
	new file:   vaultoughXenv.png
This commit is contained in:
Serguei Chmod777 2015-11-29 00:02:49 +01:00
부모 dc258efc17
커밋 ff23fc6199
3개의 변경된 파일98개의 추가작업 그리고 9개의 파일을 삭제

파일 보기

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ cpu computes at high (default) performances, or at the lowest level the
APMD offers. I found this trivial change quite useful while using a laptop.
Clearly, it depends on what kind of processor or laptop you're using.
********************************* FVWMrc ***************************************
Note : I noticed a thin "edge effect" left behind an upgrade from a version
of OpenBSD to another : the title of the fvwm's Pager remains the same.
@ -19,9 +20,83 @@ for example. It just needs to be corrected by hand, thus at the next start
of a fvwm session, the title of the Pager will match with your current
system's version.
If you wonder what my X environment looks like, you could check both the
screenshot attached at this git, and my .fvwmrc. In that one, I tried to
get a convenient behavior from FVWM, as well as to disable some annoying
(IMHO) default features.
********************************** Nedit ***************************************
Assuming tough hackers (or the relative complement of {those insane} in
{lads and lasses}) don't touch anything else than Vi(m) or Emacs (which I
used to handle for a while, even now occasionally), this part deals with those
who could be interesting in setting Nedit up. I reckon this GUI editor seduced
me, mainly because of its simplicity, and the fact it was build on ``Motif''
lib. As far as it manages regex... and block selection !
The following lines are just a selection concerning Preferences from my
~/.nedit/nedit.rc :
nedit.autoWrap: Newline
nedit.wrapMargin: 0
nedit.showWrapMargin: Never
nedit.autoIndent: Auto
nedit.autoSave: True
nedit.openInTab: True
nedit.saveOldVersion: False
nedit.showMatching: Delimiter
nedit.matchSyntaxBased: True
nedit.highlightSyntax: True
nedit.backlightChars: False
nedit.searchDialogs: False
nedit.beepOnSearchWrap: False
nedit.retainSearchDialogs: False
nedit.searchWraps: True
nedit.stickyCaseSenseButton: True
nedit.repositionDialogs: True
nedit.autoScroll: False
nedit.appendLF: True
nedit.sortOpenPrevMenu: True
nedit.statisticsLine: True
nedit.iSearchLine: False
nedit.sortTabs: False
nedit.tabBar: True
nedit.tabBarHideOne: True
nedit.toolTips: True
nedit.globalTabNavigate: False
nedit.lineNumbers: True
nedit.pathInWindowsMenu: True
nedit.warnFileMods: True
nedit.warnRealFileMods: True
nedit.warnExit: True
nedit.searchMethod: Literal
nedit.textRows: 24
nedit.textCols: 80
nedit.tabDistance: 4
nedit.emulateTabs: 0
nedit.insertTabs: True
nedit.textFont: -*-courier-medium-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-iso8859-1
nedit.boldHighlightFont: -*-courier-bold-r-normal--*-120-*-*-*-iso8859-1
nedit.italicHighlightFont: -*-courier-medium-o-normal--*-120-*-*-*-iso8859-1
nedit.boldItalicHighlightFont: -*-courier-bold-o-normal--*-120-*-*-*-iso8859-1
nedit.textFgColor: black
nedit.textBgColor: beige
nedit.selectFgColor: black
nedit.selectBgColor: rgb:cc/cc/cc
nedit.hiliteFgColor: red
nedit.hiliteBgColor: red
nedit.lineNoFgColor: darkcyan
nedit.cursorFgColor: black
nedit.wrapMarginForeground: black
nedit.smartTags: True
nedit.prefFileRead: True
nedit.titleFormat: {%c} [%s] %f (%S) - %d
My Korn shell PS1 is the next one :
My P^HKorn shell PS1 is the next one :
PS1="$(printf "\033[0;36m%s\033[0;37m " $PROMPITO)"

파일 보기

@ -1,13 +1,18 @@
xterm -geometry 94x46+514+0 -e "clear;figlet -f speed $(echo "$(uname -s -r)" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]');
xterm -geometry 94x46+514+0 -e "clear;figlet -f \
speed $(echo "$(uname -s -r)" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]');
figlet -f graffiti $USER;cat ~/.puffy;ksh" &
xclock -bg grey -fg black -hd black -hl black -padding 0 -update 1 -geometry 150x150+1116+395 &
xload -bg grey -geometry +1116+559 &
# ===========================performances===================================== #
xset b off &
xrdb $HOME/.Xdefaults &
# ===============to=be=commented=if=fvwmrc=left=unchanged===================== #
xclock -bg grey -fg black -hd black -hl black -padding 0 -update 1 \
-geometry 150x150+1116+395 &
xload -bg grey -geometry +1116+559 &
# ===============================performances================================= #
echo " __________________________________________________________________"
echo " | 1) minimal cpu freq, requires root passwd (else != 1) |"
echo " | 2) start default apm daemon... |"
@ -21,7 +26,7 @@ esac
# ============================================================================= #
# ============================================================================ #
while [ $i -lt 1 ]
@ -29,9 +34,18 @@ do
# =======================huge==linear==goret==part============================= #
# ==========================huge==linear==goret==part========================= #
echo " "
echo -n " " && uname -srp && echo -n " *** CHECKING SYSTEM TERM ***" && echo "\n" && apm && echo "----------------------------------------------------------" && df -h && echo "----------------------------------------------------------" && sysctl | grep sensors.cpu && echo "----------------------------------------------------------" && top | head -14 | tail -8 | awk '{$1=$2=$3=$4=""; print $0}' && echo "\n\t\t\t\t [by serguei.chmod77]" && echo "----------------------------------------------------------" && figlet -f graffiti Kontrol &
echo -n " " && uname -srp && echo -n " *** CHECKING SYSTEM TERM ***" \
&& echo "\n" && apm && \
echo "----------------------------------------------------------" && \
df -h && echo "----------------------------------------------------------" \
&& sysctl | grep sensors.cpu && \
echo "----------------------------------------------------------" && \
top | head -14 | tail -8 | awk '{$1=$2=$3=$4=""; print $0}' && \
echo "\n\t\t\t\t [by serguei.chmod77]" && \
echo "----------------------------------------------------------" && \
figlet -f graffiti Kontrol &
# both of the (n,n') values in "head -14 | tail -8" before awk's treatment are
# relative to the number of your cpu threads. So it's up to you to adjust these

vaultoughXenv.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


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