/* * WAV TO TEXT */ #include #include #include #include #include "support.h" /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */ int convert_wav_to_text(char *infname) { SNDFILE * sndf; SF_INFO sfinfo; int foo, lu; short * samples; #if DEBUG_LEVEL fprintf(stderr, ">>> %s ( '%s' )\n", __func__, infname); #endif memset(&sfinfo, 0, sizeof(sfinfo)); /* be clean */ sndf = sf_open(infname, SFM_READ, &sfinfo); if (sndf==NULL) { /*catch the snfile errmsg here XXX */ fprintf(stderr, "error sf_opening %s\n", infname); exit(1); } foo = display_sf_info(&sfinfo, "why not ?"); if (foo) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: corrupted sf_info ?\n", __func__); abort(); } /* get memory for bufferins read from sound file */ if ( NULL == (samples = malloc(BUFFER_SIZE*sizeof(short))) ) { perror("\n no memory in converter"); abort(); } while ( (lu=sf_read_short(sndf, samples, BUFFER_SIZE)) > 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, " LU = %5lu\n", lu); } /* * job done, some cleanup */ free(samples); return -1; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */ void usage(void) { printf("usage:\n\twav2txt 1337.wav\n"); exit(0); } /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int foo; print_version(argv[0]); if (2 != argc) usage(); foo = convert_wav_to_text(argv[1]); fprintf(stderr, "got a %d from converter\n", foo); return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */