``` The skriptkontrol.sh script was quickly written to pimp a FVWM default environment on OpenBSD. If you run it automatically at startup, the first and only one "dialog box" displayed, will allow you to choose either your cpu computes at high (default) performances, or at the lowest level the APMD offers. I found this trivial change quite useful while using a laptop. Clearly, it depends on what kind of processor or laptop you're using. ********************************* FVWMrc *************************************** Note : I noticed a thin "edge effect" left behind an upgrade from a version of OpenBSD to another : the title of the fvwm's Pager remains the same. So, if you do have already customized it, you should have a $HOME/.fvmrc (else, you can % cp /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fvwm/system.fvwm2rc ~/.fvwmrc), in which you can find a line similar to the following one : *FvwmPagerLabel 0 "OpenBSD 5.6" for example. It just needs to be corrected by hand, thus at the next start of a fvwm session, the title of the Pager will match with your current system's version. If you wonder what my X environment looks like, you could check both the screenshot attached at this git, and my .fvwmrc. In that one, I tried to get a convenient behavior from FVWM, as well as to disable some annoying (IMHO) default features. ********************************** Nedit *************************************** Assuming tough hackers (or the relative complement of {those insane} in {lads and lasses}) don't touch anything else than Vi(m) or Emacs (which I used to handle for a while, even now occasionally), this part deals with those who could be interesting in setting Nedit up. I reckon this GUI editor seduced me, mainly because of its simplicity, and the fact it was build on ``Motif'' lib. As far as it manages regex... and block selection ! The following lines are just a selection concerning Preferences from my ~/.nedit/nedit.rc : nedit.smartIndentInitCommon: Default ! automatic wraping every 80 cols nedit.autoWrap: Newline nedit.wrapMargin: 80 nedit.showWrapMargin: Always nedit.autoIndent: Auto nedit.autoSave: True nedit.openInTab: True nedit.saveOldVersion: False nedit.showMatching: Delimiter nedit.matchSyntaxBased: True nedit.highlightSyntax: True nedit.backlightChars: False nedit.searchDialogs: False nedit.beepOnSearchWrap: False nedit.retainSearchDialogs: False nedit.searchWraps: True nedit.stickyCaseSenseButton: True nedit.repositionDialogs: True nedit.autoScroll: False nedit.appendLF: True nedit.sortOpenPrevMenu: True nedit.statisticsLine: True nedit.iSearchLine: False nedit.sortTabs: False nedit.tabBar: True nedit.tabBarHideOne: True nedit.toolTips: True nedit.globalTabNavigate: False nedit.lineNumbers: True nedit.pathInWindowsMenu: True nedit.warnFileMods: True nedit.warnRealFileMods: True nedit.warnExit: True nedit.searchMethod: Literal ! comfortable frame nedit.textRows: 24 nedit.textCols: 82 nedit.tabDistance: 4 nedit.emulateTabs: 0 nedit.insertTabs: True nedit.textFont: -*-courier-medium-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-iso8859-1 nedit.boldHighlightFont: -*-courier-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-iso8859-1 nedit.italicHighlightFont: -*-courier-medium-o-normal--*-120-*-*-*-iso8859-1 nedit.boldItalicHighlightFont: -*-courier-bold-o-normal--*-120-*-*-*-iso8859-1 nedit.textFgColor: black nedit.textBgColor: beige nedit.selectFgColor: black nedit.selectBgColor: rgb:cc/cc/cc nedit.hiliteFgColor: red nedit.hiliteBgColor: red ! nice line number nedit.lineNoFgColor: darkcyan nedit.cursorFgColor: black nedit.wrapMarginForeground: black nedit.smartTags: True nedit.prefFileRead: True ! to identify it easily in FvwmWinList nedit.titleFormat: Nedit - {%c} [%s] %f (%S) - %d -- My P^HKorn shell PS1 is the next one : PROMPITO="\u##\$:\h:\w:\n>>" PS1="$(printf "\033[0;36m%s\033[0;37m " $PROMPITO)" # to be added within $HOME/.kshrc, obviously. ```