fine tuning

This commit is contained in:
tth 2022-02-07 01:50:49 +01:00
parent 7976d1dd9f
commit 23616f9119
2 changed files with 37 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -7,8 +7,9 @@
POVOPT="+Q9 -v -d -W640 -H480"
POVOPT="+Q9 +a -v -d -W640 -H480"
make all
@ -22,37 +23,38 @@ fi
./genbloubs in.blbs 10000
for idx in $(seq 0 40)
for idx in $(seq 0 50)
echo "======== run passe $idx ========="
./exportbloubs in.blbs | awk -f toinc.awk > $INCFILE
povray -Iscene.pov -K${idx} -O${TMPPNG} ${POVOPT} 2> toto
povray -Iscene.pov -K${idx} -O${TMPPNG} ${POVOPT} 2> $LOGERR
grep "Trace Tim" toto
txt=$(date +'%F %R:%S')
PNG=$(printf "%s/%05d.png" ${DDIR} $idx)
echo $PNG $txt
echo $txt
convert ${TMPPNG} \
-font fixed \
-pointsize 12 \
-pointsize 14 \
-fill orange \
-gravity south-east \
-annotate +10+10 "$txt" \
-annotate +15+10 "$txt" \
echo $PNG '[done]'
./movebloubs in.blbs out.blbs
mv out.blbs in.blbs
cp out.blbs in.blbs
sleep 2 ; echo
rm toto
convert -delay 10 -colors 32 $DDIR/*.png foo.gif
convert -delay 10 -colors 192 $DDIR/*.png foo.gif

View File

@ -25,16 +25,35 @@ plane {
<0, 1, 0>, 0
texture {
pigment { color Gray10 }
finish { phong 0.58 metallic 0.45 }
finish { phong 0.18 metallic 0.45 }
light_source { <4, 1, -9> color White }
light_source { <4, 9, 9> color White }
// ----------------------------------------------------------
#declare Les_Bornes = object
#declare BH = 5;
#declare BV = 3;
#declare BR = 0.02;
union {
cylinder { <-BH, 0, -BH>, <-BH, BV, -BH>, BR pigment { color Blue } }
cylinder { < BH, 0, -BH>, < BH, BV, -BH>, BR pigment { color Green } }
cylinder { <-BH, 0, BH>, <-BH, BV, BH>, BR pigment { color Green } }
cylinder { < BH, 0, BH>, < BH, BV, BH>, BR pigment { color Red } }
object { Les_Bornes }
// ----------------------------------------------------------
light_source { <4, 12, -11> color Gray80 }
light_source { <4, 9, 9> color White }
camera {
location <1, 3, -5>
location <7, 5, -16>
look_at <0, 0, 0>
right x*image_width/image_height
angle 48
angle 54