var h = require('hyperscript') var o = require('observable') var app = require('../app') var com = require('./index') module.exports = function () { // markup var notes = [] for (var k in app.actionItems) { var item = app.actionItems[k] if (item.type == 'name-conflict') { notes.push(h('.note.warning', h('h3', 'Heads up!'), h('p', 'You are following more than one user named "''." You need to rename one of them to avoid confusion.'), h('ul.list-inline', (id) { return h('li', com.userImg(id), ' ', com.user(id)) })) )) } } return (notes.length) ? h('.notifications', notes) : null } module.exports.side = function () { return o.transform(app.observ.hasSyncIssue, function (b) { if (!b) return '' return h('.well', { style: 'margin-top: 5px' }, h('a.text-muted', { href: '#/sync' }, com.icon('warning-sign'), ' You\'re not connected to the public mesh.')) }) }