#!/bin/sh xterm -geometry 94x46+514+0 -e "clear;figlet -f speed $(echo "$(uname -s -r)" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'); figlet -f graffiti $USER;cat ~/.puffy;ksh" & xclock -bg grey -fg black -hd black -hl black -padding 0 -update 1 -geometry 150x150+1116+395 & xload -bg grey -geometry +1116+559 & # ===========================performances===================================== # xset b off & xrdb $HOME/.Xdefaults & echo " __________________________________________________________________" echo " | 1) minimal cpu freq, requires root passwd (else != 1) |" echo " | 2) start default apm daemon... |" echo " ------------------------------------------------------------------" read choix_1 case $choix_1 in 1) (su -l root -c "apmd; apm -L") ;; 2) (apmd) esac apmd # ============================================================================= # i="0" while [ $i -lt 1 ] do clear # =======================huge==linear==goret==part============================= # echo " " echo -n " " && uname -srp && echo -n " *** CHECKING SYSTEM TERM ***" && echo "\n" && apm && echo "----------------------------------------------------------" && df -h && echo "----------------------------------------------------------" && sysctl | grep sensors.cpu && echo "----------------------------------------------------------" && top | head -14 | tail -8 | awk '{$1=$2=$3=$4=""; print $0}' && echo "\n\t\t\t\t [by serguei.chmod77]" && echo "----------------------------------------------------------" && figlet -f graffiti Kontrol & # both of the (n,n') values in "head -14 | tail -8" before awk's treatment are # relative to the number of your cpu threads. So it's up to you to adjust these # integers to get the appropriate selection. pid=$! sleep 2 kill $pid done