# Patchwork [Build Here](http://vmpg.tetaneutral.net:8000/builds/) ``` 52ceea61a562cc451a699cca0900476ff9ebe0a1 patchwork-linux.tgz d4c1bd09f87323021949566d5225272323c785ae patchwork-mac.tgz b6d85618c84675701478fca32bcb6b6c27273d65 patchwork-win.zip ``` Patchwork is a decentralized sharing app. It was built for friends of the SSB project, to test basic functions. We use it as a test-bed for features, and for our own daily messaging. Because SSB is a research project, --**you'll need to contact an SSB team member (in #scuttlebutt on Freenode) to get onto the network!**-- **Ask on #tetalab That's our informal barrier to entry right now, since we're not prepared for lots of users yet. [![Hermies the Hermit Crab](https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/10190339?v=3&s=200)](https://github.com/ssbc/scuttlebot) Patchwork embeds [Scuttlebot](https://github.com/ssbc/scuttlebot), so if you're running Patchwork, you don't need to run another scuttlebot server. ## Running Patchwork Current install steps are: ``` # ubuntu apt-get install automake libtool # osx brew install automake libtool ``` Also, you'll need to use iojs@2. The easiest way to get this is [nvm](https://github.com/creationix/nvm). ``` nvm install iojs-v2.5.0 ``` Then, install the software: ``` git clone https://github.com/ssbc/patchwork.git cd patchwork npm install npm start ``` And then join a pub server. ## Development & App-building : **Dependencies** ``` # Linux dependencies add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa -y apt-get update apt-get install nsis wine # OSX dependencies brew install makensis wine ``` ``` npm install -d npm run build npm run pack ``` --- Relevant docs: - https://github.com/maxogden/electron-packager - https://github.com/loopline-systems/electron-builder - https://github.com/atom/electron/tree/master/docs