#!/bin/bash if [ $# -ne 2 ] ; then echo echo "need two arguments:" echo " 1) source dir" echo " 2) mp4 filename" exit 1 fi SDIR="$1" FNAME="$2" echo "Encoding from " $SDIR " to " $FNAME # # trying to guess the format of inoput files # firstfile=$(ls -1 $SDIR/* | head -1) echo "first file :" $firstfile filetype=$(file $firstfile | awk '{ print $2 }') echo "file type :" $filetype case $filetype in PNG) extension=".png" ;; Netpbm) extension=".pgm" ;; *) extension=".pnm" ;; esac echo "extension :" $extension TITLE=$(printf -- '---{ experimental gravity field %d }---' $$) ffmpeg -nostdin \ -loglevel warning \ -y -r 30 -f image2 -i ${SDIR}/%05d${extension} \ -metadata artist='---{ tTh }---' \ -metadata title="${TITLE}" \ -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p \ $FNAME echo $FNAME ' ..... [done]'