#!/bin/bash # change this to point to your installed binary # GVS=${HOME}/Devel/FloatImg/v4l2/grabvidseq # ------------------------------------ # set some default values DEV=/dev/video2 SZ=640x480 NBRE=320 PERIOD=0.0 COUNT=compteur OPTIONS=" -v " SHOW="no" # output format can be of those types: # .pnm .fimg or .png OFORMAT="P_%04d.pnm" # ces parametres peuvent etre surcharges avec # un fichier nomme "reglages" dans le repertoire # de travail. # ------------------------------------ # overide parameters from $PWD if [ -r ./reglages ] then source ./reglages fi # ------------------------------------ # get the current picture number if [ -r $COUNT ] then numero=$( head -1 $COUNT ) else numero=1 fi # ------------------------------------ # make the output filename if [ 1 -eq $# ] then outfile="$1" else outfile=$( printf ${OFORMAT} $numero ) fi # ------------------------------------ # take and display the fancy picture $GVS -d $DEV -n $NBRE -p $PERIOD $OPTIONS -s $SZ -o $outfile if [ ${SHOW} == "yes" ] then display $outfile & fi # ------------------------------------ # increment and save the picture number numero=$(( numero + 1 )) echo $numero > $COUNT