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@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ out.lst: out.blbs exportbloubs Makefile
# ------------------------------------------------------------
bloubspace.o: bloubspace.f90 Makefile
gfortran $(GFOPT) -pg -c $<
gfortran $(GFOPT) -c $<
povstuff.o: povstuff.f90 Makefile
gfortran $(GFOPT) -c $<
@ -71,39 +71,62 @@ module bloubspace
subroutine random_pv (blb)
type(t_bloubs), intent (out) :: blb
blb%px = 4.33 * (rand() - 0.50)
blb%py = 3.70 * (rand() - 0.50)
blb%pz = 4.51 * (rand() - 0.50)
blb%px = 3.57 * (rand() - 0.50)
blb%py = 2.66 * (rand() - 0.50)
blb%pz = 3.57 * (rand() - 0.50)
blb%vx = (rand()) / 2.000
blb%vx = (rand()) / 2.500
if (blb%px .LT. 0.0) blb%vx = -blb%vx
blb%vy = (rand()) / 3.200
blb%vy = (rand()) / 4.000
if (blb%py .LT. 0.0) blb%vy = -blb%vx
blb%vz = (rand()) / 2.000
blb%vz = (rand()) / 2.500
if (blb%pz .LT. 0.0) blb%vz = -blb%vz
blb%state = 0
blb%alive = .TRUE.
blb%age = 0
blb%agemax = 500
blb%agemax = 300
end subroutine
! ----------------------------------------------------------------
! Load a blbs file into an array of bloubs
subroutine spit_bloubs_to_file (fname, blbarray, towrite)
character(*), intent(in) :: fname
type(t_bloubs), dimension(:) :: blbarray
integer, intent(in) :: towrite
write (0, '(" spiting", (I6), "bloubs to", (A), "file")') &
integer :: errcode, output, foo, spitted
character(200) :: chaine
write (0, '(" spitting", (I6), " bloubs to ", (A), " file")') &
towrite, trim(fname)
open( newunit=output, &
file=trim(fname), form='unformatted', &
iostat=errcode, iomsg=chaine, &
action='write', status='replace')
if (0 .ne. errcode) then
write(0, '(" errcode ", I8, 2X, A)') errcode, chaine
STOP " : CAN'T OPEN FILE " // trim(fname)
end subroutine
spitted = 0
do foo=1, towrite
if (blbarray(foo)%alive) then
write(output, iostat=errcode) blbarray(foo)
if (0 .ne. errcode) then
STOP " : WRITE ERROR TO " // trim(fname)
spitted = spitted + 1
write(0, '(1X, "spitted ", I6, " bloubs")') spitted
end subroutine spit_bloubs_to_file
! ----------------------------------------------------------------
! Dump an array of bloubs to a blbs file.
@ -114,6 +137,7 @@ module bloubspace
character(200) :: chaine
integer :: input, errcode, idx
integer :: capacity
type(t_bloubs) :: bloub
write(0, '(" slurping from file [", (A), "]")') trim(infile)
@ -128,6 +152,7 @@ module bloubspace
! write(0, '((A, I3))') " slurping from unit ", input
capacity = ubound(blbarray, 1)
nbread = 0
idx = 1;
@ -143,12 +168,15 @@ module bloubspace
blbarray(idx) = bloub
idx = idx + 1
if (idx .GT. capacity) then
close(input) ! no error checking ?
! write(0, '(" have read ", (I8), " bloubs")') nbread
write(0, '(" read ", (I8), " bloubs")') nbread
end subroutine
end subroutine slurp_bloubs_file_in_array
! ----------------------------------------------------------------
! Display a bloub content to stderr
@ -178,7 +206,6 @@ module bloubspace
real, intent (in) :: coef
! we must check that this bloub is alive ?
blb%px = blb%px + (blb%vx * coef)
blb%py = blb%py + (blb%vy * coef)
blb%pz = blb%pz + (blb%vz * coef)
@ -189,41 +216,46 @@ module bloubspace
! detection des collisions avec les parois de la boite
! laquelle boite gagnerais beaucoup a etre parametrable.
subroutine bound_a_blob (blb)
subroutine bound_a_bloub (blb)
type(t_bloubs), intent (inout) :: blb
if ( 5.0 .lt. (blb%px + blb%radius)) then
real, parameter :: SH = 6.0
real, parameter :: SV = 4.0
! X axis
if ((blb%px + blb%radius) .GT. SH) then
blb%vx = -1.0 * blb%vx
blb%px = 5.0
blb%px = SH- blb%radius
blb%age = blb%age + 1
if (-5.0 .gt. (blb%px + blb%radius)) then
if ((blb%px - blb%radius) .LT. -SH) then
blb%vx = -1.0 * blb%vx
blb%px = -5.0
blb%px = -SH + blb%radius
blb%age = blb%age + 1
! vertical axe
if (-4.99 .gt. (blb%py + blb%radius)) then
! vertical axe Y
if ((blb%py - blb%radius) .LT. -SV) then
blb%vy = -1.0 * blb%vy
blb%py = blb%radius
blb%py = -SV + blb%radius
blb%age = blb%age + 1
if ( 4.99 .lt. (blb%py + blb%radius)) then ! overshoot ?
if ((blb%py + blb%radius) .GT. SV) then ! overshoot ?
blb%vy = -1.0 * blb%vy
blb%age = blb%age + 1
blb%py = 5.0 - blb%radius !!
blb%py = SV - blb%radius
if ( 5.0 .lt. (blb%pz + blb%radius)) then
! Z axis
if ((blb%pz + blb%radius) .GT. SH) then
blb%vz = -1.0 * blb%vz
blb%age = blb%age + 1
blb%pz = 5.0
blb%pz = SH - blb%radius
if (-5.0 .gt. (blb%pz + blb%radius)) then
if ((blb%pz + blb%radius) .LT. -SH) then
blb%vz = -1.0 * blb%vz
blb%age = blb%age + 1
blb%pz = -5.0
blb%pz = -SH + blb%radius
end subroutine
@ -249,7 +281,7 @@ module bloubspace
subroutine green_soylent (blb)
type(t_bloubs), intent (inout) :: blb
if (blb%age .gt. 18) then
if (blb%age .gt. 24) then
blb%alive = .FALSE.
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ program genbloubs
call getarg(1, filename)
write (0, '(A, A)') "*** exporting from ", trim(filename)
write (0, '(A, A)') "### exporting from ", trim(filename)
open(unit=idu, file=trim(filename), form='unformatted', &
iostat=errcode, &
@ -32,8 +32,11 @@ program genbloubs
if (0 .ne. errcode) then
print *, bloub%px, bloub%py, bloub%pz, bloub%radius, bloub%age
compte = compte + 1
if (bloub%alive) then
print *, bloub%px, bloub%py, bloub%pz, bloub%radius, &
bloub%age, bloub%state
compte = compte + 1
write(0, '(1X, I8, A)') compte, " bloubs exported"
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
program genbloubs
use bloubspace
use mathstuff
integer :: nbbloubs
integer :: i
@ -7,14 +7,15 @@ program mergebloubs
use bloubspace
implicit none
integer, parameter :: NB_MAX_BLOUBS = 25000
integer, parameter :: NB_MAX_BLOUBS = 250000
character(200) :: infile, outfile
type(t_bloubs) :: bloub, newbloub
integer :: inu, outu, errcode
type(t_bloubs), dimension(:), allocatable :: les_bloubs
! type(t_bloubs) :: bloub, newbloub
integer :: errcode, nbgot
type(t_bloubs), dimension(:), allocatable :: bloubs
integer :: ia, ib, contacts
real :: dist,radd
type(t_bloubs) :: merged
! --------------- check command line parameters
if (IARGC() .ne. 2) then
@ -23,13 +24,42 @@ program mergebloubs
call getarg(1, infile)
call getarg(2, outfile)
write(0, '(A, 2A20, I8)') "*** mergebloubs ", &
write(0, '(A, 2A15, I8)') "### mergebloubs ", &
trim(infile), trim(outfile), NB_MAX_BLOUBS
allocate (bloubs(NB_MAX_BLOUBS), stat=errcode)
if (0 .NE. errcode) then
STOP '[done]'
call slurp_bloubs_file_in_array(trim(infile), bloubs, nbgot)
write(0, '(A,I6,1X,A)') " slurped ", nbgot, "bloubs"
contacts = 0
do ia = 1, nbgot
! print *, ia, " = ", les_bloubs(ia)%nick, les_bloubs(ia)%num
do ib = ia+1, nbgot
dist = distance_of_bloubs(bloubs(ia), bloubs(ib))
radd = bloubs(ia)%radius + bloubs(ib)%radius
if (dist .LT. radd) then
contacts = contacts + 1
call merge_two_bloubs(bloubs(ia), bloubs(ib), merged)
bloubs(ia) = merged
bloubs(ia)%nick = "marged"
bloubs(ia)%state = 1;
bloubs(ib)%alive = .FALSE.
call spit_bloubs_to_file (outfile, bloubs, nbgot)
print *, contacts, "contacts pour ", nbgot, "bloubs"
! STOP 'mergebloubs [done]'
! ==============================================================
! --------------------------------------------------------------
subroutine merge_two_bloubs(bla, blb, blr)
@ -47,7 +77,7 @@ contains
blr%vy = (bla%vy + blb%vy) / 2.0
blr%vz = (bla%vz + blb%vz) / 2.0
blr%radius = (bla%radius + blb%radius) / 2.718
blr%radius = (bla%radius + blb%radius) / 2.222
blr%age = min(bla%age, blb%age)
! bring it to life !
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ program movebloubs
call getarg(2, outfile)
write (0, '(A)') &
"*** moving bloubs from "//trim(infile)//" to "//trim(outfile)
"### moving bloubs from "//trim(infile)//" to "//trim(outfile)
open(newunit=inu, &
file=trim(infile), form='unformatted', &
@ -56,17 +56,16 @@ program movebloubs
! moving, morphing and boundingboxing
call move_bloub (bloub, 0.185)
call bound_a_blob (bloub)
if (bloub%radius .GT. 0.0155) then
bloub%radius = bloub%radius * 0.9970
call move_bloub (bloub, 0.185)
call bound_a_bloub (bloub)
if (bloub%radius .GT. 0.0238) then
bloub%radius = bloub%radius * 0.996
call green_soylent (bloub)
if (.NOT. bloub%alive) then
! write(0, '(A)') " KILL!"
killed = killed + 1
! cycle ! ???
! calcul du barycentre
@ -74,11 +73,13 @@ program movebloubs
by = by + dble(bloub%py)
bz = bz + dble(bloub%pz)
write(outu, iostat=errcode) bloub ! no error control ?
if (0 .ne. errcode) then
STOP " : WRITE ERROR TO " // trim(outfile)
if (bloub%alive) then
write(outu, iostat=errcode) bloub
if (0 .ne. errcode) then
STOP " : WRITE ERROR TO " // trim(outfile)
compteur = compteur + 1
compteur = compteur + 1
enddo ! end of main loop
@ -88,15 +89,15 @@ program movebloubs
! insert some fancy conditional here
if (compteur .LT. 200) then
call add_more_bloubs(outu, 5, 0.1333)
call add_more_bloubs(outu, 4, 0.1056)
! insert some very fancy conditional here
if (compteur .LT. 3000) then
if (compteur .LT. 800) then
rnd = rand()
write (0, '(A,1X,F9.6)') "try to add bloubs, rnd is", rnd
if (rnd .LT. 0.0455) then
call add_more_bloubs(outu, 24, 0.0999)
if (rnd .LT. 0.0604) then
call add_more_bloubs(outu, 11, 0.099)
@ -120,7 +121,7 @@ contains
type(t_bloubs) :: bloub
integer :: foo, count
count = nbre+mod(irand(), 9)
count = nbre+mod(irand(), 6)
write(0, '(A,I4,1X,A)') "adding", count, "bloubs"
do foo=1, count
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ TMPPNG="/dev/shm/bloubs7.png"
POVOPT="+Q9 +a -v -d -W1600 -H1200 -WT2"
# --- put the work file in ramdisk
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ do
convert ${TMPPNG} \
-font Courier-Bold \
-pointsize 24 \
-pointsize 28 \
-fill "$TXTCOLOR" \
-gravity south-east \
-annotate +25+5 "$td" \
@ -62,16 +62,17 @@ do
-annotate +25+5 "$hi" \
-pointsize 48 \
-gravity north-east \
-annotate +25+5 "$count" \
-annotate +45+5 "$count" \
-gravity north-west \
-annotate +25+5 "BloubWorld" \
-annotate +45+5 "BloubWorld" \
echo $PNG '[done]'
./movebloubs ${BLBS_IN} ${BLBS_OUT}
# ./mergebloubs ${BLBS_OUT} ${BLBS_IN}
./mergebloubs ${BLBS_OUT} ${BLBS_IN}
# mv ${BLBS_OUT} ${BLBS_IN}
@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ global_settings {
#include ""
#include "WS/"
#declare NormClock = clock / NbImg;
@ -28,16 +26,16 @@ global_settings {
object {
finish { phong 0.55 specular 0.55 }
finish { phong 0.57 specular 0.57 }
object {
union {
plane { <1, 0, 0>, -32 }
plane { <1, 0, 0>, 32 }
plane { <0, 1, 0>, -24 }
plane { <0, 1, 0>, 24 }
plane { <0, 0, 1>, 50 }
plane { <1, 0, 0>, -37 }
plane { <1, 0, 0>, 37 }
plane { <0, 1, 0>, -27 }
plane { <0, 1, 0>, 27 }
plane { <0, 0, 1>, 69 }
texture {
pigment { color srgb <0.125, 0.144, 0.111> }
@ -46,17 +44,19 @@ object {
// object { cylinder { <0, 0, 0>, <10, 0, 0>, 0.05 pigment { color Cyan } } }
// ----------------------------------------------------------
#declare BH = 5; // H = taille en horizontal
#declare BV = 5; // V = taille en vertical
#declare BR = 0.032;
#declare BH = 6; // H = taille en horizontal
#declare BV = 4; // V = taille en vertical
#declare BR = 0.034;
#declare Une_Borne = object
merge {
cylinder { <0, BV, 0>, <0, -BV, 0>, BR }
cylinder { <0, 0.012, 0>, <0, -0.012, 0>, BR*4 }
cylinder { <0, 0.014, 0>, <0, -0.014, 0>, BR*4 }
@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ pigment { color Gray40 }
#declare Les_Bornes = object
union {
#local E = 0.002;
object { Un_Cadre translate y*(BV-E) }
#local E = 0.0015;
object { Un_Cadre translate y*(BV-E) }
object { Un_Cadre translate -y*(BV-E) }
object { Une_Borne translate <-BH, 0, -BH> pigment { color Blue } }
@ -109,12 +109,12 @@ union {
// ----------------------------------------------------------
light_source { <19, -12, -17> color Gray80 }
light_source { <11, 14, 9> color Gray60 }
light_source { <19, -12+NormClock, -17> color Gray80 }
light_source { <11, 14-NormClock, 9> color Gray60 }
#declare XCAM = 8 - ( 15 * NormClock);
#declare YCAM = 1 + (0.75 * NormClock);
#declare ZCAM = -17.5;
#declare YCAM = -1.1 + (0.95 * NormClock);
#declare ZCAM = -13.10;
#declare XLAT = Bary_X;
#declare YLAT = Bary_Y;
@ -126,5 +126,5 @@ camera {
location <XCAM, YCAM, ZCAM>
look_at <XLAT, YLAT, ZLAT>
right x*image_width/image_height
angle 66
angle 86
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
# Input for this script is generated by 'exportbloubs.f90'
# this code is (C) 2022 tTh
@ -13,9 +15,19 @@ BEGIN {
age = $5
if (age < 2) color = "Orange"
else if (age > 8) color = "Gray70"
else color = "Sienna"
merged = $6
color = "Cyan"
if (age < 2) color = "Yellow"
if (merged) {
if (age > 12) color = "Orange"
else color = "Red"
else {
if (age > 12) color = "CadetBlue"
else color = "Aquamarine"
bx += $1
by += $2
bz += $3
Reference in New Issue
Block a user