/* * floatimg.h DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, December 2004 Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long as the name is changed. DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO. * ugly code from tTh * http://la.buvette.org/photos/cumul/ * https://git.tetalab.org/tTh/FloatImg */ #define FIMG_VERSION (204) #define RELEASE_NAME ("noname") /* XXX add a test for stdint.h / uint32_t XXX */ /* * in memory descriptor of a floating image */ #define MAGIC_FIMG 0x00F11F00 typedef struct { uint32_t magic; int width; int height; int type; float fval; int count; float *R, *G, *B, *A; int reserved; } FloatImg; /* * fimg file header (short version) */ typedef struct { char magic[8]; // this is not an asciiz ! int32_t w, h, t; /* * what about the packing ? */ } FimgFileHead; /* * new 11 mars 2022, and a lot of iterations * around the concept of metadata for my work. */ typedef struct { char magic[8]; // this is not an asciiz ! struct timeval timestamp; uint64_t cpid; // process id of the creator int32_t count; float fval; char idcam[32]; int32_t origin; // enum ? uint32_t reserved[8]; } FimgMetaData; /* * we MUST look at packing and endianess problems NOW * and we can think about a fised size of this datablock */ #define MAGIC_AREA51 0xA5EA0051 typedef struct { uint32_t magic; int w, h; int x, y; int flags; } FimgArea51; #define FIMG_TYPE_GRAY 1 #define FIMG_TYPE_RGB 3 #define FIMG_TYPE_RGBA 4 #define FIMG_TYPE_RGBZ 99 #define FILE_TYPE_FIMG 1 #define FILE_TYPE_PNM 2 #define FILE_TYPE_PNG 3 #define FILE_TYPE_TGA 4 #define FILE_TYPE_TIFF 5 #define FILE_TYPE_FITS 6 #define FILE_TYPE_BMP 7 #define FILE_TYPE_EXR 8 #define FILE_TYPE_DICOM 9 #define FILE_TYPE_PGM 10 /* lib/contrast.c */ #define CONTRAST_NONE 0 #define CONTRAST_SQRT 1 #define CONTRAST_POW2 2 #define CONTRAST_COS01 3 #define CONTRAST_COS010 4 #define CONTRAST_XPER 5 /* use with caution */ /* * core module */ int fimg_create(FloatImg *fimg, int w, int h, int t); int fimg_destroy(FloatImg *fimg); int fimg_clone(FloatImg *fimg, FloatImg *newpic, int flags); int fimg_copy_data(FloatImg *from, FloatImg *to); int fimg_type_is_valid(int type); int fimg_print_version(int k); void fimg_print_sizeof(void); void fimg_printhead(FloatImg *h); void fimg_printdims(char *txt, FloatImg *pi); int fimg_describe(FloatImg *head, char *txt); char *fimg_str_type(int type); int fimg_plot_rgb (FloatImg *head, int x, int y, float r, float g, float b); int fimg_get_rgb(FloatImg *head, int x, int y, float *rgb); int fimg_put_rgb(FloatImg *head, int x, int y, float *rgb); int fimg_clear(FloatImg *fimg); int fimg_add_rgb(FloatImg *head, int x, int y, float r, float g, float b); int fimg_rgb_constant(FloatImg *head, float r, float g, float b); /* --> lib/fimg-compare.c */ int fimg_images_not_compatible(FloatImg *a, FloatImg *b); int fimg_interpolate(FloatImg *s1, FloatImg *s2, FloatImg *d, float coef); /* 'operats' module */ int fimg_add_3(FloatImg *a, FloatImg *b, FloatImg *d); int fimg_add_2(FloatImg *a, FloatImg *b); /* B+=A */ int fimg_sub_3(FloatImg *a, FloatImg *b, FloatImg *d); int fimg_mul_3(FloatImg *a, FloatImg *b, FloatImg *d); int fimg_minimum(FloatImg *a, FloatImg *b, FloatImg *d); int fimg_maximum(FloatImg *a, FloatImg *b, FloatImg *d); /* ---------------------------------------------------- */ /* funcs/filtrage.c */ typedef struct { float matrix[9]; float mult; float offset; } FimgFilter3x3; /* * this module contains bugs... */ int fimg_killborders(FloatImg *img); int fimg_lissage_2x2(FloatImg *img); int fimg_show_filter(char *title, FimgFilter3x3 *filtr); int fimg_filter_3x3(FloatImg *s, FloatImg *d, FimgFilter3x3 *filtr); int fimg_contour_2x2(FloatImg *psrc, FloatImg *pdst, int reverse); /* ---------------------------------------------------- */ /* module sfx0.c */ int fimg_killcolors_a(FloatImg *fimg, float fval); int fimg_killcolors_b(FloatImg *fimg, float fval); int fimg_colors_mixer_a(FloatImg *fimg, float fval); /* module sfx1.c */ int fimg_highlight_color(FloatImg *src, FloatImg *dst, char color, float fval); /* module sfx2.c */ int fimg_binarize(FloatImg *pimg, int notused); int fimg_trinarize(FloatImg *pimg, int notused); /* module sfx3.c */ int fimg_crump_hard(FloatImg *src, FloatImg *dst, float kval, int notused); /* module sfx4.c */ int fimg_sfx_triplemul(FloatImg *s, FloatImg *d, int notused); int fimg_split_level(FloatImg *src, FloatImg *dst, int notused); /* funcs/rotate.c module */ /* #coronamaison */ int fimg_rotate_90(FloatImg *src, FloatImg *dst, int notused); int fimg_killrgb_v(FloatImg *src, FloatImg *dst, int k); int fimg_decomp_rgbz_color(FloatImg *psrc, FloatImg *pdst, int k); int fimg_decomp_rgbz_gray(FloatImg *psrc, FloatImg *pdst, int k); int fimg_save_plane_as_dicom(FloatImg *src, char *outname, char plane, int flags); /* universal exporter XXX */ int fimg_export_picture(FloatImg *pic, char *fname, int flags); /* PNM files module */ int fimg_save_as_pnm(FloatImg *head, char *fname, int flags); int fimg_save_as_pgm(FloatImg *head, char *fname, int flags); int fimg_load_from_pnm(char *fname, FloatImg *head, int notused); int fimg_save_plane_as_pgm(FloatImg *psrc, char *fname, char plane); double fimg_timer_set(int whot); double fimg_timer_get(int whot); /* --> lib/contrast.c */ int fimg_id_contraste(char *name); int fimg_square_root(FloatImg *s, FloatImg *d, double maxval); int fimg_power_2(FloatImg *s, FloatImg *d, double maxval); int fimg_cos_01(FloatImg *s, FloatImg *d, double maxval); int fimg_cos_010(FloatImg *s, FloatImg *d, double maxval); int fimg_mix_rgb_gray(FloatImg *img, float mix); /* funcs/saturation.c */ int fimg_shift_to_zero(FloatImg *s, FloatImg *d, float coefs[6]); int fimg_auto_shift_to_zero(FloatImg *s, FloatImg *d); /* funcs/falsecolors.c */ int fimg_falsecolors_0(FloatImg *src, FloatImg *dst, int k, float valf); /* --> funcs/plasmas.c */ int fimg_prototype_plasma(FloatImg *img, double time, int type); /* --> funcs/pixelize.c voir fimg_pixelize_h_rnd() */ int fimg_pixelize_h_0(FloatImg *psrc, FloatImg *pdst, int k); int fimg_pixelize_h_rnd(FloatImg *psrc, FloatImg *pdst, int largeur); /* * * * experimental ! */ int fimg_classif_trial(FloatImg *src, FloatImg*dst, float fval, int notused); int fimg_qsort_rgb_a(FloatImg *psrc, FloatImg *pdst, int notused); int fimg_qsort_rgb_b(FloatImg *psrc, FloatImg *pdst, int notused); /* module funcs/equalize.c */ int fimg_equalize_compute(FloatImg *src, void *vptr, float vmax); int fimg_equalize(FloatImg *src, double vmax); int fimg_mk_gray_from(FloatImg *src, FloatImg*dst, int k); int fimg_desaturate(FloatImg *src, FloatImg *dst, int notused); /* module funcs/geometry.c */ /* warning, this module is a mess */ int fimg_halfsize_0(FloatImg *src, FloatImg *dst, int notused); int fimg_halfsize_1(FloatImg *src, FloatImg *dst, int notused); int fimg_extractor(FloatImg *in, FloatImg *out, FimgArea51 *rect); int fimg_mirror(FloatImg *src, FloatImg *dst, int notused); int fimg_incrustator_0(FloatImg *psrc, FloatImg *pdst, int xpos, int ypos, int flags); int fimg_displacement_0(FloatImg *psrc, FloatImg *pdst, int flags); /* module funcs/rampes.c */ int fimg_hdeg_a(FloatImg *img, double dcoef); int fimg_vdeg_a(FloatImg *img, double dcoef); int fimg_do_stripes(FloatImg *img, int mode); /* FIMG native file module */ int fimg_fileinfos(char *fname, int *datas); int fimg_dump_to_file(FloatImg *head, char *fname, int notused); int fimg_dumpmd_to_file(FloatImg *fi, char *nm, FimgMetaData *pmd, int nu); int fimg_load_from_dump(char *fname, FloatImg *where); int fimg_create_from_dump(char *fname, FloatImg *head); /* FIMG metadata module */ int fimg_show_metadata(FimgMetaData *pmd, char *title, int notused); int fimg_default_metadata(FimgMetaData *pmd, int bla); int fimg_get_metadata_from_file(char *fname, FimgMetaData *pmd); int fimg_save_R_as_fits(FloatImg *src, char *outname, int flags); int fimg_save_G_as_fits(FloatImg *src, char *outname, int flags); int fimg_save_B_as_fits(FloatImg *src, char *outname, int flags); int fimg_save_plane_as_fits(FloatImg *src, char *oname, char plane, int flags); int fimg_write_as_tiff(FloatImg *src, char *fname, int flags); int fimg_save_as_exr(FloatImg *src, char *outname, int flags); /* mathematics operations */ float fimg_get_plane_maxvalue(FloatImg *psrc, char plane); float fimg_get_maxvalue(FloatImg *head); int fimg_get_minmax_rgb(FloatImg *head, float mmvals[6]); int fimg_meanvalues(FloatImg *head, float means[4]); int fimg_to_gray(FloatImg *head); int fimg_add_cste(FloatImg *fi, float value); int fimg_mul_cste(FloatImg *fi, float value); int fimg_div_cste(FloatImg *fi, float value); int fimg_ajust_from_grab(FloatImg *fi, double maxima, int notused); int fimg_absolute(FloatImg *fimg); void fimg_drand48(FloatImg *fi, float kmul); long fimg_count_negativ(FloatImg *fi); long fimg_clamp_negativ(FloatImg *fi); /* various funcs modules */ int fimg_load_from_png(char *filename, FloatImg *fimg); int fimg_create_from_png(char *filename, FloatImg *fimg); int fimg_save_as_png(FloatImg *src, char *outname, int flags); int fimg_save_as_bmp(FloatImg *src, char *outname, int flags); int fimg_test_pattern(FloatImg *fimg, int type, double dval); int fimg_draw_something(FloatImg *fimg); int fimg_mircol_1(FloatImg *dst, float mval); int fimg_multirandom(FloatImg *fimg, long nbpass); /* file is 'funcs/utils.c' */ void fimg_print_minmax(float minmax[6], char *titre); float *charplane2int(char plane, FloatImg *img); int parse_WxH(char *str, int *pw, int *ph); int parse_double(char *str, double *dptr); int irand2(int offset, int modulo); int print_rectangle(char *str, FimgArea51 *rect); int parse_rectangle(char *str, FimgArea51 *r, int notused); int format_from_extension(char *fname); char * extension_from_format(int fmt); int fimg_clear_rectangle(FloatImg *pimg, int rect[4]);