program genbloubs use bloubspace integer :: nbbloubs integer :: i character(200) :: filename character(30) :: str type(t_bloubs) :: bloub integer, parameter :: idu = 33 i = IARGC() if (i .ne. 2) then STOP ": BAD ARGS ON COMMAND LINE" endif call getarg(1, filename) call getarg(2, str) read(str,*) nbbloubs write (0, '(A,I6,A)') & "*** generating ", nbbloubs, " bloubs to "//trim(filename) ! print *, "generating ", nbbloubs, "bloubs to ", filename open(unit=idu, file=trim(filename), form='unformatted', & action='write', status='replace') do i = 1, nbbloubs bloub%nick = 'noname ' bloub%alive = .TRUE. call random_pv(bloub) bloub%radius = 0.025 bloub%seq = 0 write(idu) bloub ! no error control ? end do close(unit=idu) end program