/* * MOVEPIXELS * * This is experimental, do not use in production ! * */ #include #include #include #include int verbosity; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int displace(FloatImg *psrc, FloatImg *pshift, FloatImg *pdst, float k) { int xd, yd, xs, ys; float rgb[3], disp[3], maxv; float minmax[6]; int foo, inside, outside; float dltr, dltg, dltb; /* delta des minmax */ #if DEBUG_LEVEL fprintf(stderr, ">>> %s ( %p %p %p %g )\n", __func__, psrc, pshift, pdst, k); #endif if (FIMG_TYPE_RGB != psrc->type) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad src type %d\n", __func__, psrc->type); return -7; } if (fimg_images_not_compatible(psrc, pshift)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad shift image %d\n", __func__, pshift->type); return -8; } if (fimg_images_not_compatible(psrc, pdst)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad dst image %d\n", __func__, pdst->type); return -8; } foo = fimg_get_minmax_rgb(pshift, minmax); if (verbosity) { fimg_print_minmax(minmax, (char *)__func__); } dltr = minmax[1] - minmax[0]; dltg = minmax[3] - minmax[2]; dltb = minmax[5] - minmax[4]; if (verbosity) fprintf(stderr, "delta shift %f %f %f\n", dltr, dltg, dltb); maxv = fimg_get_maxvalue(psrc); inside = outside = 0; /* hardcoded parameters. this is very dirty :) */ #define MULT (140.0) #define OFFS (70.0) /* loop over all the pixels of the DESTINATION picture */ for (yd=0; ydheight; yd++) { for (xd=0; xdwidth; xd++) { fimg_get_rgb(pshift, xd, yd, disp); xs = xd + ((disp[0]/dltr*MULT) - OFFS); ys = yd + ((disp[1]/dltb*MULT) - OFFS); if ( xs<0 || xs>psrc->width || ys<0 || ys>psrc->height ) { rgb[0] = rgb[1] = rgb[2] = 0.0; outside++; } else { fimg_get_rgb(psrc, xs, ys, rgb); inside++; } fimg_put_rgb(pdst, xd, yd, rgb); } } // fprintf(stderr, "%s: inside %d outside %d\n", __func__, inside, outside); return 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* * High level operateur, taking care of opening/closing * files and doing memory management */ int move_the_pixels(char *infile, char *statfile, char *outfile, int k) { int foo; FloatImg src, shift, dst; #if DEBUG_LEVEL fprintf(stderr, ">>> %s ( %s %s 0x%04x )\n", __func__, infile, outfile, k); #endif /* 'infile' contains the shifting values */ foo = fimg_create_from_dump(infile, &shift); if (foo) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error loading '%s'\n", __func__, infile); return foo; } fimg_clone(&shift, &dst, 0); foo = fimg_create_from_dump(statfile, &src); if (foo) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error loading 'cumul.fimg'\n", __func__); return foo; } foo = displace(&src, &shift, &dst, 42.42); if (foo) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: err %d in disp map 0\n", __func__, foo); return foo; } foo = fimg_export_picture(&dst, outfile, 0); if (foo) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: err %d saving result\n", __func__, foo); return foo; } return 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int foo; char *srcfile, *dstfile; if (3 != argc) { fprintf(stderr, "usage:\n\t%s src.fimg dst.fimg\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } srcfile = argv[1]; dstfile = argv[2]; verbosity = 0; /* XXX the static picture file MUST be selectable by the yuser ! */ foo = move_the_pixels(srcfile, "reference.fimg", dstfile, 3); fprintf(stderr, "move pixels %s -> %s = %d\n", srcfile, dstfile, foo); return 0; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */