var path = require('path') var multicb = require('multicb') var toPath = require('multiblob/util').toPath var createHash = require('multiblob/util').createHash var pull = require('pull-stream') var toPull = require('stream-to-pull-stream') var querystring = require('querystring') var fs = require('fs') var URL = require('url') module.exports = function (sbot, config) { var fallback_img_path = path.join(__dirname, '../../node_modules/ssb-patchwork-ui/img/default-prof-pic.png') var fallback_video_path = path.join(__dirname, '../../node_modules/ssb-patchwork-ui/img/spinner.webm') var nowaitOpts = { nowait: true }, id = function(){} return { // copy file from blobs into given dir with nice name checkout: function (url, cb) { var parsed = url_parse(url) if (!parsed) return cb({ badUrl: true }) var filename = || parsed.qs.filename || parsed.hash // check if we have the blob, at the same time find an available filename var done = multicb() fs.stat(toPath(config.blobs_dir, parsed.hash), done()) findCheckoutDst(filename, parsed.hash, done()) done(function (err, res) { if (err && err.code == 'ENOENT') return cb({ notFound: true }) // do we need to copy? var dst = res[1][1] var nocopy = res[1][2] if (nocopy) return cb(null, dst) // copy the file var src = toPath(config.blobs_dir, parsed.hash) var read = fs.createReadStream(src) var write = fs.createWriteStream(dst) read.on('error', done) write.on('error', done) write.on('close', done) read.pipe(write) function done (err) { cb && cb(err, dst) cb = null } }) }, server: function (opts) { opts = opts || {} return function (req, res) { // local-host only if (req.socket.remoteAddress != '' && req.socket.remoteAddress != '::ffff:' && req.socket.remoteAddress != '::1') { console.log('Remote access attempted by', req.socket.remoteAddress) res.writeHead(403) return res.end('Remote access forbidden') } // restrict the CSP res.setHeader('Content-Security-Policy', "default-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' data:; "+ "connect-src 'self'; "+ "object-src 'none'; "+ "frame-src 'none'; "+ "sandbox allow-scripts" ) // local files if (req.url.charAt(1) != '&' && req.url.charAt(1) != '@') { if (!opts.serveFiles) { res.writeHead(404) res.end('File not found') return } return fs.createReadStream(req.url) .on('error', function () { res.writeHead(404) res.end('File not found') }) .pipe(res) } // blobs // var parsed = url_parse(req.url) var parsed = URL.parse(req.url, true) if (req.url.charAt(1) == '&') serveblob(parsed.pathname.slice(1), parsed.query.fallback, res) else { sbot.patchwork.getSiteLink(parsed.pathname.slice(1), function (err, link) { if (err) { res.writeHead(404) res.end('File not found') } else { if (link.type) res.setHeader('Content-Type', link.type) serveblob(, null, res) } }) } } } } function serveblob (hash, fallback, res) { sbot.blobs.has(hash, function(err, has) { if (!has) { sbot.blobs.want(hash, nowaitOpts, id) if (fallback) { var p = (fallback == 'video') ? fallback_video_path : fallback_img_path return fs.createReadStream(p) .on('error', function () { res.writeHead(404) res.end('File not found') }) .pipe(res) } res.writeHead(404) res.end('File not found') return } pull( sbot.blobs.get(hash), toPull(res) ) }) } // helper to create a filename in checkout_dir that isnt already in use // - cb(err, filepath, nocopy) - if nocopy==true, no need to do the copy operation function findCheckoutDst (filename, hash, cb) { var n = 1 var parsed = path.parse(filename) next() function gen () { var name = if (n !== 1) name += ' ('+n+')' name += parsed.ext n++ return path.join(config.checkout_dir, name) } function next () { var dst = gen() // exists? fs.stat(dst, function (err, stat) { if (!stat) return cb(null, dst, false) // yes, check its hash var hasher = createHash('sha256') pull( toPull.source(fs.createReadStream(dst)), hasher, pull.onEnd(function () { // if the hash matches, we're set if (hasher.digest == hash) return cb(null, dst, true) // try next next() }) ) }) } } } // blob url parser // var re = /^pwblob:&([a-z0-9\+\/=]+\.(?:sha256|blake2s))\??(.*)$/i // var url_parse = // module.exports.url_parse = function (str) { // var parts = re.exec(str) // if (parts) // return { hash: parts[1], qs: querystring.parse(parts[2]) } // } var re = /^(?:http:\/\/localhost:7777)?\/&([a-z0-9\+\/=]+\.(?:sha256|blake2s))\??(.*)$/i var url_parse = module.exports.url_parse = function (str) { var parts = re.exec(str) if (parts) return { path: parts[1], qs: querystring.parse(parts[2]) } }