var h = require('hyperscript') var muxrpc = require('muxrpc') var pull = require('pull-stream') var pushable = require('pull-pushable') var ssbref = require('ssb-ref') var app = require('../app') var manifest = { 'get' : 'async', 'getPublicKey' : 'async', 'whoami' : 'async', 'relatedMessages' : 'async', 'createFeedStream' : 'source', 'createUserStream' : 'source', 'createLogStream' : 'source', 'messagesByType' : 'source', 'links' : 'source' } module.exports = function (opts) { if (!opts) throw "`opts` required in com.webview" var webview = h('webview', { src: opts.url, preload: './webview-preload.js' }) // setup rpc var ssb = muxrpc(null, manifest, serialize)(app.ssb) function serialize (stream) { return stream } var rpcStream = ssb.createStream() var ipcPush = pushable() webview.addEventListener('ipc-message', function (e) { if ( == 'navigate') { if (e.args[0] && ssbref.isLink(e.args[0])) window.location.hash = '#/webview/' + e.args[0] else console.warn('Security Error: page attempted to navigate to disallowed location,', e.args[0]) } if ( == 'muxrpc-ssb') { var msg = e.args[0] try { msg = JSON.parse(msg) } catch (e) { return } ipcPush.push(msg) } }) pull(ipcPush, rpcStream, pull.drain( function (msg) { webview.send('muxrpc-ssb', JSON.stringify(msg)) }, function (err) { if (err) { console.error(err) } } )) // sandboxing // dont let the webview navigate away webview.addEventListener('did-stop-loading', function (e) { if (webview.getUrl().indexOf('http://localhost') !== 0 && webview.getUrl().indexOf('data:') !== 0) { console.warn('Security Error. Webview circumvented navigation sandbox.') webview.src = 'data:text/html,Security Error This page attempted to navigate out of its sandbox through explicit circumvention. Do not trust it!' } }) return webview }