = iter + 1 !! print *, "ZA ITER ESCAPE", za, iter, escape enddo if (escape) then pic(ix, iy)%r = mod(iter*22, 255) pic(ix, iy)%b = mod(iter*7, 255) else pic(ix, iy)%g = mod(int(mod2 * 555), 200) ! pic(ix, iy)%g = mod(iter, 255) ! pic(ix, iy)%b = mod(iter*11, 255) endif !------------------------------------- end do ! fin boucle sur X end do end !----------------------------------------------------- ! ! this is the main programm ! program mkmandel use pixrgb implicit none interface subroutine plotsomething (pic, start) use pixrgb type(t_pixrgb), intent(inout), dimension (:,:) :: pic complex, intent(in) :: start end subroutine plotsomething end interface type(t_pixrgb), allocatable :: pic(:,:) integer :: angle real :: radangle, radius real :: stx, sty character (len=80) :: filename print *, "-------- making some mandelbrot -------" allocate(pic(800, 600)) do angle = 0, 1200 call rgbpix_set_to_zero(pic) radangle = float(angle) * 0.017453292522222 radius = float(angle) / 2000.0 write (filename, "(a, i5.5, a)") "frames/mandel/", angle, ".pnm" ! filename = trim(filename) print *, "#### passe ", angle, radangle, trim(filename) stx = radius * sin(radangle*3.9) sty = radius * cos(radangle*3.3) call plotsomething (pic, complex(stx, sty)) call rgbpix_spit_as_pnm_8 (pic, trim(filename)) print * enddo print *, " [DONE]" end !-----------------------------------------------------