program movebloubs use bloubspace use povstuff implicit none character(200) :: infile, outfile integer :: inu, outu, errcode, i type(t_bloubs) :: bloub double precision :: bx, by, bz i = IARGC() if (i .ne. 2) then STOP ": BAD ARGS ON COMMAND LINE" endif call getarg(1, infile) call getarg(2, outfile) inu = 42 ; outu = 51 write (0, '(A)') & "*** moving bloubs from "//trim(infile)//" to "//trim(outfile) open(unit=inu, file=trim(infile), form='unformatted', & iostat=errcode, & action='read', status='old') if (0 .ne. errcode) then STOP " : CAN'T OPEN FILE " // trim(infile) endif open(unit=outu, file=trim(outfile), form='unformatted', & iostat=errcode, & action='write', status='replace') if (0 .ne. errcode) then STOP " : CAN'T WRITE TO " // trim(outfile) endif bx = 0.0; by = 0.0; bz = 0.0 do read (unit=inu, iostat=errcode) bloub if (0 .ne. errcode) then exit endif call move_bloub (bloub, 1.10) bx = bx + bloub%px by = by + bloub%py bz = bz + bloub%pz ! boundingbox action if (0.0 .gt. bloub%py) then bloub%vy = -1.0 * bloub%vy bloub%py = 0.0 endif if (3.0 .lt. bloub%py) then bloub%vy = -1.0 * bloub%vy bloub%py = 3.0 endif write(outu) bloub ! no error control ? enddo close(inu) ; close(outu) end program