'ust strict' var h = require('hyperscript') var schemas = require('ssb-msg-schemas') var app = require('../app') var ui = require('../ui') var modals = require('../ui/modals') var com = require('../com') module.exports = function () { var name = app.users.names[app.user.id] || '' var profilePic = null var is_new = !name // markup var nameInput = h('input.form-control', { type: 'text', name: 'name', placeholder: 'Nickname', value: name, onkeyup: checkInput }) var imageUploader = com.imageUploader({ onupload: onImageUpload, existing: com.profilePicUrl(app.user.id) }) var issue = h('.text-danger.hide') var postBtn = h('button.btn.btn-primary', { onclick: post, disabled: is_new }, 'Save') ui.setPage('setup', h('.layout-setup', h('.layout-setup-left', h('h2', (is_new) ? 'New account' : 'Edit Your Profile'), h('.panel.panel-default', { style: 'border: 0' }, h('.panel-body', h('.form-group', h('label.control-label', 'Your nickname'), nameInput ) ) ), h('.panel.panel-default', { style: 'border: 0' }, h('.panel-body', h('label.control-label', 'Your profile pic'), imageUploader ) ) ), h('.layout-setup-right', h('.layout-setup-right-inner', (is_new) ? [ h('p', 'Welcome to ', h('strong', 'Secure Scuttlebutt!')), h('p', 'Fill out your profile and then click ', h('strong', 'Save'), ' to get started.') ] : h('p', 'Update your profile and then click ', h('strong', 'Save'), ' to publish the changes.'), h('.panel.panel-default', { style: 'border: 0; display: inline-block' }, h('.panel-body', issue, postBtn)), (!is_new) ? h('div', { style: 'padding: 0 22px' }, h('a.text-muted', { href: '#', onclick: oncancel }, 'Cancel')) : '' )) )) // handlers var badNameCharsRegex = /[^A-z0-9\._-]/ function checkInput (e) { if (!nameInput.value) { postBtn.setAttribute('disabled', true) postBtn.classList.remove('hide') issue.classList.add('hide') } else if (badNameCharsRegex.test(nameInput.value)) { issue.innerHTML = 'We\'re sorry, your name can only include A-z 0-9 . _ - and cannot have spaces.' postBtn.setAttribute('disabled', true) postBtn.classList.add('hide') issue.classList.remove('hide') } else if (nameInput.value.slice(-1) == '.') { issue.innerHTML = 'We\'re sorry, your name cannot end with a period.' postBtn.setAttribute('disabled', true) postBtn.classList.add('hide') issue.classList.remove('hide') } else { postBtn.removeAttribute('disabled') postBtn.classList.remove('hide') issue.classList.add('hide') } } function post (e) { e.preventDefault() if (!nameInput.value) return // close out image uploader if the user didnt imageUploader.forceDone(function () { // publish ui.pleaseWait(true, 500) app.ssb.publish(schemas.about(app.user.id, nameInput.value, profilePic), function (err) { ui.pleaseWait(false) if (err) modals.error('Error While Publishing', err, 'This error occurred while trying to post a new profile in setup.') else window.location = '#/' }) }) } function oncancel (e) { e.preventDefault() window.location = '#/profile/'+app.user.id } function onImageUpload (hasher) { profilePic = { link: '&'+hasher.digest, size: hasher.size, type: 'image/png', width: 275, height: 275 } } }