we are on a good way, maybe...

This commit is contained in:
tTh 2022-12-05 13:10:40 +01:00
parent 8c9625b7df
commit 5b6df523fc
5 changed files with 104 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
GFOPT = -Wall -Wextra -g -time -I../Modules
MODOBJ = '../Modules/spitpgm.o'
MODOBJ = ../Modules/spitpgm.o
all: essai
all: essai animation
# ----------- modules

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@ -1,5 +1,23 @@
# Gravity Field
# Gravity Field Experiment
Some crude experiments to make fancy picture of a useless gravaity field.
_Some crude experiments to make fancy picture of a useless gravity field._
Expect bug party.
## Le module `realfield`
Les mécaniques sous-jacentes. Sans la moindre rigueur mathématique.
## Le commandeur en chef
C'est le logiciel sobrement nommé `animation` qui n'est absolument
pas fini. Par exemple, il n'est absolument pas paramétrable sans
passer per une recompilation.
## Le raytracing
Vous vous en doutez, c'est du POVray.
## Conclusion
Enjoy !

View File

@ -12,15 +12,16 @@ program animation
! some configuration constants
integer, parameter :: S_WIDTH = 1024
integer, parameter :: S_HEIGHT = 1024
integer, parameter :: NB_BODY = 150
integer, parameter :: NB_BODY = 82
!!! WARNING : global variables !!!
type(massbody) :: planets(NB_BODY)
! integer :: foo
call init_random()
call create_some_planets(planets, 1337e3, S_WIDTH , S_HEIGHT)
call barycentre_bodies(planets)
call print_barycentre_bodies(planets)
call la_grande_boucle(0, 2000, planets)
@ -39,25 +40,37 @@ subroutine la_grande_boucle(start, nbre, moons)
integer :: pass
do pass=start, start+nbre-1
! if second parameter is TRUE, use clipping,
! else use ?????ing
call deplace_les_planetes(moons, .TRUE.)
write (filename, "(a, i5.5, a)") 'WS/nanim/', pass, '.pgm'
write(0, *) filename
write(0, '(3I5, " * ", a20)') start, nbre, pass, filename
call build_and_write_a_field(S_WIDTH, S_HEIGHT, moons, filename)
call deplace_les_planetes(moons)
call print_barycentre_bodies(moons)
end subroutine
subroutine deplace_les_planetes(moons)
! C'est ici que se passe le deplacement des choses mouvantes
! Il y a deux manieres d'aborder les bords de l'univers (non, le combo
! segfault/coredump n'en fait pas partie).
subroutine deplace_les_planetes(moons, clipit)
type(massbody), intent(inout) :: moons(:)
logical, intent(in) :: clipit
integer :: foo
real :: depx, depy
integer, parameter :: EE = 45
integer :: SW = S_WIDTH - EE
integer :: SH = S_HEIGHT - EE
do foo=1, ubound(moons, 1)
! print *, "----- deplace ",foo, "serial ", moons(foo)%serial
@ -68,15 +81,24 @@ subroutine deplace_les_planetes(moons)
! ici se pose une question pertinente sur la gestion des
! bords du chanmp. Cclippin or Boucing ?
! bords du chanmp. Clipping, Toring or Boucing ?
if (moons(foo)%posx .GT. S_WIDTH) moons(foo)%posx = 0.0
if (moons(foo)%posy .GT. S_HEIGHT) moons(foo)%posy = 0.0
if (moons(foo)%posx .LT. 0) moons(foo)%posx = S_WIDTH
if (moons(foo)%posy .LT. 0) moons(foo)%posy = S_HEIGHT
if (clipit) then
if (moons(foo)%posx .GT. SW) moons(foo)%posx = SW
if (moons(foo)%posy .GT. SH) moons(foo)%posy = SH
if (moons(foo)%posx .LT. EE) moons(foo)%posx = EE
if (moons(foo)%posy .LT. EE) moons(foo)%posy = EE
if (moons(foo)%posx .GT. SW) moons(foo)%posx = EE
if (moons(foo)%posy .GT. SH) moons(foo)%posy = EE
if (moons(foo)%posx .LT. EE) moons(foo)%posx = SW
if (moons(foo)%posy .LT. EE) moons(foo)%posy = SH
moons(foo)%heading = moons(foo)%heading + (0.08*rand())
moons(foo)%heading = moons(foo)%heading + (0.25*(rand()-0.499999))
if (moons(foo)%heading .GT. 6.2831853) moons(foo)%heading = 0.0
if (moons(foo)%heading .LT. 0.0000001) moons(foo)%heading = 0.0

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@ -9,11 +9,12 @@ module realfield
implicit none
! definition of structures
type massbody
real :: posx, posy
real :: heading = 0.21
real :: posx = 0, posy = 0
real :: heading = 0.29
real :: speed = 1.017
real :: mass = 1.0
integer :: serial = 666
@ -22,63 +23,76 @@ end type
subroutine barycentre_bodies(astres)
subroutine compute_barycentre_bodies(astres, bcx, bcy)
type(massbody), intent(in) :: astres(:)
real :: cx, cy
real, intent(out) :: bcx, bcy
integer :: foo
real :: cx, cy
! May be we have to use DOUBLE RPECSION here ?
cx = 0.0
cy = 0.0
do foo=1, ubound(astres, 1)
cx = cx + astres(foo)%posx
cy = cy + astres(foo)%posy
cx = cx / real(ubound(astres, 1))
cy = cy / real(ubound(astres, 1))
print *, 'barycentre:', cx, cy
bcx = cx / real(ubound(astres, 1))
bcy = cy / real(ubound(astres, 1))
end subroutine
subroutine print_barycentre_bodies(astres)
type(massbody), intent(in) :: astres(:)
real :: cx, cy
call compute_barycentre_bodies(astres, cx, cy)
print *, "barycentre : ", cx, cy
end subroutine
! make a few solid body to play with...
! planets : an array of type(massbody) to be filled
! coef : for setting the mass of the body
! sx, sy : borders of the universe
subroutine create_some_planets(planets, coef, sx, sy)
type(massbody), intent(inout) :: planets(:)
real, intent(in) :: coef
integer, intent(in) :: sx, sy
integer :: foo
character(100) :: fmt
fmt = "(I4, ' | ', 2(F10.2, ' '), ' | ', 2F9.3, ' ', e12.3, I7)"
do foo=1, ubound(planets, 1)
if (foo .EQ. 1) then
! the first planet is the home of Johnny Root
if (foo .EQ. 1) then
planets(1)%posx = sx / 2
planets(1)%posy = sy / 2
planets(1)%mass = 37e8
planets(1)%mass = 29e8
planets(1)%serial = 1337
planets(1)%speed = 6.666
! others are planets for peones
planets(foo)%posx = rand() * real(sx-1)
planets(foo)%posy = rand() * real(sy-1)
planets(foo)%mass = 7e6 + coef*foo
planets(foo)%heading = 3.14159 * rand()
if (rand() .LT. 0.01) planets(foo)%speed = 2.718
if (rand() .LT. 0.08) planets(foo)%speed = 3.14159
planets(foo)%serial = foo*2 + 120
write (*, fmt) foo, planets(foo)
end subroutine
! the basis of the kluge
function compute_gravity(fx, fy, body)
real, intent(in) :: fx, fy
type(massbody), intent(in) :: body
@ -88,7 +102,7 @@ function compute_gravity(fx, fy, body)
rx = fx - body%posx
ry = fy - body%posy
dist = sqrt( (rx*rx) + (ry*ry) )
if (dist .LT. 0.11) then
if (dist .LT. 0.08) then
! write (0, *) "dist too small ", dist
compute_gravity = 0e0

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ global_settings {
#include "colors.inc"
#declare NormClock = clock / 2000.01;
#debug concat("- - - - - - - ", str(NormClock, 7, 5), "\n")
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -35,11 +36,17 @@ texture {
object { GravityField scale <4, 0.70, 4> }
object { GravityField scale <4, 0.60, 4> }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
cylinder { <0, -0.5, 0>, <0, 1, 0>, 0.0175 pigment { color Red } }
/* XXX
merge {
cylinder { <0, -0.5, 0>, <0, 1, 0>, 0.0175 }
sphere { <0, 1, 0>, 0.0175 }
pigment { color Red }
XXX */
light_source { < -2, 9.3, -7> color Gray90 }
light_source { < -6, 9.3, -8> color Orange*0.75 }
@ -48,10 +55,10 @@ light_source { < -15, 2.3, 17> color Green*0.25 }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
camera {
location <-8, 4-NormClock, 1 + 3*NormClock>
location <-8, 4-NormClock, 1 + (5*NormClock)>
look_at <0, 0, 0>
right x*image_width/image_height
angle 34
angle 33
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------