module mathstuff2 ! XXX This module was a copy of mathstuff.f90 fromthe BloubWorld ! XXX will be moved in an other place some day... implicit none contains ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- ! really quick'n'dirty hack ! not really tested yet... subroutine init_random_seed() integer, dimension(3) :: tarray integer :: t3, foo real :: dummy call itime(tarray) t3 = 3600*tarray(1) + 60*tarray(2) + tarray(3) ! write(0, '(A,3I3,A,I6)') "sranding: ", tarray, " --> ", t3 call srand(t3) ! after initializing the random generator engine, ! you MUST use it for initializing the initializer do foo=1, tarray(1)+15 dummy = rand() enddo end subroutine ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- logical function diff_sign(a, b) integer, intent(in) :: a, b ! write(0, *) "diff_sign", a, b if ( (a .lt. 0) .and. (b .ge. 0) ) then diff_sign = .TRUE. return endif if ( (a .ge. 0) .and. (b .lt. 0) ) then diff_sign = .TRUE. return endif diff_sign = .FALSE. end function ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- end module mathstuff2