/* * displacement.c */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include "../floatimg.h" extern int verbosity; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* nouveau 24 octobre 2020, pendant le masque-flamme coronavidique */ int fimg_displacement_0(FloatImg *psrc, FloatImg *pdst, int flags) { int x, y, foo; float minmax[6]; float rgb[3]; float dltr, dltg, dltb; /* delta des minmax */ float dispx, dispy; int dstx, dsty; int in, out; #if DEBUG_LEVEL fprintf(stderr, ">>> %s ( %p %p 0x%04x )\n", __func__, psrc, pdst, flags); #endif if (FIMG_TYPE_RGB != psrc->type) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad src type %d\n", __func__, psrc->type); return -7; } if (fimg_images_not_compatible(psrc, pdst)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad dst type %d\n", __func__, pdst->type); return -8; } foo = fimg_get_minmax_rgb(psrc, minmax); if (foo) { fprintf(stderr, "%s : err %d on get minmax\n", __func__, foo); return foo; } if (verbosity) { fimg_print_minmax(minmax, (char *)__func__); } dltr = minmax[1] - minmax[0]; dltg = minmax[3] - minmax[2]; dltb = minmax[5] - minmax[4]; in = out = 0; /* * BE WARNED ! * This code doesn't work as expected, so I have to * rewrite it, maybe when the pandemic is closed... */ for (y=0; y<psrc->height; y++) { for (x=0; x<psrc->width; x++) { fimg_get_rgb(psrc, x, y, rgb); dispx = (float)x + (rgb[1]/dltg * 20.0); dispy = (float)y + (rgb[2]/dltb * 20.0); dstx = (int)roundf(dispx - 10.0); dsty = (int)roundf(dispy - 10.0); if ( (dstx < 0) || (dsty < 0) || (dstx >= psrc->width) || (dsty >= psrc->height) ) { /* OUT OF DESTINATION PICTURE */ out++; } else { if (flags & 1) { /* going monochrome */ rgb[1] = rgb[2] = rgb[0]; } fimg_put_rgb(pdst, dstx, dsty, rgb); in++; } } } if (verbosity) fprintf(stderr, "%s -> in %d out %d\n", __func__, in, out); return 0; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */