
75 lines
1.8 KiB

# compilation de la fonderie, du crapulator
# et de tout le crap...
COPT = -g -fpic -no-pie -Wall -DDEBUG_LEVEL=0 -Werror=parentheses
LIBS = ../libfloatimg.a -ltiff -lpnglite -lm -lz -lcfitsio
OBJS = fifo.o sfx.o crapulator.o glitches.o metriques.o \
filterstack.o single.o
DEPS = ../floatimg.h \
../libfloatimg.a \
fifo.h crapulator.h metriques.h glitches.h sfx.h \
filterstack.h crapdef.h crapstr.h single.h
all: fonderie interpolator singlepass t
# ---------------------------------------------------------
t: t.c Makefile ${OBJS}
gcc ${COPT} $< ${OBJS} ${LIBS} -o $@
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# the three main programms
fonderie: fonderie.c ${DEPS} ${OBJS} Makefile
gcc ${COPT} $< ${OBJS} ${LIBS} -lz -o $@
# another way to brotch some pics...
interpolator: interpolator.c ${DEPS} ${OBJS} Makefile
gcc ${COPT} $< ${OBJS} ${LIBS} -lz -o $@
singlepass: singlepass.c ${DEPS} ${OBJS} Makefile
gcc ${COPT} $< ${OBJS} ${LIBS} -lz -o $@
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# some files are magically generated, sorry.
crapdef.h: crapulors.liste Makefile craplist2h.awk
< $< ./craplist2h.awk > $@
crapstr.h: crapulors.liste Makefile craplist2str.awk
< $< ./craplist2str.awk > $@
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# a lot of silly functions
crapulator.o: crapulator.c $(DEPS) Makefile
gcc ${COPT} -c $<
fifo.o: fifo.c fifo.h $(DEPS) Makefile
gcc ${COPT} -c $<
sfx.o: sfx.c ${DEPS} Makefile
gcc ${COPT} -c $<
single.o: single.c ${DEPS} Makefile
gcc ${COPT} -c $<
filterstack.o: filterstack.c ${DEPS} Makefile
gcc ${COPT} -c $<
metriques.o: metriques.c metriques.h Makefile
gcc ${COPT} -c $<
glitches.o: glitches.c glitches.h Makefile
gcc ${COPT} -c $<
# ---------------------------------------------------------