#!/bin/bash # THIS IS A KLUDGE nbsamp=3000 # nombre d'echantillon if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then nbsamp=$1 fi DATAFILE="serial/foo.dat" IMAGE="graphe.png" TMPFILE="/dev/shm/tmpdata" echo $nbsamp wc -l ${DATAFILE} tail -${nbsamp} < ${DATAFILE} > ${TMPFILE} gnuplot << __EOC__ set term png size 1000,600 set output "${IMAGE}" set ytics 2 set xtics set grid front set title "* Temperatures du Phytotron *" set xdata time set timefmt "%s" set format x "%b %d\n%H:%M" set yrange [ 10.0 : 40.0 ] plot "${TMPFILE}" using 1:3 title " inside" with lines, \ "${TMPFILE}" using 1:4 title "ambient" with lines __EOC__ display ${IMAGE} &