!- ! This module try to write PNM complient files - ymmv !- module trials implicit none contains !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! please write the same thing for RGB 16bits pictures ! subroutine new_spit_gray(pic, fname) integer, intent(in), dimension (:,:) :: pic character (len=*), intent(in) :: fname integer :: foo, io, ix, iy integer :: buffer(8), ptr ! print *, "newspit a, largeur ", size(pic, 1), ubound(pic, 1) ! print *, "newspit a, hauteur ", size(pic, 2), ubound(pic, 2) ! print *, "newspit a, buffer ", size(buffer, 1) open(newunit=io, file=fname) write (io, '(a2)') "P2" write (io, '("# new_spit_gray")') write (io, '(i0," ",i0)') size(pic, 1), size(pic, 2) write (io, '(i0)') 65535 buffer = 0 ptr = 1 do iy=1, ubound(pic, 2) do ix=1, ubound(pic, 1) foo = pic(ix, iy) if (foo .GT. 65535) foo = 65535 buffer(ptr) = foo ptr = ptr + 1 if (ptr .EQ. size(buffer, 1)+1) then write(io, "(8(' ',i0))") buffer ptr = 1 endif enddo enddo close(io) end subroutine !------------------------------------------------------------------- end module