#!/bin/bash # # how to run this mess in a batch style # INCFILE="bloubs.inc" TMPPNG="/dev/shm/bloubs7.png" POVOPT="+Q9 -v -d -W640 -H480" DDIR="frames" make all err=$? if [ $err -ne 0 ] ; then echo 'make error = ' $err exit 1 fi # # first, we have to make a seminal buch of bloubs # --> this function need to be paraletrizable # ./genbloubs in.blbs 10000 for idx in $(seq 0 40) do echo "======== run passe $idx =========" ./exportbloubs in.blbs | awk -f toinc.awk > $INCFILE povray -Iscene.pov -K${idx} -O${TMPPNG} ${POVOPT} 2> toto grep "Trace Tim" toto txt=$(date +'%F %R:%S') PNG=$(printf "%s/%05d.png" ${DDIR} $idx) echo $PNG $txt convert ${TMPPNG} \ -font fixed \ -pointsize 12 \ -fill orange \ -gravity south-east \ -annotate +10+10 "$txt" \ $PNG ./movebloubs in.blbs out.blbs cp out.blbs in.blbs sleep 2 ; echo done rm toto convert -delay 10 -colors 32 $DDIR/*.png foo.gif