first video -> big commit :)

This commit is contained in:
tTh 2022-12-03 02:25:37 +01:00
parent 8607ff35b7
commit 3c3d1c8906
9 changed files with 315 additions and 99 deletions

View File

@ -1,9 +1,15 @@

View File

@ -7,10 +7,16 @@ MODOBJ = '../Modules/spitpgm.o'
all: essai
# ----------- modules
realfield.o: realfield.f90 Makefile
gfortran $(GFOPT) -c $<
# ----------- progs
essai: essai.f90 Makefile realfield.o
gfortran $(GFOPT) $< realfield.o $(MODOBJ) -o $@
animation: animation.f90 Makefile realfield.o
gfortran $(GFOPT) $< realfield.o $(MODOBJ) -o $@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
! Project "gravity field" - Firts renderer
program animation
use realfield
use spitpgm
implicit none
! some configuration constants
integer, parameter :: S_WIDTH = 800
integer, parameter :: S_HEIGHT = 600
integer, parameter :: NB_BODY = 20
type(massbody) :: planets(NB_BODY)
integer :: foo
character(len=100) :: filename
call init_random()
call create_some_planets(planets, 13.37, 2048, 2048)
end program

GravityField/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
if [ $# -ne 2 ] ; then
echo "need two arguments:"
echo " 1) source dir"
echo " 2) mp4 filename"
exit 1
echo "Encoding from " $SDIR " to " $FNAME
TITLE='---{ experimental gravity field }---'
ffmpeg -nostdin \
-loglevel warning \
-y -r 30 -f image2 -i $SDIR/%05d.pgm \
-metadata artist='---{ tTh }---' \
-metadata title="${TITLE}" \
-c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p \

View File

@ -9,21 +9,30 @@ program essai
implicit none
type(massbody) :: planets(60)
! some configuration constants
integer, parameter :: S_WIDTH = 800
integer, parameter :: S_HEIGHT = 600
integer, parameter :: NB_BODY = 51
type(massbody) :: planets(NB_BODY)
integer :: foo
character(len=100) :: filename
call init_random()
call create_some_planets(planets, 45e5, S_WIDTH, S_HEIGHT)
call create_some_planets(planets, 45e5)
do foo=0, 72
write (filename, "(a, i5.5, a)") 'WS/A', foo, '.pgm'
call build_and_write_a_field(640, 480, planets, filename)
print *, trim(filename)
do foo=0, 1999
write (filename, "(a, i5.5, a)") 'WS/', foo, '.pgm'
call build_and_write_a_field(S_WIDTH, S_HEIGHT, planets, filename)
! print *, trim(filename)
! OMG! two magic numbers, wtf?
planets(1)%posx = planets(1)%posx + 8.08
planets(1)%posy = planets(1)%posy + 6.42
planets(1)%posx = planets(1)%posx + 3 + (4.5*rand())
planets(1)%posy = planets(1)%posy + 3 + (2.1*rand())
if (planets(1)%posx .GT. S_WIDTH) planets(1)%posx = 0.0
if (planets(1)%posy .GT. S_HEIGHT) planets(1)%posy = 0.0
call boulegue_les_astres(planets, 2.21)
@ -31,98 +40,21 @@ program essai
! Yes, I know, this is a disturbing kluge, but I like it :}
! May be, it's time to read the doc of modern Fortran
! Et si on bougeait un peu tous ces corps planétaires ?
subroutine init_random()
subroutine boulegue_les_astres(astres, factor)
type(massbody), intent(inout) :: astres(:)
real, intent(in) :: factor
integer, dimension(3) :: tarray
integer :: t3
real :: dummy
call itime(tarray)
t3 = 8971*tarray(1) + 443*tarray(2) + tarray(3)
write(0, '(A,3I3,A,I6)') "sranding: ", tarray, " --> ", t3
call srand(t3)
! after initializing the random generator engine,
! you MUST use it for initializing the initializer
dummy = rand()
write(0, *) 'dummy was ', dummy
end subroutine
! make a few solid body to play with...
subroutine create_some_planets(planets, coef)
type(massbody), intent(inout) :: planets(:)
real, intent(in) :: coef
integer :: foo
! real :: quux, quuy
character(100) :: fmt
fmt = "(I4, ' : ', 2(F9.2, ' '), e11.3, I7)"
do foo=1, ubound(planets, 1)
if (foo .EQ. 1) then
planets(1)%posx = 20
planets(1)%posy = 20
planets(1)%mass = 9e8
planets(1)%serial = 1337
planets(foo)%posx = rand() * 639.999
planets(foo)%posy = rand() * 479.999
planets(foo)%mass = 7e6 + coef*foo
planets(foo)%serial = foo
write (*, fmt) foo, planets(foo)
do foo = 2, ubound(astres, 1)
astres(foo)%posx = astres(foo)%posx + factor*(rand() - 0.5)
astres(foo)%posy = astres(foo)%posy + factor*(rand() - 0.5)
end subroutine
! compute a field with only one body; and write pic file
subroutine build_and_write_a_field(szx, szy, moons, fname)
integer, intent(in) :: szx, szy
type(massbody), intent(in) :: moons(:)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: fname
real :: maxi, mini
integer :: errcode, foo
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: field, tmpf
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: greymap
allocate(field(szx, szy), stat=errcode)
allocate(tmpf(szx, szy), stat=errcode)
field = 0.0
do foo=1, ubound(moons, 1)
call compute_a_field(tmpf, moons(foo))
tmpf = tmpf * 0.019
field = field + tmpf
maxi = maxval(field)
mini = minval(field)
! print *, "field: ", mini, maxi, maxi-mini
allocate(greymap(szx, szy), stat=errcode)
greymap = 0
! convert from real value to 16 bits int values
where (field < 65530.0)
greymap = int(field)
end where
call spit_as_pgm_16(greymap, trim(fname))
! make valgrind happy
end subroutine

GravityField/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
set -e
POVOPT=" -q9 +a -W800 -H600 +WT2 -d -v "
# ---------------------------------------
une_passe ()
povray -i${SOURCE} -K${clock} $POVOPT -O${TMPF} 2> pov.stderr
timestamp=$(date | tr '01' 'Ol')
outfile=$(printf "WS/%05d.png" $clock)
convert ${TMPF} \
-pointsize 14 \
-font Courier-Bold \
-fill Orange \
-annotate +10+16 "$timestamp" \
# ---------------------------------------
for foo in $(seq 0 1999)
echo '............' $foo
une_passe $foo
ffmpeg -nostdin \
-loglevel warning \
-y -r 30 -f image2 -i WS/%05d.png \
-metadata artist='---{ tTh }---' \
-metadata title="Experiment on Gravity Field" \
-c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p \

View File

@ -1,15 +1,20 @@
! project "gravity field"
! some functions for the project "gravity field"
module realfield
use spitpgm ! XXX
implicit none
! definition of structures
type massbody
real :: posx, posy
real :: heading = 33.21
real :: speed = 1.007
real :: mass = 1.0
integer :: serial = 666
end type
@ -17,6 +22,57 @@ end type
subroutine barycentre_bodies(astres)
type(massbody), intent(in) :: astres(:)
real :: cx, cy
integer :: foo
! May be we have to use DOUBLE RPECSION here ?
cx = 0.0
cy = 0.0
do foo=1, ubound(astres, 1)
cx = cx + astres(foo)%posx
cy = cy + astres(foo)%posy
cx = cx / real(ubound(astres, 1))
cy = cy / real(ubound(astres, 1))
print *, cx, cy
end subroutine
! make a few solid body to play with...
subroutine create_some_planets(planets, coef, sx, sy)
type(massbody), intent(inout) :: planets(:)
real, intent(in) :: coef
integer, intent(in) :: sx, sy
integer :: foo
character(100) :: fmt
fmt = "(I4, ' | ', 2(F10.2, ' '), ' | ', 2F9.3, ' ', e12.3, I7)"
do foo=1, ubound(planets, 1)
if (foo .EQ. 1) then
planets(1)%posx = 10
planets(1)%posy = 10
planets(1)%mass = 7e8
planets(1)%serial = 1337
planets(foo)%posx = rand() * real(sx-1)
planets(foo)%posy = rand() * real(sy-1)
planets(foo)%mass = 7e6 + coef*foo
planets(foo)%serial = foo
write (*, fmt) foo, planets(foo)
end subroutine
function compute_gravity(fx, fy, body)
real, intent(in) :: fx, fy
@ -62,6 +118,71 @@ subroutine compute_a_field(field, moon)
end subroutine
! compute a field with only one body; and write a pic file
subroutine build_and_write_a_field(szx, szy, moons, fname)
integer, intent(in) :: szx, szy
type(massbody), intent(in) :: moons(:)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: fname
real :: maxi, mini
integer :: errcode, foo
real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: field, tmpf
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: greymap
allocate(field(szx, szy), stat=errcode)
allocate(tmpf(szx, szy), stat=errcode)
field = 0.0
do foo=1, ubound(moons, 1)
call compute_a_field(tmpf, moons(foo))
tmpf = tmpf * 0.019
field = field + tmpf
maxi = maxval(field)
mini = minval(field)
! print *, "field: ", mini, maxi, maxi-mini
allocate(greymap(szx, szy), stat=errcode)
greymap = 65533
! convert from real value to 16 bits int values
where (field < 65530.0)
greymap = int(field)
end where
call spit_as_pgm_16(greymap, trim(fname))
! make valgrind happy
end subroutine
! Yes, I know, this is a disturbing kluge, but I like it :}
! May be, it's time to read the doc of modern Fortran
subroutine init_random()
integer, dimension(3) :: tarray
integer :: t3
real :: dummy
call itime(tarray)
t3 = 8971*tarray(1) + 443*tarray(2) + tarray(3)
write(0, '(A,3I3,A,I6)') "sranding: ", tarray, " --> ", t3
call srand(t3)
! after initializing the random generator engine,
! you MUST use it for initializing the initializer
do t3=1, 4
dummy = rand()
write(0, *) 'dummy ', t3, dummy
end subroutine

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ set -e # stop on error
make essai
time ./essai
time ./essai | tee essai.log
convert -delay 20 WS/A*.pgm foo.gif
./ WS/ foo.mp4

GravityField/vision.pov Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
* Visualisation en 3d d'une tentative de champ gravitationnel
* tTh novembre 2022
#version 3.7;
global_settings {
ambient_light rgb <0.07, 0.05, 0.05>
assumed_gamma 1.0
max_trace_level 6
#include ""
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#declare HFDIR = "WS/";
#declare HFCK = mod(clock, 2000);
#declare HFNAME = concat(HFDIR, str(HFCK , -5, 0), ".pgm");
#debug concat("- - - - - - - ", HFNAME, "\n")
#declare GravityField = object
height_field {
smooth // on
translate <-0.5, 0, -0.5>
texture {
pigment { color Gray80 }
finish { phong 2.0 }
object { GravityField scale <4, 1, 4> }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
light_source { < -2, 9.3, -7> color Gray90 }
light_source { < -5, 9.3, -7> color Orange*0.75 }
light_source { < -15, 2.3, 17> color Blue*0.50 }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
camera {
location <-8, 4, 3>
look_at <0, 0, 0>
right x*image_width/image_height
angle 35
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------