/* * convertir une image flottante en champ d'altitude * * nouveau 64 ernest renan - 20220108 */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include "tthimage.h" #include "floatimg.h" int verbosity; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ int This_is_the_real_conversion(FloatImg *fimg, Image_Desc *hf, int k) { int foo; float minmax[6]; int x, y, h; float rgb[6], cumul; float maxi; #if DEBUG_LEVEL fprintf(stderr, ">>> %s ( %p %p %d )\n", __func__, fimg, hf, k); #endif foo = fimg_get_minmax_rgb(fimg, minmax); // fimg_print_minmax(minmax, "source"); maxi = 0.0; for (y=0; y<fimg->height; y++) { for (x=0; x<fimg->width; x++) { foo = fimg_get_rgb(fimg, x, y, rgb); /* non-magic nuabmer spotted */ cumul = 1.732 * (rgb[1] + rgb[3] + rgb[5]); if (cumul > maxi) maxi = cumul; h = (int)cumul; foo = Image_hf15_plot(hf, x, y, h); } } fprintf(stderr, "--- the critical maximum is %f\n", maxi); return FULL_NUCKED; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ int Convertir_Fimg_to_Povhf(char *fimgname, char *hfname, int k) { FloatImg fimg; Image_Desc *hf; int wid, hei; int foo; #if DEBUG_LEVEL fprintf(stderr, ">>> %s ( %s %s %d )\n", __func__, fimgname, hfname, k); #endif foo = fimg_create_from_dump(fimgname, &fimg); fprintf(stderr, "load of %s --> %d\n", fimgname, foo); if (foo) { return foo; } wid = fimg.width; hei = fimg.height; // nice alias fprintf(stderr, " source picture size %dx%d\n", wid, hei); hf = Image_alloc(wid, hei, IMAGE_RGB); fprintf(stderr, "hf alloc -> %p\n", hf); if (NULL == hf) { return NULL_POINTER; } foo = This_is_the_real_conversion(&fimg, hf, k); fprintf(stderr, "real conversion -> %d\n", foo); foo = Image_TGA_save(hfname, hf, 0); fprintf(stderr, "export as tga -> %d\n", foo); return FULL_NUCKED; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ void help(int nu) { printf("usage :\n"); printf("\t$ fimg2povhf src.fimg dst.tga\n"); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int foo; verbosity = 1; // printf("%s: argc = %d\n", argv[0], argc); if (3 != argc) { help(0); exit(0); } if (verbosity > 1) { Image_print_version(3); fimg_print_version(3); } foo = Convertir_Fimg_to_Povhf(argv[1], argv[2], 0); fprintf(stderr, "retour conversion was %d\n", foo); fprintf(stderr, "end\n\n"); return 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */